The Hill

Protesters, Police Chief Talk It Out

by | Jun 3, 2020 7:15 pm | Comments (44)

Thomas Breen photos

Chief Reyes (center) talking with protesters outside 1 Union Ave. Below: Top brass taking a knee.

Over 60 protesters converged on police headquarters Wednesday for the second time in four days.

This time, they were greeted not by officers in riot gear, but rather by top brass who kneeled in support of their anti-brutality message — and then spoke with them about how to work together to build a more community-accountable force.

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1K Protesters Take Over I-95

by | May 31, 2020 2:43 pm | Comments (49)

Paul Bass photos

Black Lives Matters marchers occupy southbound I-95 lanes. Below: Ala Ochumare keeps protest on course.

Thomas Breen Photo

Police, protesters at 1 Union Ave. after bottles were thrown at cops, who pepper sprayed …

…onto such protesters as Derek Cote.

One thousand Black Lives Matter protesters and their allies marched from Broadway to the Green — and then on to the highway, with police standing back.

No one got arrested. No one got hurt. Until, later at the police station, some protesters started throwing bottles at the cops. Others tried to enter the building, and cops pepper sprayed them to deter them.

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Amid Hard Times, Biotower Plan Advances

by | May 28, 2020 10:35 am | Comments (15)

Elkus Manfredi Architects

101 College St. rendering.

Brian Wingate: “Only New Haven can do this in a pandemnic.”

Plans for a new 10-story, 500,000 square-foot bioscience lab and office tower to be built atop the former Route 34 corridor advanced with enthusiastic community support and a tweak to include Hill and Dwight residents in the benefits.

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YNHH Updates: Operating Loss Could Reach $500M; New Testing Site To Open At Strong School

by | May 27, 2020 4:23 pm | Comments (0)


YNHH CEO Marna Borgrstrom

Yale New Haven Health could face an operating loss of upwards of $500 million this fiscal year — a roughly $750 million swing from the regional health care system’s rosier, pre-pandemic budget projections.

Also, the city and YNHH have teamed up to open a new Covid-19 testing site at the former Strong School on Orchard Street.

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“Telemedicine Can’t Weigh The Baby”

by | Apr 29, 2020 2:42 pm | Comments (2)

The crew of the Community Health Care Van, repurposed for post-partum visits during Covid-19 in the Sherman-Tyler lot.

Lindsie Cohen and newborn son, after visit to repurposed van for post-natal care.

Marlena Santos brought her newborn son to a 40-foot converted school bus occupying two spaces in the Sherman-Tyler Parking Lot near Ella T. Grasso Blvd. There, an advanced practice registered nurse weighed and measured him, checked his heart rate, and listened to his lungs.

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Details Fleshed Out For Planned 101 College Bio-Tower

by | Apr 21, 2020 10:45 am | Comments (5)


The proposed new lab and office tower at 101 College.

A planned new bioscience lab and office tower to be built at 101 College St. will be between 350,000 and 550,000 square feet large, cost the developer roughly $100 million to construct, create upwards of 1,000 new permanent jobs, and include a privately-owned public plaza and a maximum of 175 on-site parking spaces.

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