
Unexpected Unaffiliateds Turned Away At Polls

by and | Sep 15, 2023 12:03 pm | Comments (24)

Allan Appel photo

Surprised non-Democrat Anthony Carter, with Bella Vista moderator Patricia Solomon.

I’ve been a Democrat all my life,” said May, an 81-year-old Newhallville resident who said she’s voted at Lincoln-Bassett School every election since she bought her home in 1985.

Except she wasn’t a Democrat on Tuesday. She found out from a moderator that she had been re-registered as an unaffiliated” voter, ineligible to vote in the primary.

May was one of at least dozens of people across the city to find out on Tuesday that they couldn’t vote because they weren’t Democrats. To many, including May, that news came as an inexplicable surprise.

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168 More Apartments On The Rise In Dixwell

by | Sep 11, 2023 4:23 pm | Comments (34)

Laura Glesby photo

Developer Yves Joseph and Mayor Justin Elicker at "Canal Place."

We are building, building, building,” Mayor Justin Elicker declared before the rising metal skeleton of what will eventually become 168 mixed-income apartments, in a part of the city rendered nearly unrecognizable by a flood of new housing construction.

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"For Sale" Signs Multiply As Ocean Keeps Selling

by | Aug 29, 2023 2:24 pm | Comments (18)

Thomas Breen photos

Lance Thomas, on Winchester Ave: "There's too much gun violence."

414 Dixwell, one of many Ocean properties up for sale.

Ocean Management affiliates sold another nine local rental properties over the past month — while Mandy Management affiliates sold six buildings of their own and bought one anew — as For Sale” signs continue to pop up on front lawns across Newhallville and Dixwell.

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Stetson Teen Program Makes It Work

by | Aug 29, 2023 8:23 am | Comments (2)

Brian Slattery photo

Making a sailboat from the squiggly plastic of a 3D gun. Making even more complex objects from 3D printers. Exploring the open worlds of videogames. All of these and more — much more — happen at the Teen Center and Makerspace Drop-In, Monday through Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Stetson Branch of the New Haven Free Public Library, located in the Q House at 197 Dixwell Ave. The event and the space are intended to help library patrons learn to create, explore the library more deeply, and have fun doing it.

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Today’s Special: Deari’e’s Surf & Turf

by | Aug 25, 2023 9:20 am | Comments (2)

Lisa Reisman photos

Order's up: Deari'e's Surf & Turf, at Dixwell's Dope N Delicious.

David James, Deari'e Allick, De'Ari Allick Jr., De'Ari Allick, and James Nelson on a recent afternoon at Dope N Delicious.

Talk about a dream summer internship. 

Deari’e Allick, who’s 14 and a student in culinary arts at Eli Whitney Tech, spent the last two months whipping up dishes that range from lamb chops with smashed potatoes to the Pineapple Bowl to, on a recent afternoon, Surf & Turf.

Her boss is her father De’Ari Allick, owner of Dope N Delicious, a pocket-sized joint specializing in southern comfort food, seafood, and soul food at 300 Dixwell Ave. De’Ari learned to cook from his mother Audrey Maysonet. De’Ari passed it on to Deari’e.

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Upgrades Unveiled At Edith Johnson Towers

by | Aug 24, 2023 5:17 pm | Comments (0)

Nora Grace-Flood photos

The new facade for the Edith Johnson apartments at 114 Bristol St.

Tenant Jackie Reilly puts her handprint on the wall to commemorate the renovations — and express her excitement for more fun to be had in the building's overhauled communal space.

Jackie Reilly is ready to play bingo, practice chair yoga, and hold Christmas parties in her apartment building’s new common room — now that a long-coming $5.2 million renovation of the nearly 50-year-old Edith Johnson senior public-housing development in Dixwell has wrapped.

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Elicker, Walker-Myers Embrace Unexpected Alliance

by | Aug 18, 2023 11:46 am | Comments (15)

Thomas Breen photo

Prez Walker-Myers, with Mayor Elicker: "You probably never thought I'd be here doing this ... But today is your day."

Mayor Justin Elicker and Board of Alders President Tyisha Walker-Myers traded words of praise — and even a hug — as the two city leaders stood side by side, to their own surprise, and encouraged local labor advocates to help keep the same team” in office for the next two years.

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Armory Ailments Detailed, Futures Floated

by | Aug 4, 2023 9:16 am | Comments (10)

Laura Glesby file photo

Desmone Gambrell-Claxton and Fabian Menges present their group's ideas for the Armory (pictured above).

The abandoned armory on Goffe Street is starting to house dreams of sports facilities, small businesses, social services, and citywide celebrations.

But before neighbors’ visions for the historic structure can become a reality, the building will need to be cleared of asbestos, sealed off from water, and bolstered to support more weight.

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Challenger Finds Yale Quandary At Dixwell Doors

by | Aug 3, 2023 3:06 pm | Comments (38)

Thomas Breen photo

Anthony Geritano, Jr. and Hari Venu: "I wish you and I had met a few years ago."

