
Manjares Fills After-Dark Void

by | Nov 23, 2015 4:44 pm | Comments (7)


Owner De Los Angeles.

Sitting at a quiet table in Westville’s Manjares Cafe, architect Eric Epstein found the perfect prescription for his long day of demolition work and fierce hunger in a hearty bowl of sancocho moca — a corn on the cob stew of plantain, yucca, chicken, beef, pork, and mixed vegetables, into which he toppled a scoop of fluffy white rice.

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Lyric Hall Makes Noise For Toys

by | Nov 19, 2015 1:13 pm | Comments (2)

Alessandro Powell Photo

Can you remember the best Christmas ever?” asked Mike Miglietta, aka noise artist Parlay Droner. How about the worst?”

Noise for Toys, an outgrowth of Drink Deeply’s Elm City Noise Festival, is set to ring in the Yuletide spirit on Friday at Lyric Hall in Westville, where the festival’s proud parents, Margaret Milano and Miglietta, celebrated their engagement earlier this year.

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Foreclosed Houses Go On Display, As Art

by | Oct 16, 2015 12:37 pm | Comments (0)

Artist Photo

“374 Orchard Street,” mixed media collage and graphite on paper.

Bank and credit card statements. Stocks and bonds certificates. Dollar and twenty-dollar bills, barcodes, maps of Connecticut. The insides of security envelopes, in which — if you have been unlucky, overextended, or financially duped — you might have received a foreclosure notice.

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