Markeshia Ricks |
Dec 11, 2014 2:51 pm
A groundbreaking in East Rock’s Goatville section Tuesday was a celebration of not just new lofts, but of what can happen when a community and a developer actually agree on a project.
As professional artist Ryan “Arcy” Christenson outlined an elaborate butterfly, a group of toddlers hurled paint at the wall and older kids added their own up-close touches — which was all part of the point.
John Hancocks flowed along with the Samuel Adams at happy hour on State Street, as a Republican office-seeker asked supporters to help him mount a parallel third-party campaign.
A controversial Brooklyn developer sat on “Trolley Square” for 11 years without completing promised repairs — and has now sold the property for almost twice what he paid for it.
Thomas MacMillan |
Jun 18, 2014 4:38 pm
Leaving the Wine Thief one day with his favorite palette-pleasing trio — crusty baguette, hunk of Roquefort cheese, bottle of sake — Chris Dircks had a thought; What a shame that more people don’t know the pleasure of the fermented rice brew.
David Sepulveda |
May 19, 2014 12:42 pm
A ballot box at an Under91 Project block party and cookout near the site of an upcoming community arts project was stuffed with the aspirations, visions and votes of artists, neighbors, and project organizers.