Eugene J. Foreman Jr. looked surprisingly calm with his walkie-talkie out on the Beers Street sidewalk outside Augusta Lewis Troup School as a siren sounded and kids poured out of the building.
Thomas Breen |
Nov 17, 2022 12:47 pm
Contributed photo
Buyers Josef and Jacob Feldman of MOD Equities: Now the owners of 145 more Dwight neighborhood apts.
A New York-based landlord team that has long been active in New Haven’s real estate market added 145 more apartments to its local portfolio — in part by paying twice as much as the city-appraised value for a recently built Howe Street luxury apartment complex.
Laura Glesby |
Nov 3, 2022 11:55 am
Thomas Breen photo
The former CVS building and future MCCA treatment center on Whalley.
New Haven residents make up three-quarters of the patients served by a substance use disorder treatment center that currently operates out of a rented Whalley Avenue office building — and that plans on moving to the former CVS site at the corner of Whalley and Orchard.
With less than two weeks before Election Day, a Dwight landlord gathered community leaders and neighbors for a panel discussion about the Nov. 8 ballot — and about the importance of voting every year.
WEB CMT Chair Rebecca Cramer (left), MCCA's Scott Nelson (right) at Monday evening's meeting.
Thomas Breen photo
Former pharmacy at 215 Whalley.
The leaders of a Danbury-based addiction-treatment nonprofit promised to keep preaching abstinence — and not to branch out into prescribing methadone — as they prepare to move their local outpatient clinic into the former CVS site at Whalley Avenue and Orchard Street.
YNHH leaders and city officials break out their shovels.
Yale New Haven Hospital ceremoniously started construction Wednesday on a long-awaited, $838 million neurosciences center in the Dwight neighborhood, celebrating the forthcoming addition as “transformative” for patients with brain-related illnesses.
Sign posted at site of future neuroscience center.
After more than two years of pandemic-induced delays, Yale New Haven Hospital has revived its neuroscience center development plans — with construction vehicles now on site at the southern end of the St. Raphael’s campus, and local building permits pulled for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of medical-center-expansion work soon to come.
Pizza recommendations abound at "Beer With The Mayor."
As punk rock played on the stereo, Justin Elicker sipped his Counter Weight Headway with a small group of New Haveners who had come with curiosity — but no complaints.
Local 217's Josh Stanley with Graduate hotel worker Jacqueline Sims.
The Graduate New Haven hotel on Chapel St.
Graduate New Haven hotel employees, union organizers, and labor-friendly politicians celebrated the city’s first new hotel worker union in a quarter century by praising an unexpected ally — an employer that voluntarily chose to recognize and negotiate, rather than fight.
Kimberly Wipfler |
Jul 8, 2022 9:14 am
Kimberly Wipfler Photo
After a countdown from three, Kevin Mackenzie took a bottle of champagne — and smashed it against the side of The Cannon, the new combination sports pub-plant-based eatery on Dwight Street.
“We thought,” Mackenzie said, “this was a little more our style.”
David Burgess, retired from stripping metal parts at the old Sargent’s factory, found himself on another assembly line Wednesday: breaking down emptied cantaloupe and watermelon boxes in a joint quest to nourish families.
Thomas Breen |
Jun 22, 2022 2:30 pm
Thomas Breen photo
New property manager Joe Katz at 76 Sherman Ave.: "Things look fine."
A 22-unit Sherman Avenue apartment complex once known as “The Cage” has changed hands for $3.3 million — nearly twice the amount its former landlord paid for the property seven years ago.
Lisa Reisman |
May 2, 2022 8:56 am
Eat Up's Isaiah Pinion, Bryan Burkett-Thompson, and Kristen Threatt.
It was a battle of Afrotina’s Latin-flavored southern cuisine versus Eat Up’s Italian-inspired soul food cuisine: Chef Ohioma Odihirin’s Sazon chicken took on Chef Bryan Burkett-Thompson’s mumbo chicken, and Chef O’s homemade Voodoo sauce vied with Chef BB’s pineapple salsa.