
Pike Enters $121K Lead Paint Settlement

by | Aug 8, 2017 3:12 am | Comments (5)

Pike International

Colby Court, one of three Pike-managed properties due for lead-paint abatement, under the terms of an EPA settlement.

One of New Haven’s largest landlords has agreed to a $121,000 settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over alleged violations of lead-safety rules — the EPA’s latest enforcement action in what environmentalists worry will be a dwindling federal caseload as the Trump administration limits oversight of toxic chemicals.

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All Aboard The “Dream Train”

by | Jul 21, 2017 7:42 am | Comments (0)

Lucy Gellman

The ensemble.

Scene: The city and the forest, once a single village, have been divided by a railroad that cuts through the land.

Scene: The two halves are now two municipalities. No trade flows between them. Families, then friends, lose touch. The city moves to protect itself with high walls.

Scene: All the trees are dying, one by one. The walls have severed their roots.

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Westville Artists Roll Out Welcome Mat

by | Jul 12, 2017 12:23 pm | Comments (1)

Brandi Fullwood Photo

Elizabeth Barton of Iron & Walnut.

On the most recent version of a new Westville Village art crawl Second Saturday, the artists working in West River Arts — a warren of second-floor studio spaces nestled amongst galleries, cafes, and commercial buildings on Whalley Avenue and Blake Street — threw their studios open for conversation with the community.

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Mark Mulcahy Takes “Possum” For A Spin

by | Jun 26, 2017 7:31 am | Comments (2)


Karen Ponzio

Mark Mulcahy strummed his guitar on the stage of Lyric Hall on Thursday, midway through a string of older songs after performing his new album, The Possum in the Driveway, in its entirety.

What else?” he asked the band around him. Someone in the audience shouted a request.

Not that what else,” he said. Don’t yell out songs” he said, in a soft and kindly manner, because the band might not know them and then they’ll feel bad…. If you went to someone’s house and they offered you apple pie, you wouldn’t yell out cherry pie’, would you?”

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Cinema Gets Strange At Lyric Hall

by | Jun 19, 2017 12:23 pm | Comments (0)

Karen Ponzio photo

Fay and Dakoulas.

Alex Dakoulas, owner of Strange Ways in Westville, had been enjoying the weekly underground movies being shown at Lyric Hall on Whalley Avenue, down the street from his own shop every Tuesday. Coincidentally, Dakoulas had begun holding Flair Fair, a market for vendors of pins, patches, and other wearable art, in Lyric Hall.

So he approached Joe Fay, the curator of Lyric Hall’s film series, with the hope that they could combine our powers” and get people together for a unique event” — to not only shop, but to also see, as Fay put it, slightly offbeat films.”

Thus, Strange Cinema was born.

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Harp, Paca Portray 2 New Havens

by | Jun 16, 2017 8:15 am | Comments (39)

Christopher Peak Photos

Harp, Paca at their first joint forum Thursday night.

In Mayor Toni Harp’s New Haven, violent crime has fallen nearly 75 percent in six years. In challenger Marcus Paca’s New Haven, bullets still fly in struggling neighborhoods, with victims shot even in their own homes.”

Young people are flocking downtown for walkable living and a startup-friendly culture, in Harp’s city. In Paca’s, economic development hasn’t touched the Westville, Grand Avenue or the Dixwell main drags.

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Elm City Express Gets On The Train

by | Jun 14, 2017 7:41 am | Comments (2)

Lucy Gellman Photo

TSF golie Mateo Zabala makes a save against Elm City.

For the third time in 16 minutes, Elm City Express was gaining on the New Jersey-based TSF FCs goal. Anthony Assante extended his left leg and kicked, giving the ball a solid spin. TSF goalie Mateo Zabala watched it carefully. With a thump, the ball fell squarely into his gloved hands. 

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Much Ado About Much At Mauro-Sheridan

by | Jun 8, 2017 12:05 pm | Comments (0)

Ni’Jauh Boston-Williams, Kayla Poole, and Dhalia Brelsford as Leonata, Hero, and Beatrice.

The Mauro-Sheridan Interdistrict Magnet School has one of the coolest science and technology-themed programs in town, complete with partnerships with spacemen and competitive robotics clubs.

An increasingly poorly kept secret is the growing prowess of its long-standing Shakespeare reading groups, which have led to The Mauro-Sheridan Shakespeare players’ annual production of a Bard play.

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