
Meet The Anti-Grinch

by | Dec 19, 2014 9:22 am | Comments (1)


Gracie Wilson of Westville worries about shelter dogs who seem cold in their concrete pens. More than that, she worries that they will not find homes of their own. Receiving $162 on her recent ninth birthday, she decided to do something about it.

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Fire-Twirlers & Lego-Builders Get Channukah Started

by | Dec 18, 2014 2:05 pm | Comments (0)


I have to say, this year we have not only the biggest but the most beautiful crowd we’ve ever had, and the nicest weather as well.”

So exclaimed Rabbi Yossi Hodakov of Chabad Jewish Center of Westville, as a crowd came together Tuesday night to celebrate the start of Channukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, with the traditional lighting of the menorah — and something more.

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Westville Author’s “Millionaires Unit” Becomes Documentary

by | Dec 15, 2014 2:29 pm | Comments (1)


Wortman, left

Thirteen years after the Wright brothers flew their first true plane, aviation enthusiasts belonging to the Yale Flying Club took to the sky with uncanny dedication and great urgency. Lured by a sense of adventure and an unwavering belief in duty to country, some, the sons of wealth and privilege, learned to fly the imperfect planes of their era — which were also evolving as instruments of war.

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Bioswalers At Work

by | Dec 9, 2014 3:12 pm | Comments (1)

Markeshia Ricks Photo

Mohamad Chakaki, Carl Harvey and Jeremiah Smart prepare for bioswale installation.

You might have noticed a group of men digging a rather large hole in front of Edgewood School. They’re not building an underground classroom, but they’re learning a lot as they build a bioswale.

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Macbeth, The Murder Ballad

by | Dec 9, 2014 10:04 am | Comments (0)

Sam Plattus Photo

MacCoy is a small-time drug dealer somewhere in Appalachia. Little Lady is the mother of his unborn child. They’re hot for each other and desperate to improve their lives. MacCoy’s uncle has a better thing going. So early in the play, Little Lady convinces Mac” that they have to kill him and take over.

Sound familiar?

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Harp: Avoid The Mall, Shop Local This Holiday

by | Nov 20, 2014 1:25 pm | Comments (4)


Davis with Mayor Harp.

Carrien Davis’s Westville flower shop, Any Occasion Creation, lived up to its name as it prepared a mixed floral bouquet to present to Mayor Toni Harp. From the tray of small savory and desert pies supplied by the nearby Sixpense Pie Company, the mayor, who arrived with a small entourage, sampled a mini-pecan pie as she discussed business with the owner and admired displays throughout the shop.

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Adoption Journeys Celebrated

by | Nov 18, 2014 1:46 pm | Comments (1)


Event sponsors insisted it was not a workshop or seminar, but it had all the hallmarks of one. Flip charts with prompts scrawled in magic marker lined the walls of the hall. On tables sat programs to go along with bright-red information packets. November is National Adoption Awareness Month and invited speakers drove shards of awareness into every heart present.

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Aerosol Smackdown!

by | Oct 31, 2014 3:02 pm | Comments (31)


Less than 24 hours after New Haven-based graffiti artist Dooley‑O (pictured) paid homage to his heroes” — New York graffiti legends about whom books have been written — a mural he worked on for a full day was covered over by some of those very same legends.

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Viewers “Swoon”

by | Oct 22, 2014 3:45 pm | Comments (5)

David Sepulveda Photo

Splashing wheat paste in all directions, international street artist Swoon took only minutes to complete what in another era may have been considered an act of vandalism, not art. But she came to New Haven by invitation — and left her mark.

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