Christopher Peak |
Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm
Christopher Peak Photo
Registrar Shannel Evans explains the rules at Advanced Nursing.
Fifteen seniors confined to a nursing home won’t make it to the polls on Nov. 5 — but they got to cast their ballots anyway, thanks to a visit Thursday from the city’s registrar of voters office.
Allan Appel |
Oct 17, 2019 2:05 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Colville greeted back home by neighbor and godson Eddie Foran-Cruz.
Mark Colville has already served 15 months in jail for breaking into a Georgia naval base and spraypainting peace signs, stringing yellow police tape, and pouring symbolic blood from baby bottles onto submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles.
As he prepares to represent himself in court later this month, the Hill native and Amistad Catholic Worker House founder reflected on the close ties between his spiritual faith and anti-nuke resistance.
Hill Alder Ron Hurt formally apologized for supporting a new in-patient substance abuse treatment center without first consulting his constituents, and succeeded in buying neighbors a bit more time to weigh in on the project before it moves ahead.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 10, 2019 8:12 am
Thomas Breen photo
Hill top cop Sgt. Justin Marshall.
The northern half of the Hill has seen two people shot, two robberies, two aggravated assaults, and two additional incidents of gunfire in what the neighborhood’s top cop described as a “violent month.”
Can you identify where the above pile of dirt is located?
Hint: It’s in the middle of a city where the landscape is transforming before our eyes amidst a years-long building boom. That means lots of big piles of dirt, for now.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 25, 2019 1:31 pm
Thomas Breen photo
LCI Acquisition and Disposition Coordinator Evan Trachten.
Google Maps photo
232-240 Columbus Ave.
City plans to sell two publicly-owned vacant lots on Columbus Avenue to a developer who has promised to build five market-rate and five affordable apartments won a key regulatory approval, and glowing praise from the commissioners who granted it.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 25, 2019 7:48 am
Thomas Breen photo
LCI chief Serena Neal-Sanjurjo, who read aloud letter of agreement.
Hill neighbors struck a deal with a community health center executive to support a planned new addiction recovery center in exchange for the inclusion of a dedicated community meeting space.
That happened Tuesday night at a Livable City Initiative (LCI) Board of Directors meeting on the second floor of City Hall.
The design of this year’s “Vlock” house draws on the classic New Haven three-decker, found from East Rock to Kimberly Square. It draws as well on a vision of how to house people who know the insecurity of sleeping in tents or under bridges and therefore want security.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 23, 2019 12:26 pm
Attorney Rolan Young, Cornell Scott CEO Michael Taylor, and Cornell Scott Director of Purchasing & Facility Development Shawn Galligan.
649 Howard Ave.
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center won a key city approval for its plans to build a new 31,000 square-foot, 52-bed substance abuse treatment center on Cedar Street in the Hill.
The city plans to sell two vacant Hill lots to a developer who has committed to building five units of market-rate and five units of affordable housing, all with no public subsidy required.
Three incumbent New Haven alders defeated challengers in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries, while a party convention-endorsed candidate also prevailed against a petitioning challenger.
Thomas Breen & Christopher Peak |
Sep 10, 2019 6:16 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Corbett and Marks (center and right) pitch Wendy Clayton.
As canvassers headed toward the home stretch of Tuesday’s Democratic primary, a labor door-knocking duo converted at least one skeptical Beaver Hills resident to vote for Mayor Toni Harp through a pitch that focused on jobs, public safety, and Goffe Street Park.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 6, 2019 12:26 pm
Thomas Breen photo / Contributed photo
Hill Alder Ron Hurt and challenger Maria Rodriguez.
Public safety and community cohesion are issues at the heart of an aldermanic race in the Hill between the first-term incumbent and a retired school social worker and local party co-chair who previously served as an alder in the late 1970s.
Christopher Peak |
Aug 26, 2019 4:15 pm
Quick: Five seconds to answer.
Math Bee winners Melany Catota and Saviour Moccormack.
As she rode the morning bus, Melany Abigail Catota Lopez, a third-grader at Strong School, pulled a stack of pink notecards with multiplication tables out of a plastic baggie. Her teacher had helped her cut them out. She asked a friend to help her go over them.
“But you know them,” the friend told her.
“I know,” Catota said. “I just want to practice them in case.”
Osvaldo Garcia, at right, with rookies Marlena Ofiara and Jake Wright.
Jake Wright watched Officer Osvaldo Garcia finish questioning a witness about a stolen gun. He recognized the last question — because Garcia had asked it already.
Allan Appel |
Aug 23, 2019 7:47 am
Sarah McIver (at right) and Angela Hatley (center) examine LCI letter.
Allan Appel Photos
The pilot lot, 455 Howard Ave.
A gap-toothed section of Howard Avenue near Rosette Street may soon be filled in by a new multi-family house — in keeping both with neighborhood architecture and the desires of longtime homeowners to become players, not pawns, in the area’s development.
Union Station already has a 112-room hotel, a swanky second-floor bar, a host of locally owned and managed restaurants, and shuffleboard tables just waiting to be enjoyed by train commuters.
That’s not New Haven Union Station, but Denver Union Station, which the city and state are looking to as a model for how to revamp New Haven’s transit hub.
Balmer Gonzalez with wife Maria Arce and son David.
David Gonzalez photo
Balmer Gonzalez’s daughter-in-law after the paintball shooting.
Balmer Gonzalez was closing up shop at his Colombian restaurant in the Hill when a group of strangers rolled down their car window and sprayed him and his family with bullets.
So Gonzalez pulled a handgun from his back pocket and returned fire. And ended up arrested.