The Community Action Agency sent in this write-up about a recent planting project:
Community Action Agency of New Haven (CAANH) joined forces with the Whalley Avenue Special Services District (WASSD) to beautify Whalley Avenue from downtown to Blake Street with barrels and planter boxes filled with colorful flowers!
Thomas MacMillan
Jul 10, 2013 1:52 pm
City zoners decided not to allow a daycare to open in Beaver Hills, and cast votes that will mean people will have more places to have a drink around town.
Nick Defiesta
Jun 20, 2013 11:57 am
Nick Defiesta Photo
The City Plan Commission Tuesday night sided with neighbors who don’t want a new day care center in Beaver Hills and don’t want neighbors parking on their lawns in East Rock.
Thomas MacMillan
Jun 12, 2013 12:15 pm
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Three years after neighbors helped kill a plan to open a convenience store on a residential stretch of Blake Street, the owners tried out a different idea: How about a daycare center?
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 24, 2013 7:43 am
One day before neighbors are to meet on the future of Bowen Field, a Hillhouse student shared the results of her relevant research: An astroturf field at the high school’s new gridiron would likely send rubber pellets leaching into Beaver Pond.
Melissa Bailey
Feb 18, 2013 5:36 pm
Melissa Bailey Photo
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Alderwoman Robinson-Thorpe: “It’s unacceptable.”
In order to carry passengers down Goffe Terrace Monday, the Z3 bus had to swerve around a bank of unplowed snow, crossing the yellow lines into oncoming traffic.
The tight spot was one of dozens neighbors flagged as they called in complaints about narrow streets and high snow piles — questioning the city’s assertion that the post-blizzard cleanup is largely done.
Thomas MacMillan
Jan 8, 2013 4:44 pm
The city will issue bonds for $3.6 million to pay for an upgrade to Hillhouse high school’s football field — with a promise to address neighborhood concerns about the environment.
A 21-year-old was shot four times at the Getty Gas Mart in Beaver Hills Monday night, after he ran into the store to escape a man he had been fighting with.
Thomas MacMillan
Dec 28, 2012 12:04 pm
Melissa Bailey Photo
A new turf field might be good for the Hillhouse football team. Its new bleachers might be good for parents and fans. But will it be bad for the hooded mergansers, mallard ducks, and great blue herons who live nearby?
Melissa Bailey
Oct 10, 2012 3:01 pm
When neighbors and city officials invited him to New Haven to hear a “pop-pop-pop” of automatic rifles Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal pronounced the noise “irrefutably intrusive” to the neighborhood — and pledged his support in chasing down $6.5 million in federal money to move the firing range indoors.
Detectives were on their way to the Bronx Sunday afternoon to retrieve an 11-year-old New Haven boy who had run away from home, sparking an extensive citywide search.
Guns drawn, cops ordered a man out of a gold GMCSUV and had him walk backwards to them with his hands in the air. The police thought they might have the carjacker they were looking for — but it was the wrong guy.
Nicolás Medina Mora Pérez
Jun 24, 2012 11:36 pm
On the eve of a monumental U.S. Supreme Court ruling, New Haven State Rep. Pat Dillon was running for reelection — and detailing some of the work she’d like to do if Connecticut needs to pick up the pieces of a fractured health reform law.
Melissa Bailey
Jun 18, 2012 8:16 am
Melissa Bailey Photo
Hillhouse linebacker Terrell Fairweather looks forward to seeing his team play under the lights on a new turf field, after a surprise last-minute $11.6 million snuck through the state legislature to redo Bowen Field.
Running mates Betty Alford & Major Ruth, who presented the case to the SEEC.
Two first-time candidates rounded up students and seniors who said another candidate misled them into filing fraudulent absentee ballots. Now they’ve convinced a state agency to take an independent look.
The city has a springtime promise for drivers and bikers jolted by potholes: Let us know, and we’ll roll out the “Wacker” and patch up the road within two weeks.
Ward 29 recount: New complaints cast doubt on crucial absentees.
When college sophomore Shavalsia Sabb cast her first-ever ballot, she had no idea she would land in the middle of New Haven’s latest voting controversy.