Time’s running out on New Haven’s proposal to cushion East Rock homeowners from tax sticker shock, as hometown legislators hold out for key changes and the mayor accuses them of “myopia.”
Melissa Bailey
Mar 13, 2012 11:00 am
Melissa Bailey Photo
The mayor’s tax plan would cost the Taft an extra 20 grand.
Paul Bass Photo
Megna: “Very odd” request.
The mayor’s request to state lawmakers to save East Rock homeowners from “sticker shock” arrived so late that it missed deadlines at the state Capitol — and he still needs to get New Haven’s own legislators on board to make the special effort needed to pass it.
Caitlin Emma
Mar 8, 2012 9:35 am
Caitlin Emma Photo
Mayor John DeStefano heard tales of woe Wednesday night from East Rockers like Karen, who said she and her retired fiance don’t have the money in these hard times to pay a big new tax bill.
“I’m heartsick about it,” said Karen, who declined to give her last name. “I feel like we’re being pushed out of our homes.”
Thomas MacMillan
Feb 27, 2012 9:54 pm
Thomas MacMillan Photo
As some East Rockers look at tax bills leaping as much as $10,000, Mayor John DeStefano is pitching a “Homeowners Fairness Initiative” that would soften the blow for the hardest hit — assuming the state legislature cooperates.
Melissa Bailey
Feb 27, 2012 8:05 am
As a deadline passed, over a thousand New Haveners came forward to protest the new values the city assigned to their homes, businesses, personal property and cars.
Dicks and Vision Appraisal’s Gary Fields at latest Reval Road Show.
Look for another version of the notice about your new tax assessment — now that City Hall has discovered that last week’s notices gave homeowners like Renata Dicks the mistaken idea their taxes will go down.
The reval fact-checking gets started Thursday night.
Earl Geyer, Jr.‘s modest Valley Street house was built at 720 square feet. It was 720 square feet when he bought it in 1983. It is 720 square feet today. So he thought. But according to the revaluation notice the city just sent Geyer, his house has suddenly grown to 768 taxable square feet.
As Mayor John DeStefano prepares to give his first public address on a confusing property revaluation, taxpayers wondering whether to expect ballooning tax bills can get some clues — if they know which numbers to avoid.
Melissa Bailey
Dec 1, 2011 11:20 pm
City of New Haven
To grasp the impact of the notices being mailed Friday to New Haven homeowners, just stand on the corner of Hillside Place and Prospect Street. To the east, single-family homes on Prospect Hill rose 56 percent in value. To the west, those in Newhallville sank 15 percent.