Knights Come Through
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| Jun 10, 2013 12:00 pm |
A Westville Catholic school has a new sign, thanks to the Knights of Columbus.
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| Jun 10, 2013 12:00 pm |A Westville Catholic school has a new sign, thanks to the Knights of Columbus.
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Sundiata Keitazulu heard from homeless men about how hard it is to find a job coming out of prison. Unlike other mayoral candidates, Keitazulu knew firsthand what they meant — because he’d lived it.
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| Jun 6, 2013 11:04 am |From the coral reefs of Tahiti, by way of Italian marble quarries, a giant sea slug arrived in a backyard in Westville.
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| Jun 4, 2013 2:50 pm |A good Samaritan hit the brakes when he saw a turtle ambulating on Whalley Avenue — and then braved traffic, as well as some head snaps, to coax it to safety.
New Haven wouldn’t face pressures to raise taxes or spend more on schools if only its state legislators would use their power to fully reimburse the city for tax-exempt property, one mayoral candidate said Sunday — in effect laying the blame at the feet of one of his opponents.
Continue reading ‘Fernandez: Legislators (Read: Harp) Didn’t Deliver’
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| Jun 3, 2013 4:42 pm |Ariela Martin Photo
Zeidenberg talks with the coach and players of the MDF Painting Minors Team.
Only two Westville Youth Baseball teams were scheduled to play on Sunday. But all four teams in the minor division were suited up and on deck — to honor Mel Zeidenberg for his decades of dedication to the league.
A Dominican ex-pat’s cafe in Westville drew a crowd of movie-lovers looking to revisit an American ex-pat’s cafe in Casablanca.
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| May 21, 2013 8:16 am |TINA MENCHETTI PHOTO
Students compare themselves with the self-portraits they made.
“Similar, But Different” is the way Edgewood School second-grade teacher Kim Rogers has described a unique artistic and social collaboration between her class and art students of Tina Menchetti at Chapel Haven, a private non-profit transitioning program serving young adults on the autism spectrum and those with social and developmental disabilities.
Melissa Bailey Photo
Carolina, Elicker, Fernandez, and Harp.
Sundiata Keitazulu took the city bus Sunday to a mayoral candidates’ debate — and discovered many of his opponents had not done so in years, in part, they said, because of a “broken” transit system.
Continue reading ‘Mass Transit The Winner At Mayoral Debate’
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| May 17, 2013 1:58 pm |Thomas MacMillan Photo
New Haven’s Nation marched in the 2010 parade.
The annual Freddie Fixer Parade, which draws thousands of people from throughout the region to Dixwell Avenue, begins at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Then, at 4 p.m., the seven Democratic candidates for mayor all plan for the first time to participate in a debate together, this one focused on economic development.
Continue reading ‘2 Sunday Fixes: The Freddie Parade & A Mayoral Debate’
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| May 15, 2013 1:08 pm |Sculptor Gar Waterman was welding together a “ray gun,” reliving a childhood spent playing with toy firearms and shooting real ones, when tragedy struck in Newtown — and gave his piece a bitter new edge.
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| May 13, 2013 1:34 pm |Paul Bass Photos
Faith McCallum plans to take the world’s best new young tennis player up on a “mentorship” offer — on Instagram, not Twitter.
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| May 13, 2013 12:02 pm |DAVID SEPULVEDA PHOTO
Eyes were turned to darkening skies at the annual Westville Village ArtWalk Festival this weekend, but veterans of the annual event were unfazed. In its 16 years, few can remember an ArtWalk where rain didn’t make a cameo of some kind.
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| May 13, 2013 12:01 pm |Festival-goers who gathered at Westville’s neighborly Aquila Motors during the opening of Friday’s 16th Annual Artwalk, were not there for a lube job or car repair.
Paul Bass Photo
Mayor John DeStefano’s computer runs on 10-year-old software. That’s part of a larger tech problem at City Hall.
The fire that lit up Coogan Pavilion last fall may yet have a good outcome: Edgewood Park could soon be lit up by a glowing, glass-fronted, solar-powered community center.
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| Apr 19, 2013 11:13 am |Thomas MacMIllan Photo
The land drops 30 feet from a Whalley retaining wall to West River.
A builder tried again to get the OK to construct over 100 apartments for the elderly on a strip of land by the curving West River in West Rock’s shadow — only to be shot down out of concerns about flooding.
Continue reading ‘Flood Worries Put Kibosh On Senior Housing Plan’
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| Apr 18, 2013 12:29 pm |David Sepulveda Photo
Image from the Bravo series.
What to make of an artist whose body of work consists of wood block prints, yet declares, “I am a painter, not a print maker”?
It’s difficult to wrap one’s mind around the visual disconnect of seeing graphic prints and thinking of them as paintings, but artist Vanilia Majoros, whose solo exhibit “BRAVO!” opened Saturday at DaSilva Gallery in Westville, makes a persuasive case.
“Every image is one of a kind, just like a painting. I brush oil paint on the block and often apply paint directly on the image. The wood block is one tool among many, used in making the painting. I think of them as paintings — printed paintings,” she said.
Paul Bass Photo
McGill packs up after a New Haven Works Westville road show.
New Haven’s emerging “jobs pipeline” came to Patricia McGill’s neighborhood — and promised finally to get her through Yale’s door.
Continue reading ‘Will New “Pipeline” Connect Her To A Job?’
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| Mar 14, 2013 12:00 pm |Allan Appel Photo
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, but everything’s wonderful in the village of Westville.
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| Mar 14, 2013 11:16 am |The state Department of Labor has ordered five contractors to stop working on construction of a Chase Bank branch at 149 Amity Rd.
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| Mar 8, 2013 1:12 pm |He spent his sunset years on New Haven’s Marvel Road — after besting the Yankees in a Red Sox uniform. Now it’s time that “Smoky Joe” Wood (pictured) get his deserved ultimate resting place: the Hall of Fame.
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| Feb 26, 2013 4:33 pm |David Sepulveda Photo
A spirit of giving and fellowship enveloped a crowd of supporters who came to Westville’s Lyric Hall Friday, with the common purpose of raising funds for a modest health clinic in Ejemekwuru, Imo State, Nigeria. The project, sponsored by New Haven’s MaryCare organization, brought together Hartford and Westville communities, who were greeted at Lyric Hall by the African drum rhythms of Aly Tatchol Camara. A slate of performers and entertainers followed, with attendees enjoying foods, desserts, and fine wines donated by Amity Wines in the floral bedecked reception area.
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| Feb 25, 2013 12:42 pm |Snow What snow? It’s time to sign up for Westville youth baseball.
Nemo brought out the best in me — until I came home at 3 a.m. to find another car in the spot I spent four hours shoveling.