Dixwell alder-hopeful Anthony Geritano, Jr. didn’t get Hari Venu to sign his petition to appear on the Democratic primary ballot this September.

But the recent Yale graduate with papers in hand did get a crash course from the recent Yale PhD who answered the door on just how persistent the town-gown divide remains — and got the chance to make his own pitch on what to do about it.

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Basketball Tourney Seeks To Stop Violence, Start Love

by | Jul 27, 2023 4:34 pm | Comments (3)

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Free throw contest at previous Stop the Violence, Start The Love hoops tournament.

There’s a basketball tournament this Saturday at Goffe Street Park, and it’s no ordinary one. 

Along with deejays spinning lively tunes, as well as dance and drill teams adding pomp, circumstance, and style, the event will feature a kids’ free throw, layup line, and three-point contest as well as an adult dunk contest, and a host of kids’ activities like moon bounces, face painting, and a prize giveaway.

All are designed to further a goal made clear in the tournament’s name: Stop the violence, start the love.”

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Rich Arts Collective Finds Wealth In Being Humble

by | Jul 24, 2023 7:35 am | Comments (1)

Brian Slattery Photos

Thabisa Rich at arts collective kickoff.

Musician and arts organizer Thabisa Rich stood before a packed room inside the NXTHVN arts complex at 169 Henry St. on Friday evening, ready to announce a new initiative. I don’t know if I should be nervous or excited,” she said, because this is a dream come true.”

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NXTHVN Exhibition Is A Slam Dunk

by | Jul 5, 2023 8:42 am | Comments (0)

SHAN Wallace

New Haven Block Party.

SHAN Wallace’s New Haven Block Party captures the essence of its title and then some. It conveys something of the way the past and present can collide on some of Dixwell’s streets, how the shadows of what used to be there can feel as present as what’s there now. But it honors what’s there now, too: the people, the places, the energy that make up the neighborhood as we experience it today. True to the season, it feels like a hot summer day, when windows are open and radios are loud, and people are ready to talk to each other on stoops and street corners in ways the colder months won’t allow. 

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7 High-School Grads Lifted By The Links

by | Jun 30, 2023 12:20 pm | Comments (2)

Maya McFadden photo

Book Award recipients with New Haven Links President Toni Harp.

Howard University, Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), University of Hartford, and Morgan State University are the next stops for seven New Haven high school graduates who each got a helping hand from a historic Black female advocacy organization to chase their higher-education dreams.

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Bus Rapid Transit Plan Lands $25M

by | Jun 29, 2023 12:43 pm | Comments (26)

Thomas Breen file photo

Riding the bus up Dixwell ...

Thomas Breen photo

... to be made faster, cleaner, more efficient, thanks to Bus Rapid Transit program, as described by state transit chief Garrett Eucalitto Thursday.

City, state and federal officials took a victory lap Thursday at a politician-packed press conference celebrating a new $25 million grant that will speed up and electrify bus travel on Dixwell, Grand, Whalley, Congress and Columbus Avenues.

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Senior Planters Find Their Roots

by | Jun 26, 2023 12:04 pm | Comments (2)

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Doreen Abubakar (center) helping a senior attendee pot her plant.

Everyone, be quiet! I want to know which one I got.” 

A hush fell over the roughly 30 seniors gathered on the second floor of the Q House community center as the gardeners-in-training attempted to find the flower that corresponded to the leafy sprouts in front of them.

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Demolition Draws Near For Dixwell Plaza Redev

by | Jun 22, 2023 4:32 pm | Comments (11)

Dixwell Plaza's planned new ConnCAT Place redevelopment.

A demolition notice outside the Elks' former home at 87 Webster St.

Dixwell Plaza’s redevelopers plan to start knocking down vacant buildings in the mid-century shopping plaza as soon as September — as they move forward with a years-in-the-making effort to build up the heart of New Haven’s historic Black neighborhood.

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Monday In Scantlebury Park With Jermaine

by and | Jun 19, 2023 4:22 pm | Comments (1)

Kian Ahmadi photo

Jermaine Galberth at Scantlebury Park's splash pad on Monday.

As two-year-old Jermaine Galberth, Jr. pushed his little sister Jasmine’s stroller through the Scantlebury Park splash pad, proud dad Jermaine, Sr. watched his children at play — and remembered when he was a kid and there was little more than sewer water in a place now teeming with much healthier opportunities for cooling off.

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From Galveston In 1865 To Wexler-Grant In 2023

by | Jun 19, 2023 12:29 pm | Comments (1)

Kian Ahmadi photo

Drummers Michael Mills and bandmates Brian Jarawa Gray and Paul McGuire on Saturday.

One hundred and fifty eight years ago today, Joseph Sills of the 29th Connecticut Colored Infantry Regiment watched as Major General Gordon Granger proclaimed all enslaved African Americans free in Galveston, Tex. 

On Saturday, Sills’s direct descendent, Kelly Mero, helped honor her ancestor and the historic episode of Black freedom he participated in through a Juneteenth celebration she organized in the Dixwell neighborhood.

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