Man Killed In Hill
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| Oct 14, 2015 2:52 pm |(Update) Police officers responding to a report of gunfire found a man lying dead in a parking lot of an apartment building at 210 Davenport Ave. at 9:17 p.m. Tuesday.
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| Oct 14, 2015 2:52 pm |(Update) Police officers responding to a report of gunfire found a man lying dead in a parking lot of an apartment building at 210 Davenport Ave. at 9:17 p.m. Tuesday.
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| Oct 5, 2015 9:07 am |Lucy Gellman Photos
Two New Haven alders, Dolores Colon of the Hill and Santiago Berrios-Bones of Fair Haven, spoke about what they’re up to in elected office — and about the upcoming Oct. 15 Board of Alders’ Black and Hispanic Caucus annual gala, a fundraiser for youth and elder programs — on the latest episode of WNHH radio’s “K Pasa.”
Paul Bass Photo
NHLAA’s Marx: Trusted 3rd party should screen tenants.
Two days after families at Church Street South received mixed signals about whether they’ll be able to move — and when — officials sought to reassure the public that plans are in place. Or will be soon.
Continue reading ‘Mixed Signals For Church St. South Families’
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| Sep 29, 2015 12:14 am |Markeshia Ricks Photo
Church Street South tenants wait for a meeting about their fate.
Families who have been, or will be, displaced from Church Street South for health reasons will be moved first, and then everybody else.
Officials don’t know how long it will take to get the 200-plus families moved out who are still living in the apartment complex, but when they leave, they won’t be coming back. And the entire complex will be demolished.
Allan Appel Photo
Cepeda: Our lives have been uprooted.
Paul Bass Photo
Rodriguez: No turning back.
The previously faceless officials determining the fates of 288 families from the crumbling Church Street South apartment complex showed up in person Thursday night to declare that safe new housing is on the way, though key details remained sketchy.
Paul Bass Photo
Salvatore meeting with neighbors about the plan.
A developer would pay the city $1.25 million for land in the Hill where he hopes to build 140 apartments as well as stores and offices, according to an agreement that comes before the Board of Alders Monday night.
Continue reading ‘Deal Sets Pricetag, Concessions To Build In Hill’
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| Sep 18, 2015 5:18 pm |The word got out fast — New Haven’s clearing out the Church Street South apartment complex. And landlords lined up to offer tenants new homes.
Continue reading ‘200 Apartments Identified For Church Street South Families’
Paul Bass Photo
Aliyya Swaby photo
A community that existed for nearly a half-century will soon disappear, as officials announced plans Wednesday to move all families out of the Church Street South housing complex and probably demolish it.
For tenants like Pablo Batista, that can’t happen soon enough.
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| Sep 16, 2015 12:06 pm |Another nine Church Street South families were sent to hotels Tuesday after city Building Official Jim Turcio closed down their apartments.
Markeshia Ricks Photo
DuBois-Walton: We’re ready.
The owner of the crumbling Church Street South housing complex asked New Haven’s housing authority to take charge of finding new homes for up to 50 families — and received a yes in principle.
Continue reading ‘Northland Asks Housing Authority For Help’
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| Sep 10, 2015 7:13 am |Aliyya Swaby Photo
Tahis Caraballo returned to her condemned Church Street South apartment a few days ago and found clothes in her children’s bedrooms tossed on the floor and the beds propped on their sides.
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and | Sep 3, 2015 5:58 pm |Aliyya Swaby Photo
Lorenzana with her son Marrero.
Erika Lorenzana watched her bathroom walls and ceiling crumble to the touch and reveal a severe mold infestation — moments after contractors supposedly finished repairing them.
As a result, a possible breakthrough emerged hours later in the festering and fast-moving housing crisis at the Church Street South housing complex.
Continue reading ‘Shoddy Repairs Raise Alarm—& Northland Offer’
Aliyya Swaby Photo
Tenant Gonzalez Wednesday in her apartment, where she said repairs are being done shoddily and illegally.
Harp: First fix mess, then we’ll talk.
The federal government issued the owners of the crumbling Church Street South complex a notice of default — while opening the door to a longer-term plan to allow for demolishing the buildings there rather than fixing them.
