Aliyya Swaby and Paul Bass |
Aug 6, 2015 7:20 am
Aliyya Swaby Photo
Inspectors head to the roof.
The city condemned one apartment, ordered part of another sealed off, and issued a stop-work order after an inspection Wednesday at the perpetually troubled Church Street South complex across from the train station.
Donelson, Baker, and Fred Tucker at Tuesday night’s forum.
For years, Kim Hart went to the emergency room instead of her doctor’s office. Despite being insured, she called 911 instead of making an appointment at the hospital.
New Haven’s hungry were greeted Tuesday morning by a familiar sight — a truck with free veggies — and a visitor, their U.S. Congresswoman, who used the occasion to highlight food insecurity.
Sebastian Medina-Tayac |
Jul 20, 2015 4:30 pm
Sebastian Medina-Tayac Photo
Mark & Luz Colville.
The Amistad Catholic Worker House — the hungry-feeding, injustice-fighting oasis on Rosette Street — usually celebrates its anniversary with a block party with a moon bounce, popcorn, and water sprayed from a fire hydrant on their tight-knit block in the Hill. Sunday the group celebrated its 20th anniversary with a blow-out at Lighthouse Point Park.
Who footed the bill? The New York Police Department.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jun 29, 2015 1:14 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Former Alders James and Perez with newcomer Reyes.
Two alders representing the Hill neighborhood kicked off their bids for reelection at Trowbridge Square Park, while the nephew of a former longstanding alder sought to follow in his footsteps.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jun 16, 2015 8:11 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Elecya Ward, who hadn’t worked in a garden before, eagerly named what she and fellow New Horizons students had planted in a formerly vacant lot next to the school: “Tomatoes, broccoli, spinach and onions.”
Stephanie Addenbrooke |
Jun 1, 2015 1:42 pm
When the opening bars of Michael Jackson’s “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” rang through speakers at Trowbridge Square Park at 3 p.m. Sunday, Hill neighbors stopped what they were doing to dance together.
As officials scurried behind closed doors to revive a plan to build a new $45 million home for Strong School, Susan Bonanno ventured into the current property’s “playground.”
New Haven police officers Keron Bryce and Osvaldo Garcia were arresting a suspect and about to send him downtown in the prisoner transport van, when they heard a sound that neither man will ever forget.