Peter Dobkin Hall, an East Rock preservationist known nationally as an expert on not-for-profit organizations, died early Thursday in a crash on I‑95 in Branford.
Red Molly, this weekend’s headliners in Edgerton Park.
Four years ago, members of the folk band Red Molly had a problem: They were down a guitar player, and searching for the member who would make their group complete again.
Thomas MacMillan |
Aug 8, 2014 8:20 am
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Surveying the spiral spine of a new play structure his company is installing in New Haven, Spencer Luckey marveled at his good fortune: He gets to doodle for a living, making far-fetched plans for enormous dreamscapes, and then sees them come to life in cities across the globe.
Former Alder Alfreda Edwards, who thought she had retired from elected office for good, has decided to run for her old seat now that Michael Stratton has resigned from it.