Taylor Nicole Richards |
Mar 23, 2015 2:42 pm
Taylor Nicole Richards photo
Ugur Citlak.
The following article was reported through a collaboration between the New Haven Independent and the Multimedia Journalism class at Southern Connecticut State University. The students are profiling small businesses around the New Haven area.
It’s a Thursday night, and Ugur Citlak is behind the counter at More Than Pizza, answering phone call after phone call.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jan 13, 2015 1:38 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
It’s Karaoke Day, owner Greg “Chanz” Simpkins announced in his Headz Up Barber Shop: Everyone should take turns singing — now that someone had made off with the surround-sound system.
Southern Connecticut State University and the New Haven Police Department School Resource Officers will team up to sponsor the Friends of Rudolph Sunday. The event will feature 90 minutes of fun-filled Holiday craft activities for children and their family members. Children also receive a gift from Santa.
Eli Greer wasn’t ready to part with his old Giant Upland two-wheel mountain bike and buy a new one. Sure, someone had stolen it. But he believed he would somehow get it back.
Students work on site at an earlier event at Common Ground high school, creating an educational wetland as part of the urban oases program.
Common Ground High School sent in these photos and the following write-up about the creation of urban wildlife refuges in New Haven, announced at an event Friday morning featuring kids, environmentalists, politicians and the United States Fish & Wildlife Services (USFWS).
Melissa Bailey |
Apr 16, 2014 8:25 am
Melissa Bailey Photos
Hillhouse mom Johnson: Bring the bulldozer!
Track runners and football players will have to wait until August 2015 to return to a renovated Bowen Field, as the city pursues a $4 million plan to haul away polluted debris to Ohio.
Cora Lewis, Thomas MacMillan and Paul Bass |
Dec 19, 2013 12:58 pm
Cora Lewis Photo
Custodian Maribel Fernandez waited outside for her son, a student.
Police are looking to question a 49-year-old man in connection with a phoned threat that led to a lockdown at Hillhouse High School Thursday — the same 49-year-old man suspected of having phoned in a similar threat that led to a lockdown at Yale University last month.
Allan Appel |
Dec 12, 2013 1:35 pm
Allan Appel Photo
160 Carlisle St.
A home-based church in Beaver Hills is ready to expand across town to Trowbridge Square — if it can convince to city to sell it a shuttered youth center for $1 million, then raise big money to renovate the building.
(Updated Monday with full obituary) Louis Stone, a warm and widely respected leader in New Haven’s civic circles, died on Thanksgiving Day after a tragic accident.
Allan Appel |
Nov 25, 2013 4:32 pm
Old timers and new timers came together at a Whalley Avenue church to mark the centennial of a Catholic congregation that has grown smaller but still makes beautiful music together.
Allan Appel
Oct 20, 2013 5:27 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Hodes and Greer at the cemeteries with the new guide.
When Eliezer Greer’s wife lost one of two twins in childbirth, he didn’t want to ask God, “Why? Why this one?”
He decided to take on a project instead. He began to walk the Jewell Street cemeteries. They were in bad shape, the buried poorly documented. Would a tiny child buried here today be able to be found by a loved one or a distant relative on a quest in 50 years? Greer wondered. A hundred?
Rapper Travis Pittman gave up the street life. In his mom’s kitchen, he resumed slinging — a new smoothie packed with organic baby spinach, agave, and powder extracted from “the most powerful plant on land.”
Stanley Welch didn’t join the crowd at Washington’s Lincoln Memorial to celebrate the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.‘s historic “I Have A Dream” speech. Welch had already been there, done that — witnessing King’s speech in person 50 years ago, a life-altering moment that stays with him to this day.
The mother of a Muslim student enrolled in a New Haven school, learning that her daughter was depressed, searched her daughter’s diary. She discovered entries about being taunted as “Bin Laden’s daughter” and a “towel head.”