Barricaded Gunman Surrenders
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| Feb 2, 2015 2:07 pm |A Super Bowl argument led to a gun being drawn, then to a standoff with police.
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| Feb 2, 2015 2:07 pm |A Super Bowl argument led to a gun being drawn, then to a standoff with police.
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| Dec 20, 2013 3:22 pm |Haines explores a newly broken window on Cedar Hill Ave.
Three young men sat in a Chevy Malibu parked illegally outside an abandoned house. One made a cell phone call.
“Can you get your fucking ass down here?” he said into the phone. “These fucking cops are fucking harassing us.”
New Cedar Hill walking cops Borer and Haines.
Thomas MacMIllan Photo
State Rep. Lemar (left): “People deserve to be pissed off.”
The repair was supposed to take only a year. Now three years into the closure of the State Street bridge, and $20 million in added costs later, the state has announced it won’t finish the job until at least the summer of 2015— prompting one state legislator to offer to try for “disaster relief” for businesses near New Haven’s public-works “money pit.”
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| Nov 13, 2013 1:09 pm |Gilad Edelman Photo
HIV/AIDS patients found a reason to clap and cheer Tuesday night — a zoning decision that will allow them to keep a roof over their heads.
Continue reading ‘Zoners Enable HIV/AIDS Patients To Stay Off The Streets’
Melissa Bailey Photos
Waitress Medhapond Jaouchaiyakul: “It feels like eternity.”
Frustrated business owners will have to wait another year until their customers can reach them via the State Street bridge, thanks to yet another delay in a years-long construction project at the Mill River.
Continue reading ‘New Snafu Delays Bridge Reopening Yet Again’
Brianne Bowen Photo
Democratic mayoral candidates Justin Elicker and Toni Harp far outpolled their competitors and walked away with victories in a triple convention in East Rock Thursday evening.
Thomas MacMillan Photo
LCI’s Rafael Ramos at the scene.
A year after neighbors rallied to shut it down, an illegal rooming house in Cedar Hill still held a handful of tenants — until Wednesday, when the city ordered it unfit for human habitation.
Continue reading ‘City Condemns Top Slumlords’ Rooming House’
Thomas MacMillan, Paul Bass Photos
Officers Charles Tyson and Ron Perry on the job.
(Updated) As police shuffle shifts due to union rules, East Rock neighbors will be saying goodbye to two familiar walking beat cops.
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| Sep 13, 2012 11:38 am |Thomas MacMillan Photo
The latest estimates point to the State Street bridge staying closed until the end of 2013 and costing $10 million instead of $5 million — leading East Rock Alderman Justin Elicker to press the state in the meantime to help neighbors suffering from too much traffic, and businesses suffering from too little traffic.
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| Jun 25, 2012 4:13 pm |Rebecca Turcio Photos
Neighborhood activist Rebecca Turcio of Cedar Hill sent in this write-up and these photos about an event marking the opening of a new splash pad Saturday.
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Over two dozen Cedar Hill neighbors showed up with media in tow at the the Board of Zoning Appeals, girded for battle with a property owner looking to legitimize its illegal rooming house. But there was no fight to be had.
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| Apr 25, 2012 11:30 am |Anton Brown flips; his new neighborhood cop watches.
On his first day as a walking-beat cop in Cedar Hill, Charles Tyson set about learning the lay of the land, including figuring out which teenagers can leap over chain-link fences.
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| Feb 14, 2012 2:20 pm |Thomas MacMillan Photo
Gallo. Top photo: 1294 State.
After years of neighborhood complaints, a notorious landlord is looking to legitimate an alleged illegal rooming house. Neighbors like Marie Gallo are looking for an opportunity to shut it down altogether.
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| Oct 26, 2011 1:47 pm |Allan Appel Photo
A yellow boom, installed in May to contain pollution, has since been lifted ashore.
Months after oil slicks surfaced on the Quinnipiac River, an environmental firm got the OK to find out the source of the pollution.
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| Oct 23, 2011 11:04 am |New Haven Police Officers Jarrod Boyce, Chris Simon, and Marcin Podsiad thought they smelled marijuana as they patrolled the Cedar Hill neighborhood. They did — and they made a bust.
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| Aug 4, 2011 4:15 pm |A Wednesday search and seizure led to two arrests and 42 packets of crack cocaine recovered.
Cedar Hill activist Rebecca Turcio sent in this write-up and these photos from an event in the neighborhood this past weekend.
Reclaiming their historical name one step at a time.
That is what the Cedar Hill Community has been spending the better part of a decade doing.
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| Feb 1, 2011 4:07 pm |With cops closing in on him at a Hess filling station, an alleged drug dealer stepped on the gas, smashed into a minivan and came to rest on top of a snowbank.
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| Dec 26, 2010 5:09 pm |Chris Randall Photo
Wooster Square Park.
Michelle Reynard Photo
(Updated) The snowstorm barely got going before Independent readers caught some memorable images.
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| Oct 11, 2010 7:01 am |After two hard-fought halves, the score stood at 0 – 0. The season would now come down to penalty kicks.
The Tiburones Rojos (or “Red Sharks”) scored three goals. Club Peru scored two. If the Peruvians wanted a chance at victory, they needed to send the last kick past the goalie.
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| Sep 27, 2010 9:35 am |CHR Photo
Cedar Hill Resident #1 Rebecca Turcio sent in the following write-up about this weekend’s block party:
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| Sep 6, 2010 9:21 am |Cristina Costantini Photo
With hands over their hearts, future pupils of a new Ecuadorian cultural school stood in silence to the Star-Spangled Banner, and then again to the Ecuadorian National Anthem. The elders sang along proudly to the recording of “Salve, Oh Patria.” The children didn’t know the words.
Continue reading ‘Navigating Cultures, Ecuadorians Launch School’
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| Aug 9, 2010 11:01 am |Allan Appel Photo
In a Cedar Hill backyard, “El Gato” grabbed the ball — and the championship was a foregone conclusion in an inaugural volleyball tournament with an Ecuadorian twist.
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| Jan 27, 2010 3:45 pm |The morning after a car rammed into her State Street appliance store, Marie Gallo managed to have a sense of humor about the incident.
Shlomi Leon is wrapping french fries into falafel sandwiches on State Street. It’s an Israeli thing.