Beaver Hills

They Became Number 1,000

by | Dec 14, 2011 8:45 am | Comments (27)

Paul Bass Photo

Yale Homebuyer Program milestoners Errechin and Bienstock.

Eder Errechin and Robert Bienstock knew they’d found the dream house that would keep them in the city. They didn’t know they’d also crossed a threshold for one of New Haven’s most successful neighborhood-strengthening efforts.

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Post-Video, Cops Release
Report & Criminal History

by | Jul 6, 2011 3:19 pm | Comments (77)

(Update) As critics of police misconduct planed to rally Wednesday night, Police Chief Frank Limon had two reactions to the release of a video that appears to show cops punching and kicking a man at the tail end of a chase and scuffle. He promised an internal affairs investigation. And he released copies of the full incident report and the suspect’s criminal history.

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Report & Criminal History’

Cosby Helps Launch
"Southern Academy"

by | Jun 10, 2011 7:35 am | Comments (3)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Cosby with third-grader Evan Scott Alexander.

Sitting on the floor in Crocs and a baseball cap, Bill Cosby offered a gym full of laughing kids a math lesson on the difference between a skazillion” and a manillion.” His efforts just might help them get an education at Southern Connecticut State University.

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"Southern Academy"’

Here’s My Dead Tree Branch

by | May 19, 2011 7:28 am | Comments (4)

Allan Appel Photo

Kendall Murphy & John Prokop.

Longtime New Haven homeowner Kendall Murphy had a problem with a tree. He saw city parks director Bob Levine.

He also had a problem with the sidewalk in front of his Ella Grasso Boulevard home. So he sat right down for a face-to-face with public works director John Prokop

It was the Mayor’s Night Out, and on a squalling Wednesday evening at Hillhouse High there were far more department directors to chat up than residents.

That meant that Murphy got to bring his gripes directly to as many top city officials as he wanted, right in his backyard.

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She Got Out Just In Time

by | May 9, 2011 3:14 pm | Comments (0)

Paul Bass Photo

Ola Smith fills in investigator Todd Kornacki at the scene of Monday morning’s Ellsworth Avenue fire.

Ola Smith thought she could put out a small fire in her bedroom with a wet blanket. In less than a minute, flames burst out and the heat pushed me back” and out the front door.

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Look What They Found

by | Apr 8, 2011 11:48 am | Comments (17)

Allan Appel Photo

Riverkeepers Peter Davis & David Burgess.

Ninety-one gross diapers,” Riverkeeper Peter Davis announced. Add to that four rugs, 27 tires, umpteen bags of household garbage, several mattresses, and a nice beige corner chair that someone had rolled down the hill to the margin of Beaver Creek.

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