Christopher Peak |
Jun 15, 2017 12:08 pm
Christopher Peak Photo
Land Trust intern Shelby Mauchline; and neighbors Chris and Olivia Peralta bring soil to fill planters Wednesday at the new garden.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplant will soon spring from planters at a garden outside the Goffe Street Armory, a sign of new life at a largely abandoned neighborhood anchor.
Lucy Gellman |
Jun 9, 2017 12:28 pm
Lucy Gellman Photo
Jeanette Morales at Adult Basic Ed graduation.
Jeanette Morales never thought she’d get to have a high school graduation. Until a late lesson on Galileo Galilei encouraged her to keep going, and become an educator herself.
Thursday night Morales was one of 99 students to receive her high school diploma through the New Haven Adult and Continuing Education Center, which celebrated its graduates in a degree ceremony at Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU).
Silvestri, Wolcheski and Caplan near where the little library could be mounted.
Get one, give one.
A budding center of the Whalley Avenue-Edgewood-Beaver Hills community will have one more reason for neighbors, particularly the tiniest ones, to stop by — a Little Free Library
In the post-midnight darkness, five cops walked side by side down Osborn Avenue hunting for a clue, any clue, that could help them find the driver who had killed a motorcyclist and then fled.
Condemned home’s owner, second from left, with neighborhood top cop cop Sgt. John Wolcheski, second from right, and LCI’s Rick Mazzadra (masked) during the clean-up.
The cats and cat corpses are gone. Neighbors rarely smell the stench anymore. Now the question is: What happens to the house? And the kind man who lived there?
Thomas Breen |
Dec 19, 2016 1:31 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Wolcheski with NHPD photo gallery at District 10 substation.
Standing alongside a dozen framed black-and-white photographs from the New Haven police department’s past and present, Sgt. John Wolcheski paused with a smile as he recalled the story behind each picture.
Markeshia Ricks |
Nov 18, 2016 9:00 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Caplan eager to break ground.
Francine Caplan was all too happy to be standing Thursday in a back lot tucked behind Southern Connecticut State University, with a shovel in her hand. The day was more than 20 years in the making.
Complaints about a painting of a pig with a police cap forced the artwork from an outdoor display — but not before sparking a public debate about where art belongs.
Gordon Skinner’s piece has moved from the Goffe Street Armory to Artspace’s Orange Street gallery after the city heard objections from law enforcement.
After watching slumlords and other “investors” gobble up thousands of foreclosed homes in city neighborhoods, Serena Neal-Sanjurjo has come up with a plan.
Markeshia Ricks |
Oct 7, 2016 8:27 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Friends and fellow artists B*Wak Comfort, Jug Visconti, and Leslie and Troy Mozell wanted to give back to the community they’ve lived in all their lives, so they pooled their talents and started a business.
Lucy Gellman |
Oct 6, 2016 12:08 pm
As I followed a dotted line of orange tape into an old bathroom at New Haven’s Goffe Street Armory, Martial Chazallon’s voice flowed from a pair of earbuds into my ears, directing me to sit in a plush armchair and start to relax.
Sit down, he urged, the command softened in the thick webbing of his French accent. Place your hands on your knees. Back straight against your chair. Feet flat on the floor. Are you feeling the solidness of that floor through your shoes, your socks? Listen to your breath. Listen to the building.
Marjorie Bonadies prefers you don’t ask her about Donald Trump. She’d rather talk about how her experience as a nurse prepared her to tackle government.
Markeshia Ricks |
Sep 20, 2016 8:40 am
Markeshia Ricks Photos
44 Diamond, with a new roof.
Neighbor Bess: Finally!
The house at 44 Diamond St. had a huge piece of plywood slapped over a gaping hole in the roof caused by a fire three years ago. And every day neighbors had to look at it.
Markeshia Ricks |
Aug 22, 2016 1:44 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Wingate, center, convened hearing after witnesssing fatal attack.
The deadly mauling of a 53-year-old New Haven woman has changed the way the city’s 911 center prioritizes the calls it receives about dog bites and attacks. It also might put new rules on the city books that would require more responsible dog ownership.
Markeshia Ricks |
Aug 22, 2016 8:33 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Boyd: More work needed.
Weeks before Hillhouse plays its first football game at its the new $16.4 million Bowen Field, Howard Boyd and some Hillhouse parents aren’t celebrating.
Lucy Gellman |
Jun 27, 2016 7:18 am
Lucy Gellman Photo
Cramer and Bromage.
James Cramer knows what it’s like be to a hungry kid in need of a summer meal when school’s closed. He wants fewer kids to have to face that reality. So he went around New Haven Saturday letting families know where their kids can find those meals this summer.
David Yaffe-Bellany & Paul Bass |
Jun 23, 2016 10:18 pm
David Yaffe Photos
Car in which two victims were found, one of whom died.
Cops on the scene at Bowen.
A toxic batch of street drugs laced with fentanyl appears to have hit New Haven, with firefighters and cops rushing to rescue 16 different people who overdosed on drugs — at least two of them fatally — between 3:30 and 9:30 p.m. Thursday.
The football team would have to keep its distance. Construction workers too. Because a rare mama killdeer had settled on the renovated Bowen Field, and wasn’t leaving until her chicks hatched.