The Hill

1 Day, 3 Pivots: Neighbors Feed Neighbors

by | Feb 1, 2021 10:32 am | Comments (3)

Maya McFadden Photo

Honda Smith and Andrea Daniels-Singleton in the kitchen before hitting the road to deliver meals in West Hills.

As temperatures swooped below freezing, New Haveners delivered sustenance to their neighbors: bags of prepared beef and potatoes for seniors in West Hills, groceries for hungry families in the Hill, Mystic cheese and locally produced honey for farmers market shoppers in Wooster Square.

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650 Vaccinated At The Towers

by | Jan 13, 2021 2:00 pm | Comments (2)

Courtney Luciana photo

Walgreens Pharmacist Megan Parsi vaccinates Rabbi Benjamin Scolnic.

Three hundred fifty staff members at The Towers senior assisting-living home received their Covid-19 vaccine shots on Wednesday.

Three hundred residents were delivered doses directly in their rooms a day earlier by Walgreens pharmacists and Tower Lane employees.

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1,950 Vaccines Delivered, First 5 Shots Administered As City Aims To “Crush Covid”

by | Dec 15, 2020 3:38 pm | Comments (9)

YNHH photo

First doses administered Tuesday afternoon to five YNHH employees.

Thomas Breen photo

Man of the hour: Omari Bright drops off the goods Tuesday morning.

A hopeful new chapter in the Covid-19 pandemic began Tuesday afternoon as a dose of the vaccine that Onyema Ogbuagu worked on went into his arm.

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Help “NICE” Neighbors Clothe Kids In Cold

by | Dec 15, 2020 1:58 pm | Comments (2)

Maya McFadden Photo

Rasheed at the Hill substation.

At 10 years old, Jamilah Rasheed had one used pair of shoes for school. Passed down from her cousin, the shoes were a size too small. Her family couldn’t afford anything else. A hole eventually formed in the back of those used shoes until Rasheed couldn’t wear them anymore.

She thinks back on that time as she enlists New Haveners to help a new generation of young people stay warm this the winter.

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Holiday Miracle Comes To The Hill

by | Dec 7, 2020 11:03 am | Comments (3)

Courtney Luciana photos

Aiden Goodwin, 3, ecstatic to receive his toy.

Hill “Santas” arrive at the Espinos’ house.

Claribel Espino struggled to hold back tears when Christmas came early Sunday to her family’s door on Plymouth Street.

These gifts are helping out a lot. Times are tough because of the pandemic,” she said. People aren’t working, the kids are home all of the time, and it’s been stressful.”

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Canvassers Blanket City With “Respect”

by | Nov 21, 2020 6:32 pm | Comments (16)

Thomas Breen photo

New Haven Rising volunteer John Lee leaves a “Yale: Respect New Haven” door-knocker (below) on Spring Street.

Dozens of local labor organizers, union members, students and other volunteers fanned out across New Haven to deliver 26,000 door-knocker messages that called on Yale University to share more of its wealth with the cash-strapped city.

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Concrete Cleared For Roots To Grow

by | Nov 17, 2020 3:09 pm | Comments (6)

Emily Hays Photo

Crew member Ra Hashim steadies Hallock Street’s newest tree.

William Tisdale and the rest of his team hauled concrete slabs onto their work truck, opening a rectangle of ground wide enough for a 300-pound hawthorn sapling.

On a street without many trees, they found space between the curb and the sidewalk to make room for new life to grow.

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