Today on WNHH

Wednesday, February 5, 2025
9:00am – 11:00am
Host: Babz Rawls-Ivy

12:00pm – 1:00pm
Host: WNHH

Kevin Watsey from the Regional Water Authority talks about RWA service and community activities

1:00pm – 2:00pm
Host: Pete Mezzetti

2:00pm – 3:00pm
Host: Jazz Haven with Stan the Man

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Latino news, views, and music.

4:00pm – 5:00pm
Host: Cliff Furnald

5:00pm – 7:00pm
Host: Babz Rawls-Ivy

7:00pm – 8:00pm
Host: Shafiq Abdussabur

8:00pm – 9:00pm
Host: Paul Bass, Editor of the New Haven Independent

The New Haven Independent’s editor talks government, politics and current events with local newsmakers.

9:00pm – 10:00pm
Host: Jazz Haven with Stan the Man

10:00pm – 11:00pm
Host: Cliff Furnald

11:00pm – 12:00am
Host: Pete Mezzetti

Listen Online:

Click NHI to open the WNHH live player, or listen live on tunein radio.

Extra Extra

Dance Dance Resolution

In Millette Nunez’s Hillhouse dance and acro class.  Maya McFadden reports. 

Unsung Heroes’ Praises Sung

Catholic Worker, DESK win this year’s Wessel Prize.  Staff reports. 

Forgot About Facebook?

Film Archive screens The Social Network” amid current-day technocratic-political fest.  Karen Ponzio reports. 

Legal Notice

Finance Committee meeting agenda 2/10. Read more. 

Cultural Affairs Chief
Headed For Atlanta

Staff reports.

(S)nowhere To Park At School

As heavy snowfall and late contractor lead to uncleared parking lots, even with 2‑hour delay.  Maya McFadden reports. 

NeVER mINd All ThOsE 
nuMB3rs# & letTers & AMPERSANDs

Dominic Rapini wants to make passwords obsolete.  Paul Bass reports. 

Landlord, Tenant
Reach Last-Minute Deal

To avoid eviction trial.  Thomas Breen reports. 

No-End Zone

Local defense, and offense, against the Trump flood: latest compost heap vlog opinionated news summary.  Paul Bass reports. 

Snowball Flies

At Fair Haven School, for 16th annual event celebrating physical fitness and college readiness.  Maya McFadden reports. 

Today’s Legal Notice

Construction bids sought from small contractors and women and minority-owned businesses.  Read more. 

What Happens When
Democracy Goes Dark?

Fred Noland on a timely new documentary.

Homefront Organizing

CT Tenants Union Prez Hannah Srajer talks growing renter power, on The Dig with Daniel Denvir.

Leapin’ Lizards!

Year of the Snake begins with festive Whitney Avenue parade.  Chris Volpe reports. 

Safety In Bubbles

Grandmother/Bathtub makes a splash at Yale Cabaret.  Adam Wassilchalk reports. 

Musical Healing Home

Needs an intervention.  Staff reports. 

The Long Bow Home

Long Covid sets a virtuoso cellist on a new rebel” path.  Paul Bass reports. 

Legal Notice

Legislation Committee meeting 2/11. Read more. 

Legal Notice

City Services and Environmental Policy meeting 2/6. Read more. 

Paper Target Decried

Edgewood neighbor brings concern to WEB community meeting.  Laura Glesby reports. 

Which Way To Immersion Town?

Maps leap from fantasy novel pages to gallery walls. Nora Grace-Flood reports.

Rage Against The
Political Machine

3 hardcore and punk bands at Cafe Nine provide a release amidst a crazy week.  Brian Slattery reports. 

Building A Better Way

At CT State Gateway, with newly opened center for equity and social justice. The Arts Paper’s Lucy Gellman reports.

Legal Notice

Youth Services Committee meeting 2/5. Read more. 

DeLauro Readies
For Long Funding Fight

& emerges as one of the leaders of House Dem opposition to Trump’s rescinded, for now, $ freeze.  Jonathan D. Salant reports. 

Fired Cox Cop Returns To NHPD

A year after state arbitrators overturned his termination.  Thomas Breen reports. 

Schools CFO To Retire

After nearly 54 years of working for NHPS Maya McFadden reports. 

Date Night Goes Dark

As Review Crew’s Nora Grace-Flood disappears into a 40,000-square-foot interactive art installation known as Otherworld.”

Today’s Legal Notice

Union Station parking garage request for bids.  Read more. 

LEAP Year Turns 30

And gets ready for another round of youth-nonprofit fundraiser dinners.  Melissa Liriano reports. 

“Blood On The Tracks” Turns 50

Folkies, Americana acts gather for a tribute concert. Review Crew’s Matt Carney reports.

Shubert Hears “The Cry Within”

In monologue series-concert-testimony written by New Havener Andrea Daniels-Singleton. The Arts Paper’s Lucy Gellman reports.

Supt. Can Spend $50K

Without needing school board approval, thanks to school board vote.  Maya McFadden reports. 

Shaunda Holloway
Sings The Canvas Electric

Mines music, poetry, visual art at opening of Abstract Rebel” exhibition at Mitchell Library.  Staff reports. 

Bench Black Bean Bowl, Revealed

Liz Grace reports.

Hello, Goodbye

Words are beside the point at an international LOVE portal. Review Crew’s Nora Grace-Flood reports.

Light Tripped

Review Crew’s Ryan Patrick Hooper charms his way into the VIP seats to tune into Tycho’s latest tour.

Ed Askew, 84

A painter and psychedelic folkie,” Ed was a fixture of New Haven’s arts scene from the 60s through the 80s.  Mickey Mercier reports. 

A Cold, Cold Feeling

And warm hearts: latest News From The Compost Heap.  Paul Bass reports. 

Happy Birthday,
Old Milk Mooney

Karen Ponzio reports.

Student To State: Let Teens Ride Free

Thomas Breen photos

Huq, looking out for the 234 on Church.

Dottie Green (right): "You should be able to go to any town anywhere on the bus."

Adrian Huq took a quick break between classes Tuesday to join a Transit Equity Day event on the Green — where they called for free bus rides for people 18 and under, before rushing to catch the 234 on Church Street to head back to school.

Continue reading ‘Student To State: Let Teens Ride Free’

The State Of The City Is ... Onward!

Laura Glesby Photo

Mayor Justin Elicker: "In these difficult times, I’m so grateful and proud to live in this city we all call home."

Two weeks into an onslaught of federal policy upheavals and funding threats, New Haven is still tackling problems that long precede Donald J. Trump. 

That dual focus emerged from Mayor Justin Elicker’s annual State of the City address in the Board of Alders Chamber on Monday night.

Continue reading ‘The State Of The City Is … Onward!’