Paul Bass, Thomas Breen, Allan Appel and Maya McFadden |
Mar 12, 2020 12:38 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Parent Francisco Pena (demonstrating sneeze gesture taught at Fair Haven School): Ready to teach his son at home.
Thomas Breen photo
Mayor Elicker, announcing shutdown with Superintendent Tracey: “It’s at times like these that we define what kind of community we are.”
All New Haven public schools, senior centers, and libraries will close indefinitely beginning Friday as part of the city’s latest effort to stem the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Thomas Breen |
Feb 26, 2020 2:25 pm
Thomas Breen photo
The current dirt pile at 87 Union St.: Soon to transform into nearly 300 apartments (below).
The New York City-based developers of a planned new 299-unit, mixed-use Wooster Square apartment complex recently closed on a $50 million construction loan that should allow them to resume work at the site later this week.
Thomas Breen |
Jan 13, 2020 9:04 am
Thomas Breen photo
66 Norton St.
A Brooklyn-based landlord paid $1.46 million to buy the 40-unit apartment complex at 66 Norton St., which has been empty for the past two years after the city first declared the building structurally unsafe.
With calls of “stop trashing New Haven” and “don’t dump on us,” a local activist rallied a management team to write a formal letter of opposition to a local recycler’s proposal to accept wet or putrescible garbage down in the port district.
Residents also agreed to up the ante of their protest by showing up an hour before a Dec. 18 City Plan Commission meeting and to make their point with paints and posters as well.
Thomas Breen |
Nov 15, 2019 8:46 am
Allan Appel photo
Murphy Road Recycling no longer plans to double the size of its waste transfer station in the Annex — but it does still hope to expand that plant’s services to include household garbage trucked in from throughout the region.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 22, 2019 11:08 am
Safety-Kleen’s David Paquette and Richard Domschine with local attorney Hugh Manke.
A used oil-recycling company in the Annex won permission to build eight new storage tanks and two new rail spurs on its existing site — paving the way for more train transport, fewer truck trips, and the planned future storage of used anti-freeze.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 8, 2019 2:15 pm
The proposed discontinued stretch of Waterfront Street (in yellow).
Thomas Breen photo
Safety-Kleen VP of Real Estate Bryan Girts, local attorney Hugh Manke, and local Safety-Kleen operating manager Richard Domschine.
A used-oil recycling company won a key aldermanic sign-off for its plans to purchase a city street for $100,000 and employ more trains, and fewer trucks, to transport its goods to Canada.
A Westport-based investor purchased a 41-unit apartment complex in the Annex from a Waterbury-based investor for $3.95 million, in one of the city’s latest property transactions.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 20, 2019 7:37 am
Thomas Breen photo
The SWAT team arrives on Chamberlain Street.
The police SWAT team took an alleged bank robber into custody Thursday afternoon after an hours-long standoff and hostage negotiation on Chamberlain Street in the Annex.
Sophie Sonnenfeld |
Jul 28, 2019 8:37 pm
Sophie Sonnenfeld Photo
Memorial to Christopher Franco on the Tomlinson bridge, where a hit-and-run driver killed him.
Nearly 100 people gathered in Common Ground High School’s cafeteria Sunday for a vigil for recent graduate Christopher Franco, who was killed in a weekend crash, the school’s second tragic loss in six years.
Allan Appel |
May 22, 2019 11:51 am
Chris Ozyck brought a small, neat, white bag of his very own “putrescible MSW” (municipal solid waste), also known as garbage, into the aldermanic chamber Tuesday night.
Although he had curated the contents against odor, the Fair Haven activist insisted something rotten is happening down in the Port District.
Lt. Jason Rentkowitz |
Feb 20, 2019 1:20 pm
East Shore cops conducted 58 motor vehicle stops in a week — and caught an erratic moped driver and a woman who allegedly fled the scene of a Valentine’s Day crash.
Allan Appel |
Jan 16, 2019 5:51 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Ready for repairs: Tenant Frank Cocza at Ruoppolo Manor.
Sign in the Fairmont Heights common room.
A leaky roof stains ceilings. People enter at all hours past lax security. Kitchens are cramped, an elevator often broken, bathrooms covered with mildew.
A top-to-bottom renovation is aimed at fixing those and other problems at two 1970s-vintage public-housing complexes for the elderly and disabled, aided by a new legal run around federal cuts.
Recent Mandy purchases in Newhallville: 38 Townsend St., 247 County St., 591 Sherman Pkwy., and 100 Newhall St..
A single-family Colonial in Fair Haven. A two-story condo in the Annex. A three-family house in Newhallville. A 21-unit complex in Edgewood.
Those are four of 87 New Haven properties that the Netz/Mandy Management organization took over in 2018, a year that saw the operation acquire over 170 units and spend almost $13 million in expanding its local real estate empire of low-income rental apartments.
Thomas Breen |
Dec 7, 2018 1:18 pm
Thomas Breen photos
New homeowners Anneisha Haye and Andres Concha-Brito; 335 W. Division and 436 Huntington.
Andres Concha-Brito spends his days installing carpets in Fairfield County mansions. Anneisha Haye spends her days overseeing housekeeping at a Whalley Avenue hotel.
Both can now return from a hard day’s work to homes of their own. They’re among the city’s latest property purchasers, thanks to a decades-old nonprofit that helps working class New Haveners become first-time homeowners.