Thomas Breen |
Oct 31, 2018 12:56 pm
Thomas Breen photo
722 Orchard St.
A faith-based nonprofit developer sold a rehabbed Orchard Street home to a low-income buyer, marking its fifth gut rehab and affordable housing conversion completed on a single block between Charles Street and Henry Street.
The following was submitted by LCI Neighborhood Specialist Jillian Driscoll
Every fall, incoming freshman are expected to participate in a Day of Service at Southern Connecticut State University and this year about 200 fanned out over the city to make an impact.
DeGale Field, better known in the city as Goffe Street Park, is headed for a makeover thanks to about $217,597 in grant money that is expected to come from the state.
Francine Caplan wasn’t sure she’d live to see the day where she didn’t hear a hail of gunfire just blocks away from her home. She and her neighbors had been pushing for what seemed like forever — actually more than two decades — for the city to move the outdoor police firing range in Beaver Hills.
Carly Wanna |
Jun 18, 2018 7:56 am
Carly Wanna Photo
Jill Marks and Mary Brown at the banner event.
Mary Brown has lived across the street from Goffe Street Park for 60 years. She has watched the plot of land, currently including a baseball field, basketball court and playground, morph into “not being kept up like when I was a kid.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jun 14, 2018 6:51 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Pols and school officials kickoff the construction of the future Barack H. Obama
University Magnet School.
Kindergartener Luis Castillo addresses the crowd while Principal Susan DeNicola holds the mic.
With a shout of “Yes we can!” and the toss of some dirt, politicians and city officials launched the building of what will be the Barack H. Obama Magnet University School on the Southern Connecticut State University campus.
Markeshia Ricks |
Mar 8, 2018 1:47 pm
Rendering of future Strong — er, Obama? — School.
When the Strong 21st Century Communications Magnet School opens its new home on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University, it might have a new name — that of the 44th president on the United States.
Lucy Gellman |
Dec 21, 2017 8:50 am
Lucy Gellman Photo
Team Zinn-Hausladen presents plan to neighbors.
For years, residents of Beaver Hills have been complaining about speeds at Crescent and Munson Streets. Now officials have put together a plan for a traffic-calming roundabout — if the city can find the money to pay for it.
MIcaela Valentin |
Dec 18, 2017 1:24 pm
Sochi Estrada, Leticia Estrada, Itzel Estrada.
Hillhouse High’s Floyd Little Athletic Center turned into a “Winter Wonderland” Sunday, hosting a city-organized holiday-season celebration complete with bounce houses for the kids, a dj to keep the crowd upbeat and in good spirits, and entertainment that ranged from singing, rapping, and dancing.
MIcaela Valentin |
Dec 11, 2017 2:57 pm
Micaela Valentin Photos
Ice the Beef performs at Sunday’s tree-lighting.
The Beaver Hills community had some early Christmas cheer to spread Sunday as the Friends of Goffe Street Park celebrated its first tree lighting on DeGale Field. Members of the community came together to sing, dance, and be merry.
Lucy Gellman |
Oct 18, 2017 12:29 pm
Lucy Gellman Photo
Horton and Tuozzoli Tuesday night.
Whalley, Edgewood and Beaver Hills neighbors have a new top cop, who promised to address neighborhood crime with increased cross-district communication and policing.
WEB Chair Nadine Horton questions District Manager Steve Torquati.
Beaver Hill neighbors pressed their new top cop for quicker action on a recent spate of gun shots — while the top cop pleaded for patience as he gets to know a new neighborhood.
Unique Jones interviews Catherine Moore, whose senior group is at Bethel AME.
In a white-walled room at the New Haven Correctional Center (NHCC), Daniel Watts was preparing a month early for his first City-Wide Open Studios. In one hand, he held a small microphone to his mouth, checking his p’s to make sure that they weren’t popping too hard. Seated inches away, artist Maria Gaspar clutched a recorder.
Markeshia Ricks |
Aug 9, 2017 8:19 am
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Bill MacMullen overseeing the demo of the old Q House in January.
The Q House is still on track for construction to begin next spring despite some fits and starts, including a detour through Probate Court and a subterranean discovery.
Jon Greenberg |
Jul 25, 2017 1:34 pm
Courtesy of Cheri Walker
Quinton with his mother, Krystal Bethea, and his colossal trophy after winning the Young Mr. Starpower award.
Quinton White Jr. of New Haven has not graduated elementary school yet. But he has won two national dancing championships, and he has no intention of stopping now.
Samuel Hadelman |
Jul 20, 2017 7:50 am
Samuel Hadelman Photo
Chubb Rock, a rapper popular for the 1991 smash hit “Treat ‘Em Right,” gave New Haven a soulful performance Wednesday evening in Goffe Street Park to launch this summer’s Cool Breeze in the Park Series.
Thomas Breen |
Jun 27, 2017 8:08 am
Thomas Breen photo
Goldson: We’ve been deliberate and transparent.
Eighteen people have applied to be New Haven’s next schools superintendent, in a process that began in 2016 and may now drag out until the end of 2017.
David Sepulveda |
Jun 19, 2017 2:29 pm
The stage at Goffe Street Park.
Parks can be places where people make new friends. On Saturday, it was a park itself that made new friends as community leaders, officials, and city wide residents gathered to inaugurate and celebrate the launch of Friends of Goffe Street Park, the newest among 15 park advocacy and stewardship groups across the city.