Liana Teixeira |
Jun 10, 2014 12:09 pm
Liana Teixeira Photo
Thirty-six million gallons of dirty water poured into the West River last year. That’s not as bad as engineers predicted — and they have a plan to do way better than that.
David Sepulveda |
Jun 6, 2014 12:16 pm
Joseph Saccio’s “Epiphany,” Detail.
Fragments: Tragedy and Hope, a new exhibit at Kehler Liddell Gallery (KLG) in Westville, features art by Fethi Meghelli and Joseph Saccio, both of whom have studios at Erector Square. The show opened with a well-attended artists’ reception and a lingering crowd of viewers absorbed by the range and depth of this two-person exhibit.
Noah Enjalran wants to push his scooter and squish bugs in the courtyard of his apartment complex. Under rules imposed by a new sheriff on the block, that’ll cost him a $100 fine.
David Sepulveda |
May 12, 2014 3:20 pm
Young artists make their contributions to the new WALL 12 Gallery.
Live action, upside-down images of Edgewood Park as viewed from a darkened, walk-in chamber, were among new interactive art events and features of the 17th annual ArtWalk festival held in Westville Village Friday and Saturday.
David Sepulveda |
May 8, 2014 2:01 pm
Painterly portraits by Liz Brown.
Converse All Star sneakers were first produced in 1917 by Converse Rubber Shoe Company of Malden, Mass., and soon became the professionals’ sneaker of choice. For the last few weeks, the iconic sneaker has become the “canvas” of choice for 36 local artists who are reimagining and riffing on the classic design for Westville’s 17th annual ArtWalk Festival.
David Sepulveda |
Apr 22, 2014 3:50 pm
A community nursery school where little tykes sing songs and play with blocks may have found an ideal new home: A bar where neighbors have complained of noise and public urination, where a man was shot outside the front door.
David Sepulveda |
Mar 26, 2014 3:36 pm
City Hall’s Matt Nemerson congratulates Armstrong at opening.
Project Storefront’s quest to seed new businesses throughout New Haven took another step forward with the launch of Urban SEED [ ] Ponics Lab, a start-up business whose mission, in part, will be to grow green plants — and green ideas.
David Sepulveda |
Mar 20, 2014 12:21 pm
David Sepulveda Photo
Dyami with mom Jennifer Rawlings, who expressed hope that a new home will be found.
For more than four decades, kids have built lifelong friendships at Westville Community Nursery School, and in some cases returned as adults with their own children. The current roster of 35 children will be the last “class” at the celebrated school behind a picturesque church and steeple on Harrison Street.
Police escorted a man out of Edgewood Park last weekend after a jogger called 911 to report that the man had concealed his face and pressed himself up against a hidden wall under a bridge where crimes have taken place. The episode sparked a wide-ranging discussion of policing and race in this Independent thread. Following is a transcript of the 911 call. (Click here for the original story.)
zeligleib Honeyman |
Mar 11, 2014 1:38 pm
Baltimore responds to a question
from Peter Rogol.
Leonard J. Honeyman of Congregation Bikur Cholim Sheveth Achim on Marvel Road sent in this write-up about an event there this past Sunday:
The resurgence of right-wing parties and their anti-Semitic words and actions in Europe in general, and Hungary in particular, is looking more and more like the events in the years before and during the Holocaust.
An outraged Westville writer succeeded in getting the parks department to follow parking laws in the wake of last week’s snowstorms — for a little while.
David Sepulveda |
Feb 19, 2014 4:54 pm
David Sepulveda Photo
It is not often that two distinctly different art forms are presented with the complementary virtuosity of Threads of Serendipity, a new art exhibit that opened Sunday at Westville’s Kehler Liddell Gallery (KLG) featuring the work of sculptor Susan Clinard and photographer Penrhyn Cook.
David Sepulveda |
Feb 18, 2014 1:55 pm
Cinder block by cinder block, Father Emmanuel Ihemedu’s dream of bringing health care to thousands of needy villagers in his native Ejemekwuru, Imo State Nigeria, has edged closer to reality.
With help from Winter Storm Pax, Westville’s roadside snow-art gallery has a new heart-warming (or ‑cooling?) exhibit just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Thomas MacMillan |
Feb 10, 2014 5:11 pm
Thomas MacMillan photo
Kenneth Redding (right) objects to a proposed new turn lane.
In their quest to raze seven buildings and put up a gas station on Upper Whalley Avenue, developers met with skeptical neighbors to unveil their new and improved plan — which looks a lot like the old plan.