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Antillean Manor Tax Break Advances

by | Feb 24, 2021 11:35 am | Comments (16)

Christopher Peak pre-pandemic photo

Carabetta’s Muniz: Tax break makes project “pencil out financially.”


Roth: Builder should pay more.

A proposed tax break for a failed Dwight housing co-op on the brink of demolition and reconstruction moved ahead — after debate about how it fits into efforts to promote affordable housing and avoid a local tax hike.

Besides tax forgiveness, the overall project includes a $1.5 million development fee” for the co-op’s buyer and $400,000 in federal anti-poverty block grants along with a building contract for a construction affiliate.

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Open-Housing Debate: Define Racism

by | Feb 23, 2021 5:06 pm | Comments (59)

Webex photos

Zoning commissioner Paul Schatz and Yale Law student Hannah Abelow at Monday night’s hearing: Is Woodbridge racist?

Thomas Breen photo

Can a town’s laws be racist even if they do not explicitly state: No Blacks Allowed”?

That question emerged at the latest public hearing over whether to change zoning, and boost affordable housing, in New Haven’s leafy neighbor to the west.

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An Eyesore Becomes Hope For Renewal

by | Feb 17, 2021 6:11 pm | Comments (6)

Neighbor Nine Johnson: In support of “anything to help us prosper.”

Thomas Breen photos

558 Winchester Ave.: Now approved for city ownership.

City plans to convert vacant Newhallville properties into affordable owner-occupied homes took another stride forward, as alders signed off on the public purchase of a long-blighted three-family house at the corner of Winchester Avenue and Starr Street.

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Sale OK’d For Dixwell Plaza Redev Deal

by | Feb 17, 2021 4:31 pm | Comments (6)

Thomas Breen pre-pandemic photo

New day coming: ConnCAT’s Clemons pitches project at public meeting.

Dixwell Plaza’s planned redevelopment took a key step forward as alders voted to sell two parcels in the decaying mid-century shopping strip to a local team that plans to build apartments, stores, and cultural venues in the heart of New Haven’s historic Black neighborhood.

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Pandemic Wipes Out Landlord’s Living

by | Feb 5, 2021 4:12 pm | Comments (54)

Thomas Breen photo

Local landlord Galina Zalman: “We only use food banks.”

After taxes, utilities, repairs, and tens of thousands of dollars lost through unpaid rent amid the Covid-19 pandemic, landlord Galina Zalman said she made a total of $2,552 in 2020 — sending her to a food pantry as she struggles to keep three local rental properties afloat.

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$18M Church St. South Settlement OK’d

by | Feb 5, 2021 2:56 pm | Comments (8)

Paul Bass pre-pandemic photo

Lead plaintiff Personna Noble, at right, at 2016 lawsuit launch.


Friday’s court hearing; Rosen (center), Judge Lager (top right).

A state judge Friday granted final approval for an $18.75 million class-action settlement that will provide up to $20,000 each to hundreds of tenants displaced from the mold-infested former Church Street South apartment complex across from Union Station.

Her decision marks the end of a four-and-a-half-year legal battle spearheaded by a local civil rights attorney and tenants of the now-demolished former apartment complex, who through years of advocacy succeeded in making their former landlord pay for subjecting them to dangerous living conditions.

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