
Paint And Pen Pals

by | May 21, 2013 8:16 am | Comments (2)


Students compare themselves with the self-portraits they made.

Similar, But Different” is the way Edgewood School second-grade teacher Kim Rogers has described a unique artistic and social collaboration between her class and art students of Tina Menchetti at Chapel Haven, a private non-profit transitioning program serving young adults on the autism spectrum and those with social and developmental disabilities.

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2 Sunday Fixes: The Freddie Parade & A Mayoral Debate

by | May 17, 2013 1:58 pm | Comments (2)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

New Haven’s Nation marched in the 2010 parade.

The annual Freddie Fixer Parade, which draws thousands of people from throughout the region to Dixwell Avenue, begins at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Then, at 4 p.m., the seven Democratic candidates for mayor all plan for the first time to participate in a debate together, this one focused on economic development.

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ArtWalks The Walk

by | May 13, 2013 12:02 pm | Comments (4)


Eyes were turned to darkening skies at the annual Westville Village ArtWalk Festival this weekend, but veterans of the annual event were unfazed. In its 16 years, few can remember an ArtWalk where rain didn’t make a cameo of some kind.

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Call Them “Printed Paintings”

by | Apr 18, 2013 12:29 pm | Comments (3)

David Sepulveda Photo

Image from the Bravo series.

What to make of an artist whose body of work consists of wood block prints, yet declares, I am a painter, not a print maker”? 

It’s difficult to wrap one’s mind around the visual disconnect of seeing graphic prints and thinking of them as paintings, but artist Vanilia Majoros, whose solo exhibit BRAVO!” opened Saturday at DaSilva Gallery in Westville, makes a persuasive case. 

Every image is one of a kind, just like a painting. I brush oil paint on the block and often apply paint directly on the image. The wood block is one tool among many, used in making the painting. I think of them as paintings — printed paintings,” she said.

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Clinic Blooms As Communites Unite

by | Feb 26, 2013 4:33 pm | Comments (2)

David Sepulveda Photo

A spirit of giving and fellowship enveloped a crowd of supporters who came to Westville’s Lyric Hall Friday, with the common purpose of raising funds for a modest health clinic in Ejemekwuru, Imo State, Nigeria. The project, sponsored by New Haven’s MaryCare organization, brought together Hartford and Westville communities, who were greeted at Lyric Hall by the African drum rhythms of Aly Tatchol Camara. A slate of performers and entertainers followed, with attendees enjoying foods, desserts, and fine wines donated by Amity Wines in the floral bedecked reception area. 

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