Meanwhile, the chairman of Massachusetts-based Northland Investment Corp., the complex’s owner, personally pitched Mayor Toni Harp on a plan to have his company do that job, razing the 301-unit federally subsidized apartment complex across from Union Station and rebuilding it as an 800 – 1,000-unit mixed-use, mixed-income development.
Continue reading ‘Northland Gets Default Order—& A New Offer’
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| Aug 27, 2015 5:21 pm |City’s Jim Turcio, right, alighting from this week’s roof inspection.
Paul Bass Photo
Hecht: We have room.
The feds are coming to Church Street South — all of Church Street South. They’ve also offered new help for tenants in unlivable apartments.
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| Aug 26, 2015 5:06 pm |Paul Bass Photo
Burke and Turcio in mid-air.
Contributed photo
Roof discovery Wednesday.
Jim Turcio descended from another roof at the crumbling Church Street South apartment complex Wednesday determined to get the owner to “repair or replace”—preferably replace—not just one roof, but 17.
Continue reading ‘Northland Ordered To Fix Another 17 Roofs’
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| Aug 25, 2015 4:53 pm |Markesha Ricks Photo
Church Street South families at La Quinta.
Jessica Rivera said her four children don’t mind eating hotel restaurant food every day. But after two weeks of living in a single hotel room, they’re ready to go home — to Church Street South.
It doesn’t appear home will be ready for them any time soon.
Continue reading ‘Church Street South Evacuees Crammed In Hotel’
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and | Aug 21, 2015 3:54 pm |Aliyya Swaby File Photo
Waterlogged, destroyed floor in unit condemned this week.
The federal government will decide next week whether to take some money away from the operators of the troubled Church Street South complex in order to have some tenants live elsewhere in town.
Continue reading ‘City Issues New Condemnations, Orders At Church St. South; HUD Mulls $$ Transfer’
Paul Bass Photos
Gottesdiener: Wants to “create something better.”
Colon: Northland record has been “criminal.”
The owner of Church Street South almost reached a deal with the city two years ago to demolish the crumbling subsidized apartment complex across from Union Station to build a bigger, more diverse development. Now it would like a second chance.
Aliyya Swaby Photo
Waterlogged, destroyed floor in unit condemned this week.
Continue reading ‘Church Street South Endgame: Raze, Rebuild’
Paul Bass Photo
Fred Tucker: Who gets the jobs?
Over 100 apartments, storefronts, and offices would sprout atop surface parking lots and inside an abandoned old school under a plan revealed to the public Wednesday night.
Continue reading ‘Developer Eyes Rebuilding 3 Blocks In The Hill’
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| Aug 19, 2015 5:31 pm |Aliyya Swaby Photo
Needing to go the bathroom in the middle of the night, Church Street South tenant Pablo Batista swung his legs around, put his feet to the floor — and yelped in shock. His bedroom was full of water.
Continue reading ‘Flooding Plagues Once-Condemned Apartment’
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| Aug 18, 2015 4:29 pm |Paul Bass Photo
A day after the emergency demolition of an historic downtown building, city inspectors acted to prevent collapses at three other properties.
Continue reading ‘Stop Work Order Issued; 2 Buildings Condemned’
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| Aug 18, 2015 1:09 pm |Markeshia Ricks Photo
An electrical box outside of an apartment, covered by black plastic.
The City Building Department has declared several structures at Church Street South Apartments unsafe and issued orders giving the owners of the complex 10 business days to fix a roof, repair deteriorating stairs and obtain the proper permits to make the repairs.
Continue reading ‘Church Street South Hit With 30 New Orders’
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Natalie Gonzalez noticed something wrong when the lights in her kitchen of her apartment stopped working. She checked the electrical outlets, then the stove. No electricity flowed.
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| Aug 7, 2015 2:58 pm |Aliyya Swaby Photo
Instead of playing outside with friends, Eric Davies spent most of his summer gardening around New Haven — sawing down invasive autumn olive trees and heaving wheelbarrows full of dirt.
Continue reading ‘Helping Hands Whip Community Garden Into Shape’
Aliyya Swaby Photo
Inspectors head to the roof.
The city condemned one apartment, ordered part of another sealed off, and issued a stop-work order after an inspection Wednesday at the perpetually troubled Church Street South complex across from the train station.
Continue reading ‘City Cracks Down On Church Street South, Again’