
Pierre Rides Again

by | May 11, 2012 11:00 am | Comments (0)

Thomas MacMIllan Photo

Director Rachel Aldermen, with bike goddess.

With the blessing of bike angel Lala Lallement,” a local theater company is delving into New Haven’s two-wheeled past to help a nervous accountant confront his fear of the velocipede.

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Play Ball!

by | May 8, 2012 12:16 pm | Comments (2)

Ariela Martin Photo

Jayce DiDia, grandmother of two rookie players for the Lester H. Brenner Insurance team (known simply as Brenner”), makes each baseball game and practice a family event. Sunday was no different, when the family came together along with other parents, coaches, players, and dignitaries to celebrate the opening day of the Westville Youth Baseball Association at the Mel Zeidenberg Field.

But this Sunday was different for the diverse league: The launch of the most active season in memory, with three new teams and new equipment.

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World-Class Jazz
Comes to Westville

by | Apr 2, 2012 3:55 pm | Comments (4)

Great venue — one of the best I’ve played” commented world renowned trumpeter Wallace Roney during a recent concert at Westville’s Lyric Hall. That was saying a lot for someone who has played major jazz festivals and venues around the world and has earned a place in the Pantheon of great Jazz trumpeters — past or present. Roney’s date at Lyric Hall also represents a milestone in the busy life of one of New Haven’s most intimate venues for arts and entertainment bookings.

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Comes to Westville’

What's A Lego
Doing In Shul?

by | Mar 8, 2012 8:43 am | Comments (0)

Ariela Martin Photo

The Purim crowd at Beth El Keser Israel (BEKI).

The carnival-like atmosphere of the Jewish holiday of Purim was on display at synagogues in town as the one-day celebration began Wednesday night. People of all ages donned costumes to commemorate the story of Queen Esther, who helped her fellow Jews overcome a plot to exterminate them in the ancient Persian Empire.

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Doing In Shul?’

Dial-Up Photography,
From Your Cell Phone

by | Mar 2, 2012 1:38 pm | Comments (5)

Contributed Photo

JoAnne Wilcox, in rear cockpit, gives the thumbs-up as she prepares for an aerial photo shoot.

On a recent photo shoot, professional photographer and Westville mother of three JoAnne Wilcox gave the thumbs up from the rear cockpit of an M 26 training and aerobatic airplane seconds before taking off to do some aerial photography.

These days, Wilcox is flying by the seat of her pants as she pilots an unusual art exhibit that incorporates three of her favorite activities: community-building, taking pictures, and spending time with her family at her beloved Donald Mitchell Library.

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From Your Cell Phone’

7-11 Squeaks By 3-2

by | Feb 8, 2012 9:18 am | Comments (0)

It appeared to be the bottom of the ninth with two outs and two strikes of community opposition against 7‑Eleven in its bid to open a 24-hour convenience store at the long vacant corner of Whalley and Ramsdell. Then the corporation hit a home run. Now you’ll be able to buy a fresh banana, get Advil or baby formula, or even a Greyhound bus ticket at three in the morning — but not rolling papers.

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