The Hill

Hospital Visitors To Get Cozy Shabbes Digs

by | Jan 26, 2016 2:47 pm | Comments (0)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

The soon-to-open Friendship House.

The calls would come in on Friday, sometimes just two hours before the start of the Jewish Sabbath at sundown.

They need a place to stay they need food, they need this, they need that,” Eli Greer said recently during a tour of a light blue, two-story house on Vernon Street. They don’t know where they are, or the community.”

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Neighbors Confront Parking Freeloaders

by | Jan 22, 2016 5:05 pm | Comments (49)

Excuse me,” Janice Parker said to the woman walking purposefully up Howard Avenue with her cell phone in her hand. Which car is your car?”

It’s the silver Nissan,” she said without any hesitation.

That’s what, I thought,” Parker said. It’s been there all day. I believe I’ve told you before that you’re taking parking from residents.”

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Surprise! Now HUD Flunks Church St. South

by | Jan 21, 2016 8:18 am | Comments (11)

Paul Bass Photo

Marx: Questions need to be asked “at the highest levels.”

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Harp: This “heartache could have been avoided.”

How did federal inspectors offer a rosy inspection of the crumbling Church Street South housing complex — and then a year later give it a score of only 20 out of 100?

That question arises from a newly released federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) report on conditions at the 301-unit subsidized complex across from the train station.

And it adds fuel to a call issued by Mayor Toni Harp for Congressional hearings into how HUD looks after — or doesn’t look after — conditions at low-income housing developments where it pays millions of dollars a year in rents.

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Hill Puts Brakes On Building Plan

by | Dec 1, 2015 9:03 am | Comments (12)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Salvatore, Cowan, Neal-Sanjurjo, City Plan chief Karyn Gilvarg made the case for the plan Monday night.

New Haven’s hurtling development train paused, at least momentarily, as neighbors forced a delay in a vote on key elements of a plan to build new apartments, stores, offices, and labs in a stretch of the Hill neighborhood.

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Building-Boom Faceoff Brews

by | Nov 19, 2015 4:28 pm | Comments (17)

Farwell and Zucker at Wednesday’s hearing.

Who gets to park or build where? And who gets to decide?

Those broad questions about New Haven’s building boom — with the city’s main political power bases on different sides — are tucked into three legalistic land-use proposals headed for the Board of Alders following yes votes from a city commission.

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Pols Enlist In Church Street South Fight

by | Nov 10, 2015 8:03 am | Comments (13)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Marx, center, with colleague Amy Eppler-Epstein and Del Hoyo, pitches alders Monday night.

Paul Bass Photo

Blumenthal: On board with Harp.

The head of the Board of Alders Black and Hispanic Caucus vowed to monitor the future of affordable housing at Church Street South, while Connecticut’s two U.S. senators said they’re open to the idea of Congressional hearings into why a federal housing agency allowed a crisis to develop there.

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Raze? Preserve? Or Renew?

by | Oct 30, 2015 2:28 pm | Comments (32)

Scene of a May 2010 homicide investigation at Church Street South (left), frozen drainage pipes (top right), illegal dirt bike riding in a publicly-accessible courtyard (center right), and broken apartment furnace (bottom right).

When a Boston not-for-profit this week suggested buying and perhaps preserving the troubled Church Street South apartment complex, critics from many corners called tearing it all down instead. It turns out that a third, hybrid option may make the most sense.

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