The Hill

101 College, Route 34 Fill-in Ground Broken

by | Jun 7, 2021 4:18 pm | Comments (1)

Paul Bass Photo

Take 1: Developer Carter Winstanley, Alder Carmen Rodriguez, Mayor Justin Elicker, Alder Ron Hurt, Alder Evelyn Rodriguez, Yale President Peter Salovey, Gov. Ned Lamont, SCSU BioPath student Therese Ziaks.

Take 2: SCSU President Joe Bertolino, Gateway CEO William T. Brown, Salovey, Elicker, Schools Superintendent Iline Tracey, Biolabs President Johannes Fruehauf, Arvinas CEO John G. Houston, Winstanley, SCSU BioPath student Apple Pham, SCSU physics Professor Christine Broadbridge, Ziaks.

History had a chuckle Monday as government and business leaders grabbed shovels near the border of the vanishing Route 34 Connector.

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Builders Tackle Supply Snags, Price Hikes

by | May 27, 2021 5:04 pm | Comments (4)

Paul Bass Photos

Thanks to lucky timing, the lumber’s arriving at Tower Lane construction site, where Carlos Rivera (below) was hard at work this week.

The money’s still flowing to fuel New Haven’s building boom — but builders are scrambling to meet soaring lumber prices and find materials disappearing in a backed-up international supply chain.

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Hill Brainstorms Quality-Of-Life Strategy

by | May 26, 2021 12:55 pm | Comments (1)

Sophie Sonnenfeld Photo

Convener Leslie Radcliffe: No more Band-aids.

Fence off Daniels School’s syringe-strewn playground.

Hold an Awareness Day” on services for the homeless and/or drug-addicted.

Have dealers face neighbors, including kids, at a drug market intervention” version of Project Longevity.

Neighbors brainstormed those and other stitches” in the quality-of-life wound that plagues the Hill.

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Cops, Neighbors Canvass Hill In Wake Of Shootings

by | May 24, 2021 5:14 pm | Comments (4)

Nick Perkins Photo

Lt. Manmeet Colon (second from right) gathers with neighbors at West and Congress.

Sgt. Marshall preps canvassers.

At a corner where two men were shot last Thursday, 10 Hill neighbors and cops gathered to go door to door to offer people reassurance and seek some sort of solution to the current wave of violence.

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Crowded Hill Neighbors Blast Zone Changes

by | May 24, 2021 1:11 pm | Comments (26)

Tom Breen Photo

Johnny Dye: “There will be holy hell around here.”

Parking is so scarce in parts of the Hill that neighbors put trash bins out on the street to try to preserve coveted parking spots. Homes are so close together that people hear toilets flushing next door.

So neighbors expressed skepticism about proposals to update the city’s zoning rules — including allowing smaller lots sizes and accessory dwelling units” (or ADUs,” like garage or mother-in-law apartments) with no parking requirements.

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The Delicate Cello

by | May 10, 2021 8:51 am | Comments (0)

Danielle Gordon / Cooperative Arts & Humanities

“Old Early Morning.”

Contributed Photo

Hill Regional Career student writer Amelia Stefanovics.

The following is a short story written by Hill Regional Career High School student Amelia Stefanovics and republished from the student magazine Elm City Sage.

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Free Money!

by | May 4, 2021 1:04 pm | Comments (2)

Even if you didn’t make any income in 2020 … and even if you don’t usually file taxes … you may want to file a tax form this year. Because you may be eligible for thousands of dollars under the American Rescue Plan.

At stake are $1,400 stimulus checks for each household adult, and a $250 per-child child tax credit.

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Library Doors Swing Back Open

by | Apr 15, 2021 1:47 pm | Comments (4)

Zshekinah Collier Photo

Main branch’s Sharon Lovett-Graff and Alana Delgado: Please come back! We missed you.

The doors were wide open again at the public library’s main branch — and two patrons were found browsing through the wide variety of nonfiction books in the stacks.

Staffers are trying to get the word out so more New Haveners come back inside.

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YNHH Docs Update Neighbors On Vaccines; J&J On Hold For now

by | Apr 14, 2021 10:01 am | Comments (0)

Josh Onyango shares ways to get vaccine appointment.

The familiar faces of a team of Yale New Haven Health (YNHH) doctors dropped in to the monthly online Hill North Community Management Team meeting Tuesday night to keep the community in the loop about the Covid-related updates, including new concerns about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

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Land Sale Pitched To Make “Death Blvd” Safer

by | Apr 5, 2021 7:53 pm | Comments (2)

Thomas Breen photo

The deadly Ella T. Graso-Columbus-Davenport-Orange Avenue intersection.

State DOT

Proposed pedestrian safety upgrades.

The city plans to sell a small portion of publicly-owned land near the Ella T. Grasso-Orange-Columbus-Davenport Avenue intersection to the state Department of Transportation (DOT) to help facilitate long-awaited pedestrian safety improvements to New Haven’s deadliest stretch of road for pedestrians.

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