City Budget

No Tax Hike In Mayor’s New Budget

by | Mar 1, 2011 2:51 pm | Comments (33)

Paul Bass Photo

AFSCME negotiator Kevin Murphy and custodians union President Robert Montuori (foreground) at the mayor’s budget announcement.

(Updated) Parking-meter monetization is dead. Cops are spared more layoffs — for now. The mill rate stays the same. But New Haveners get less from government, and some more tough long-term fights loom, as a result of Mayor John DeStefano’s newly proposed $475 million city budget.

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2 Schools, 2 Budgets

by | Jan 25, 2011 4:00 pm | Comments (43)

Barnard Principal Mike Crocco and Assistant Principal Yolanda Jones-Generette.

Barnard school has one assistant principal with a salary over $100,000; King/Robinson has two. Those numbers emerged in a new budgeting system that for the first time illuminates how the school district spreads $321 million among its 47 schools.

Continue reading ‘2 Schools, 2 Budgets’