Morris Cove

43-Year Tweed Deal Wins Final Approval

by | Sep 23, 2021 9:17 pm | Comments (32)

Avports image

Rendering of expanded Tweed airport.

Thomas Breen photo

Avports CEO Jorge Roberts with Tweed Airport Authority Executive Director Sean Scanlon at City Hall for Thursday night’s vote.

Lauding the prospect of more jobs, fewer government subsidies, and an environmentally conscious approach to developing a larger airport, the Board of Alders Thursday night unanimously approved a new 43-year agreement between the city and Tweed’s airport authority.

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Temporary Tweed Trailers OK’d

by | Sep 23, 2021 12:55 pm | Comments (1)

Sophie Sonnenfeld file photo

A flooded Tweed in July.

Avports image

Temporary trailers and storage containers (in gray) slated for improved west terminal.

Tweed’s airport management company won city permission to install a handful of new temporary, modular trailer buildings below base flood elevation to allow for expanded check-in, security and catering services at the existing Morris Cove airport.

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43-Year Tweed Deal Amendment Detailed

by | Sep 21, 2021 4:41 pm | Comments (37)

Avports image

Rendering for rebuilt airport.

A proposed amendment to a 43-year agreement between the city and Tweed’s airport authority would scrap a section on eminent domain, mandate decennial performance reviews, and require the authority and the airport’s management company to study and — to the extent feasible” — implement a passenger carbon offset program.

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Alders Advance 43-Year Tweed Deal

by | Aug 31, 2021 7:46 am | Comments (19)

Thomas Breen photo

Airport chief Sean Scanlon (right) with U.S. Sen. Blumenthal at May’s Tweed expansion announcement.

Tweed New Haven Airport Authority image

After hours of debate about the length of the term and about who stands to profit, a committee of alders unanimously advanced a proposed 43-year agreement between the city and Tweed’s airport authority.

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Tweed Deal Pilots Take Long View

by | Aug 25, 2021 8:52 am | Comments (14)

Paul Bass Photo

Jorge Roberts & Sean Scanlon, prime movers behind airport expansion deal, at WNHH FM: First pleasure flights, then business.


Rendering for rebuilt airport.

Jorge Roberts can picture hydrogen-powered, passenger-filled, autonomous airplanes — aka “drones for adults” — descending and ascending at Tweed New Haven one day without needing a runway.

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Tweed-Florida Flights Planned; Decision Delayed On $5M Airport Renovation

by | Aug 19, 2021 12:25 pm | Comments (34)


Avelo’s new map: New Haven’s contribution to climate change?

Thomas Breen photo

Tweed chiefs Sean Scanlon, Matthew Hoey at Thursday announcement.

(Updated) On the heels of an announcement of new flights to four Florida airports, Tweed New Haven Airport unveiled — and sparked hours of climate-change-influenced debate over — plans to add 271 parking spaces and renovate the existing terminal and administrative buildings into separate spaces for departures and arrivals.

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Tweed Deal Advances; Risks Raised

by | Jul 22, 2021 9:38 am | Comments (14)

Thomas Breen / Markeshia Ricks photos

Airport authority director Scanlon: There’s a risk to doing nothing. City Plan Vice-Chair Mattison: But what about the risks of this deal?

Tweed Airport Authority

Planned partnership with Avports.

City planners advanced a proposed four-decade lease that would allow for a larger Tweed New Haven Airport, with a lingering set of questions: How financially and environmentally risky is this airport expansion plan? And how does that stack up to the costs of doing nothing?

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43-Year Tweed Deal Detailed

by | Jul 6, 2021 9:05 pm | Comments (40)

Thomas Breen photo

Tweed deal outlines revealed in May; fine print was released Tuesday.

The runway lengthens, a new terminal and garage get built, and the name New Haven” remains under newly released terms of a proposed 43-year lease between the city and Tweed’s airport authority.

The deal includes lifting of a weight limit on local aircraft — and the teeing up of a long-term sub-lease with a deep-pocketed private investor.

Those terms, and many more, were revealed Tuesday in a new proposed amended and restated lease and operating agreement between the city and the Tweed New Haven Airport Authority and a proposed ordinance amendment.

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“10,000 Hawks” Take Flight Against Tweed Expansion

by | Jul 5, 2021 9:32 am | Comments (36)

Thomas Breen Photo

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal with airport chief Sean Scanlon at May expansion announcement.

Opponents of the $70 million privately funded plan to expand Tweed-New Haven Airport have formed a new organization to fight it, called 10,000 Hawks.

Their aim is to watch like hawks as the plan’s details, to be executed by public Tweed’s private operational managers, the Goldman Sachs-owned Avports, progress into what they fear will be a noisy polluted reality.

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Youth Camps Kick Off As Part Of “Summer Reset”

by | Jun 28, 2021 5:17 pm | Comments (6)

Sophie Sonnenfeld Photo

Kids play on the splash pad at Lighthouse Point Park.

At Lighthouse Point Park Monday afternoon Mayor Justin Elicker and Youth and Recreation Director Gwendolyn Busch Williams announced the opening of city-run camps, the Livable City Initiative (LCI) youth ambassador program, a new driving safety program, and other activities as part of a post-pandemic Summer Reset” initiative.

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