The Annex

East Siders Pan “Putrescibles” Pitch

by | Dec 5, 2018 3:15 pm | Comments (5)

Allan Appel Photo

Questions pinned up at Tuesday night’s transfer station expansion meeting.

It smells. It doesn’t smell.

It will add pollution. It won’t add pollution.

Rumbling trucks will awaken slumbering residential streets. Nope, the rigs stay mainly on the highways.

The city gets new jobs and taxes. Or … a beleaguered, dense, and poor neighborhood gets dumped on once again.

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“Systems Guy” Takes On Incumbent

by | Oct 30, 2018 1:06 pm | Comments (6)

Allan Appel Photo

Challenger Josh Van Hoesen making campaign call at Fire & Slice BBQ Smokehouse and Pizzeria on Townsend.

Alison Park Photo

Al Paolillo with activist Patricia Kane at a riverfront clean-up.

I’m curious and I hope you don’t mind,” the business owner said. But how old are you?”

I’m asked that a lot,” replied the candidate. The answer: 28.

Older than he looks.

I’m impressed,” said the business owner.

The candidate was not.

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City Green Energy Operation Pitches Bysiewicz

by | Oct 24, 2018 7:50 am | Comments (1)

Allan Appel Photo

Candidate surrounded by American Green Fuels staff

A thriving small factory in the New Haven harbor district that turns french fry and other vegetable oil and animal fat into carbon emission-reducing biodiesel fuel has over the past year increased its production capacity from 20 million gallons a year to 40 million – in part because it had a $20 million infusion of private investment for upgrades and new equipment.

It needs government help to take the next step to become a bigger part of the Connecticut’s green energy future.

Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Susan Bysiewicz heard that story – and request – when she made a campaign stop Wednesday morning American GreenFuels on Waterfront Street in New Haven’s harbor district.

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Chapel Apartments Get 3rd Lead Order

by | Sep 17, 2018 8:09 am | Comments (3)

The city’s health department issued seven lead paint abatement orders in two weeks to six different landlords in the Hill, East Shore, the Annex, West River, and Fair Haven.

One of those abatement orders is for a Chapel Street apartment complex that the city has cited three times so far this year for three different units containing dangerously high levels of lead paint and housing child tenants with high levels of lead in their blood.

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Recycler’s Expansion Bid Sparks Environmental Justice Debate

by | Sep 11, 2018 11:59 am | Comments (6)

Murphy Road Recycling, down in New Haven’s port district, sparked some debate in 2015 when it sought and won permission to take in municipal solid waste (MSW) like cardboard and packaging in addition to construction debris.

It now wants to double the size of its facility, add new, more efficient equipment to recycle, and offer itself as a transfer point for putrescible” MSW, more popularly known as garbage, from towns potentially up to a 30-mile radius from New Haven.

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JUNTA Celebrates 49 Years, Welcomes New Leader

by | Sep 7, 2018 12:12 pm | Comments (7)

Allan Appel Photo

New Executive Director Reyes with predecessor Sandra Trevino.

A little over a year after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the organization that took the local lead in aiding victims and resettling 450 families in our area celebrated 49 years of service — and announced hiring a new leader for the future.

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Rebuilt Fort Hale Pier Opens

by | Apr 23, 2018 2:16 pm | Comments (16)

Thomas Breen photos

The new Fort Hale pier.

Officials cut the ribbon for the grand reopening of the pier.

Seven years after Hurricane Sandy destroyed a popular East Shore fishing pier, city and state officials celebrated the grand reopening of a reconstructed pier that includes new amenities for fishing and recreation, and that is structurally resilient enough to withstand higher sea levels and more frequent storms in an era of manmade climate change.

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Renovated Senior Centers Show Off Their Youthful New Looks

by | Mar 6, 2018 5:14 pm | Comments (1)

New electricity, new plumbing, new kitchen, new bingo board and sound system.

Add to that new noise-attenutating ceiling-borne panels that look like flying sculptures.

Throw in new flooring, windows, lights, furniture, carpeting, and a paint job of such bright wall colors that Margie Staggers, who is partially blind, can take delight in them.

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