The Hill

Bermudez Zimmerman Talks Health, Seeks Senior Votes (& Goats)

by | Aug 8, 2018 12:11 pm | Comments (5)

Allan Appel Photo

The candidate, right, with Casa Otonal resident, Berenid Rivera.

Ooh,” Eva Bermudez Zimmerman cooed along with little kids who were doting over three goats, several rabbits, a goose, and a brood of young, still furry chicks.

Then she said it is so sad to have separated the chicks from their mom. Her parents, who had a farm in Puerto Rico, taught her that when humans touch the chicks, the mother no longer recognizes them in the same way.

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Northland: Disaster Not Our Fault

by | Jul 27, 2018 8:08 am | Comments (12)

Paul Bass Photo

Lead plaintiff Personna Noble, at right, at announcement of lawsuit.

If Church Street South was such a mess, why didn’t the tenants tell the landlord? Or government inspectors?

Lawyers for Northland Investment Corporation, the Massachusetts-based owner of the former 301-unit federally subsidized housing complex across from Union Station, raise that argument in a new 700-page brief, as they try to dissuade a judge from grouping former tenants together to press their case that the company is responsible for endangering their health and their lives.

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Bysiewicz Connects With Seniors

by | Jul 25, 2018 8:18 am | Comments (3)

Allan Appel Photo

The candidate with 97-year-old Rifkin.

After college, two of her three kids received their most attractive job offers not in Connecticut but in New York City, and so have moved there.

That’s why, Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Susan Bysiewicz said, she wakes up every morning of her campaign thinking about what she can do to keep young people in Connecticut.

That rang a bell with 97-year-old Sylvia Rifkin, who also has children — make that grandchildren — who likewise have moved to New York to begin their careers.

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Hill’s Snowprah Arrives

by | Jul 24, 2018 4:44 pm | Comments (8)

There’s a party on the street, people dancing in front of Eddy’s Food Center in the Hill. People jammed onto the stoop of a house.

Snowprah comes to the party draped in the Jamaican flag, but leaves no mistake as to where she’s from.

Out’cha feelings, get up and go get em,” she raps. This is the Yank riddim / this is the Yank.”

With over 170,000 views and counting, Yank Riddim” is a viral hit. It has landed the 23-year-old New Haven-based musician on Hot 93.7 — and beyond. Not bad for someone who started writing songs only in March.

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Northland’s Insurer Sues To Stop Paying

by | May 31, 2018 7:55 am | Comments (15)

Paul Bass photo

Pre-demolition work underway at Church Street South.

You didn’t mention the mess at Church Street South.

An insurance company is basically making that claim in court against the owner of the crumbling, condemned and hazardous federally subsidized 301-unit apartment complex across from Union Station, in an effort to end its six-figure payouts. The owner, meanwhile, sees another case of an insurance company making up reasons to squirrel out of its legal responsibility to pay.

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Nature — Or Blight?

by | May 29, 2018 7:17 am | Comments (17)

Thomas Breen photo

Delroy May: “We just plant vegetables.”

The back lot of 74 Porter, subject of LCI order.

Come back next month, Delroy May and Sylvia Stephens promise, and you’ll see organic vegetables starting to grow.

Right now, a city inspector ruled, he sees a blighted mess and a potential safe haven for rodents — and has ordered it cleaned up.

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Hill To Downtown Phase 1 Breaks Ground

by | May 1, 2018 4:29 pm | Comments (19)

Hill Alder David Reyes attends his first hardhat ceremony.

Markeshia Ricks Photo

City, state officials join Salvatore and Harp for groundbreaking.

Hardhats were donned and hands were put to shovel by a Stamford developer and Mayor Toni Harp on a bright Tuesday to officially mark the start of construction for the first phase of the Hill to Downtown Project.

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Absentee Landlords Caught Supersizing

by | Apr 10, 2018 2:59 pm | Comments (20)

Thomas Breen photo

The backyard at 68 Mechanic St.

The city found a Mechanic Street home owned by two Guilford-based landlords to be unfit for human occupancy” due to an absence of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, unpermitted and uninspected interior renovations, and the illegal conversion of a two-family dwelling into five separate rental units.

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Apartments OK’d For Hill “Ghost Town”

by | Mar 29, 2018 2:18 pm | Comments (13)

Kenneth Boroson Architects, LLC

Two new residential developments at Lafayette Street and Congress Avenue.

A 30-year plan to redevelop an 11.6‑acre ghost town” of mostly parking lots and vacant buildings between the Hill and Downtown took another step forward on Wednesday night when city planners approved site plans for two residential developments that are scheduled to begin construction this fall.

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