
New Year’s Blast

by | Sep 17, 2009 8:59 pm | Comments (0)

shofar%20demo%202.JPGRabbi Eliezer Greer demonstrating the process of making a shofar (Jewish ritual ram’s horn) to neighborhood children at Yeshiva of New Haven. The shofar is sounded during prayers on Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) which begins Friday evening.

Edgewood Break-ins

by | May 1, 2009 5:33 pm | Comments (1)

A rash of car break-ins on Edgewood’s Hubinger Street has some neighbors on edge.

A neighbor wrote to the Independent to report that two cars had their windows smashed on Tuesday night.

Police spokesman Officer Joe Avery said three cars were broken into on Hubinger Street recently. He suggested the crimes could have been prevented by not leaving valuables in the car.

In one case, the thief broke the window and took a HP laptop was which
was left in the car,” Avery said. In another, a iPod and a GPS unit were taken from an unlocked car. In a third case, someone smashed the window of a vehicle that was parked inside an unlocked garage. Stolen was a Dell laptop, an IPOD and a gym bag, Avery said.

There were eight car break-ins in the policing district, District 10, in the month of April, Avery said.

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Bombalicki: “Community” Won’t “Direct Police”

by | Mar 18, 2009 8:20 am | Comments (23)

Bombalicki.jpgFresh from vacation in Aruba, Lt. Leo Bombalicki (pictured, left) updated members of the Whalley-Edgewood Beaver Hill Management Team Tuesday evening on his efforts to implement Chief James Lewis’s post- community policing philosophy, which will no longer allow the community” to direct” law enforcement by screaming.”

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