
Sale OK’d For Dixwell Plaza Redev Deal

by | Feb 17, 2021 4:31 pm | Comments (6)

Thomas Breen pre-pandemic photo

New day coming: ConnCAT’s Clemons pitches project at public meeting.

Dixwell Plaza’s planned redevelopment took a key step forward as alders voted to sell two parcels in the decaying mid-century shopping strip to a local team that plans to build apartments, stores, and cultural venues in the heart of New Haven’s historic Black neighborhood.

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Dixwell Plaza Renewal Deal Advances

by | Jan 22, 2021 11:35 am | Comments (9)


Renderings of the future ConnCAT Place on Dixwell.

Thomas Breen photo

Dixwell Plaza today.

This is the time for Dixwell.”

With those words of praise and anticipation, alders moved ahead a plan to transform Dixwell Plaza into a mixed-use hub that would employ up to 550 people a year and generate up to $50 million in annual economic activity.

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After Georgia Victory, Labor Eyes Yale

by | Jan 19, 2021 12:52 pm | Comments (24)


New Haven-to-Georgia campaigners at MLK event, clockwise from top left: Naomi D’Arbell, Renee Reed, Adam Waters, Paris Robberstad.

Slide shown during Monday’s virtual celebration.

Charli Taylor was back at Helen’s front porch, trying to figure out why the Fulton County, Georgia, voter hadn’t yet hit the polls.

The reason, Helen said, was that her front door had no lock — and she worried that someone might break in while she was gone.

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Cops Arrest Howard Lewis’s Alleged Killer

by | Dec 9, 2020 5:39 pm | Comments (10)


Homicide victim Howard Lewis (center) with family in early July.


Wednesday afternoon’s virtual press conference.

Local detectives concluded a nearly five-month homicide investigation with the arrest of a 22-year-old New Havener for allegedly shooting and killing Howard Lewis on Munson Street on an exceptionally violent night this summer.

Police believe that Lewis was not the target of the bullet that ultimately left him dead.

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4 Churches Approved For Learning Hubs

by | Dec 9, 2020 12:26 pm | Comments (8)

Zoom / Sam Gurwitt images

Clockwise from top left: Local pastors Steven Cousin, Boise Kimber, Hector Otero, and John Cotten.

Google Maps image

Fair Haven’s Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal, future learning hub site.

Four churches in Fair Haven, Dixwell, and Newhallville won permission to run daycare centers-turned-learning hubs — to offer relief to working parents who can’t leave their kids home alone during the day, and reliable internet and in-person educational support to students.

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Dixwell Presses Rebuilders On Rents, Jobs

by | Nov 23, 2020 3:52 pm | Comments (15)

Laura Glesby Photo

Ex-factory slated for demolition.

The final remains of the old Winchester Arms factory — a now-rotting building that reeks of oil on a hot summer’s day — is slated to be replaced with a new mixed-use apartment complex.

Dixwell residents pressed a redevelopment team on whether they and their neighbors will be welcomed there.

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NXTHVN Goes For The Heart

by | Nov 12, 2020 11:09 am | Comments (0)

Yvette Mayorga

Homeland Promised Land.

Yvette Mayorga’s Homeland Promised Land is as colorful as a birthday cake and as sharp as the knife that cuts it. Its central figure is assailed by a whirlwind of fake Fanta bottles and cell phones, held captive by it all. But the artist isn’t just painting a screed against consumerism. There’s strength in the way she makes her art. Her style is asserting its own kind of resistance. When that figure in the center rises, maybe all those colors will burst from the frame, and take over — letting all of us live in a better place.

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2 Housing Tax Breaks Approved, 1 Dropped

by | Nov 6, 2020 10:46 am | Comments (32)

RJ Development & Advisors Rendering

Planned 150-unit apartment complex at Ashum, Canal, and Henrys.


Alder Roth: Too little; no consistent standard.

The Board of Alders approved tax breaks for two residential building projects aiming to add 219 new apartments — 105 at affordable” rents — to Dixwell.

The board also voted to drop, at the developer’s request, a proposed tax break deal for a Ninth Square project.

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Dixwell Plaza Transformation Plan Advances

by | Nov 6, 2020 10:28 am | Comments (2)

Envisioned project.

The long-awaited redevelopment of Dixwell Plaza —bringing a new performing arts center, banquet hall, grocery store, museum, office complex, daycare center, retail storefronts, and 150-plus apartments and townhouses to the neighborhood’s fraying commercial hub — took one step closer to becoming a reality.

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