Kimberly Wipfler |
Mar 3, 2022 4:47 pm
Kimberly Wipfler Photo
Retired Judge Angela Robinson Thursday at Mauro-Sheridan.
Retired state judge Angela Robinson visited students at Mauro-Sheridan Thursday for the 24th consecutive year — partly in honor of a late educator who first brought her to the school, partly in honor of another woman poised to make history on the bench.
Thomas Breen |
Feb 23, 2022 1:52 pm
ConnCORP image
Rendering of redeveloped Dixwell Plaza, with outdoor public space.
Imagine jazz festivals at a new 350-seat theater on Dixwell Avenue. And a mural celebrating the neighborhood’s rich history of Black art. And a landscaped public plaza replete with sculptures and furniture and dance, poetry, and hip hop.
A local redevelopment team heard those hopes, dreams, and visions during a community meeting focused on the cultural potential of a transformed Dixwell Plaza.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 22, 2022 6:31 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Local leaders at Tuesday's celebration.
The late New Haven born civil rights leader and federal judge Constance Baker Motley will get her due, if U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro succeeds in a mission in Washington.
Brian Slattery |
Feb 21, 2022 9:52 am
Brian Slattery Photo
The crowd Sunday at Bloom Black History event.
Book lovers descended Sunday on Bloom to sample not only the assortment of flowers and soaps, but the works of James Baldwin, Octavia Butler, Colson Whitehead, and Jesmyn Ward — brought into the Edgewood Avenue lifestyle store and gathering place courtesy of Bamn Books, a New Haven-based mobile bookstore that focuses on the literature of the African diaspora.
As Scot X Esdaile prepares to fly to L.A. to receive a lifetime achievement award on national TV, he hasn’t forgotten what it’s like to be the young turk crashing the gates inn New Haven.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Jan 12, 2022 2:40 pm
Samod Rankins and Gary Tinney: New Haven firefighters sounding the diversity alarm in Hamden FD.
Two “Firebirds” who pressed the fight for racial justice in New Haven’s fire department have set their sights across municipal lines — in hopes of using their lived experience to help Hamden’s department reflect the increasingly diverse town it serves.
Dixwell Plaza’s redevelopers won their final needed city approval to undertake an estimated $185 million overhaul of the fraying mid-century shopping strip — and turn it into a bustling mix of apartments, stores, and cultural venues in the heart of New Haven’s historic Black neighborhood.
Maya McFadden |
Dec 14, 2021 9:34 am
Maya McFadden Photos
This year's NCNW honorees.
The New Haven section of the National Council of Negro Women Inc. (NCNW) celebrated 45 years of “triumphing together” this past Saturday with the community.
The newly rebuilt Q House, ready to reopen Saturday after 18 years.
Maya McFadden Photo
Jeanette Morrison and Henry Fernandez, leading a tour inside.
Seniors in the morning. Kids in the afternoon. Other adults at night.
That’s one way of looking at the planned rhythm of the newly rebuilt Dixwell Community “Q” House, which opens Saturday with a festive ribbon-cutting celebration of a decade of community working.
Brian Slattery |
Oct 20, 2021 10:23 am
Brian Slattery Photos
At Artspace on Monday, as part of the Open Source Festival, artist Allison Minto was on hand to continue her deep dive into New Haven’s Black community, helping people preserve their own familial past while marking a moment of time in the present.
Lisa Reisman |
Oct 11, 2021 8:27 am
Lisa Reisman Photo
Discovering Amistad leader Paula Mann-Agnew at return event. In background, CT Freedom Trail Chair Charles Warner, Jr.
Paula Mann-Agnew looked across the waters of New Haven Harbor at the 78-foot Baltimore Clipper replica of the Spanish schooner, La Amistad, docked, in all its majesty, at Long Wharf Pier.
“Sankofa,” Mann-Agnew, executive director of Discovering Amistad, told a gathering Saturday of 50 people in the cool autumn air. “It’s a West African concept that focuses on the fact that in order for us to move forward in a positive way, we need to look back on our history.
Estate of Winfred Rembert / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Looking for My Mother, 2019; reprinted in new book about the art and life of Newhallville’s Winfred Rembert.
The railroad tracks stretched ahead for miles and miles. Winfred Rembert walked them all day and half the night, searching.
It would take a full 60 years for him to reach his destination, to find what he was truly looking for. He found it right before he died. And laid it out for the rest of us to see.
Maya McFadden |
Sep 20, 2021 8:20 am
Maya McFadden Photos
Elijah Davis Jr. leads final service as pastor: God needs fishers of men.
New sign revealed.
En route to leading his last service as pastor of Pitts Chapel Unified Free Will Church, Elijah Davis Jr. accidentally left his bible in the limo. So he ditched his planned sermon and preached a word about fishermen and loyalty.
Ainissa Ramirez |
Aug 30, 2021 3:09 pm
Kwadwo Adae at work on the Bouchet mural.
As you drive through New Haven on Henry Street, you will notice something at the intersection of Dixwell: Across from a derelict lot is a magnificent mural in progress on a wall that was once pink.
The image consists of cascaded portraits of a Black man rendered in gradients of color. The man is Edward Bouchet, a New Havener who was the first Black man to get a doctorate in the United States. Bouchet got his Ph.D. in physics from Yale in 1876. Yet, most children in the Elm City don’t know about him.
Muralist Kwadwo Adae hopes to change that one brushstroke at a time.
Thomas Breen |
Jul 22, 2021 4:57 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Elks leader Gary Hogan: Looking to buy and build atop city-owned lot.
Google Maps photo
71-75 County St.
The Elks Club is one step closer to finding — and eventually building — a new Dixwell home, as city planners OK’d the historic African American institution’s bid to purchase two vacant city-owned lots on County Street.
Sophie Sonnenfeld |
Jun 20, 2021 1:24 pm
Sophie Sonnenfeld Photos
Sondi Jackson, Marlene Graham at Elm City Freddy Fixer clean-up.
Some members of Saturday’s clean-up crew.
Without the usual fanfare of drums, drill teams, banners, and horses, a 30-strong Elm City Freddy Fixer contingent marched down Dixwell — armed with trash bags, shovels, and rakes to beautify the Avenue during a year in which the pandemic quashed the usual parade celebration.
“We can’t have a parade this year, but we can still have impact!” exclaimed one participant.