Cuban Spirit Washes Ashore At Davis
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| Jun 10, 2016 7:15 am |
Daniela Brighenti Photo
Mullins’ class dances to “La Niegra Tiene Tumbao.”
President Obama isn’t the only one opening doors to Cuba.
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| Jun 10, 2016 7:15 am |Daniela Brighenti Photo
Mullins’ class dances to “La Niegra Tiene Tumbao.”
President Obama isn’t the only one opening doors to Cuba.
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| Jan 15, 2014 9:33 am |Melissa Bailey Photo
Nathan, who has led Davis Street School for 20 years.
A star principal plans to end her 46-year career — leaving the Board of Ed another important vacancy to fill.
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| May 2, 2012 12:06 pm |Melissa Bailey Photo
Aspiring principal Jenny Clarino.
Team leader Marcus Walton.
The problem: middle-schoolers are hanging out in the halls, coming late to class. The solution: “empowering from the sidelines.”
Continue reading ‘Future Principal Tackles Hallway Hangouts’
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| Sep 9, 2011 8:43 am |Allan Appel Photo
Emily Adji & Mayor DeStefano.
After bringing her audience to tears, 7th-grade violin virtuoso Emily Adji needed a hug and some light-hearted words whispered in her ear. Fortunately for her, New Haven’s mayor was standing beside her — and delivered the goods.
Allan Appel Photo
Sixth-graders Rachel Young and Mary Linton want to go to Yale one day. With a boost from a new “Pathway To Promise” campaign, they and students across New Haven spent part of the school day strategizing with their teachers about how to get there, as a seven-letter word became an official focus of the city school curriculum.
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| Sep 30, 2010 8:16 am |As a teen, Sharece Sellem was a fan of R&B singer Faith Evans. This fall, she became her co-star.
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| Jun 21, 2010 6:09 am |Allan Appel Photo
These girls not only love to read; they love the smell of new books and the crispness of the pages. They’ll have 17 more volumes to devour as they read their way to becoming a dentist, an architect, and a Supreme Court justice no less.
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| Jun 2, 2010 7:33 am |Jeremy Lent Photo
Every student at Davis Street 21st Century Magnet School was handed an application for a New Haven library card, but fourth grader Vernon Sprill didn’t need one. He’s had a library card for over a year now, and he’s checked out nearly 30 books since January.
Melissa Bailey Photo
Staying open all summer. College prep for 3‑year-olds. Sound ambitious? Those are two of the first ideas on tap as New Haven starts reinventing its schools.
Continue reading ‘There’ll Be More School & Early College Dreams’
Paul Bass Photo
Tamara Raiford and her colleagues vowed to have 90 percent of their first-graders reading at grade level by the middle of the school year. It didn’t happen. Now they have a new plan.
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| Apr 2, 2010 7:45 am |New Haveners were fighting a war a world away — as four hometown newspapers reported in front-page headlines.
Paul Bass Photo
Rushing back from City Hall, about to rush back to a press conference, Lola Nathan gathered together her teachers in a third-grade classroom. She had news for them. And a question.
Continue reading ‘To Principal, “Tier 1” Means “New Challenge”’
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| Feb 19, 2010 12:06 pm |Paul Bass Photo
Fallon Daniels had this week off. So she went to work.
She didn’t get paid. But she did what usually does on weekdays — teach kids science.
One city public school did it. Forty-three to go.
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| Nov 30, 2009 1:02 pm |Maritza Bond had to shuffle her schedule and crisscross the state to make it to Mekhai and Markel’s school in the middle of a work day. In her view, it made a difference.
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| Nov 16, 2009 11:31 am |Attention to Darfur may be in steep decline in recent years as America looks inward to face its own problems. But caring about that far-away genocide in the western province of Sudan is on the rise at Davis 21st Century Magnet School.
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| Oct 28, 2009 1:00 pm |The front-liners gathered with top staff in the West Wing. They reviewed the data. They floated scenarios. They weighed options. Then they set a short and a long-term strategy.
Hurrying down the hallway of Davis Street 21st Century Magnet School, Sharece Sellem ran into a roadblock named Kaison Mims.
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| Sep 28, 2009 12:17 pm |One girl talked about the gunshots she hears every night. The next girl talked about the way she sneezes — and Gail DeBlasio’s class was on its way to better test scores.
Kenny Woodson knew he needed to get coat hooks up for the second-graders. Lola Nathan said so.
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| Jun 8, 2009 7:39 am |Old-school hip-hop artist Kangol Kid came to town not to headline a concert, but to pop in on some elementary school kids.
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| Jun 1, 2009 11:58 am |A school community on the move bid farewell Sunday to a 91 year-old brick home — and looked ahead to a future of new memories.
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| May 25, 2009 7:55 am |Vaughn Weston and Ciarra Collins sang “God Bless America” with families from 33 different nations — then demonstrated how one school is learning about all of them.