In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
The Board of Assessment Appeals will be meeting to hear motor vehicle appeals for the 2021 Grand List. All appeals will be heard on a first come, first served basis. Hearings will be conducted followed by deliberations.
The Electors of the 9thth Ward in City of New Haven are hereby warned to meet at their respective polling places in said town on Thursday, October 14, 2022, for the purpose of casting their votes for Alder person to Fill Vacancy for the 9th Ward.
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
Said ordinance is on file in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 204, Kennedy Mitchell Hall of Records, 200 Orange St., where it may be inspected or copies applied for and reference thereto is hereby made a part of this notice.
The aforementioned ordinance was enacted by the Board of Alders on August 1st, 2022 by a vote of 21 yeas and 0 nays. And approved by the Mayor on August 17th, 2022.
Said ordinance will become operative and in effect on August 19th, 2022.
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
Said ordinance is on file in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 204, Kennedy Mitchell Hall of Records, 200 Orange St., where it may be inspected or copies applied for and reference thereto is hereby made a part of this notice.
The aforementioned ordinance was enacted by the Board of Alders on August 1st, 2022 by a vote of 19 yeas and 0 nays. And approved by the Mayor on August 17th, 2022.
Said ordinance will become operative and in effect on August 19th, 2022.
The City Clerk’s office will be open all week long until 6pm leading up to the Primary and from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, August 6th for those electors needing to cast an absentee ballot for Tuesday’s Democratic and Republican primaries.
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
The Electors of the 28th Ward in City of New Haven are hereby warned to meet at their respective polling places in said town on Thursday, July 21, 2022, for the purpose of casting their votes for Alder person to Fill Vacancy for the 28th Ward.
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinances:
Said ordinances are on file in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 204, Kennedy Mitchell Hall of Records, 200 Orange St., where they may be inspected or copies applied for and reference thereto is hereby made a part of this notice.
The aforementioned ordinances were enacted by the Board of Alders on May 3, 2022 by a vote of 23 yeas and 0 nays. And approved by the Mayor on June 8, 2022.
Said ordinances will become operative and in effect on June 10, 2022.
In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
A certified list(s) of party-selected candidates for the REPUBLICAN Party in the Town of New Haven for participation as DELEGATES to the conventions of said Party specified below is on file in my office at the City Clerk’s Office, 2nd floor, 200 Orange Street, New Haven, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution: