
Thousands Dive Into Westville’s ArtWalk

by | May 10, 2010 11:03 am | Comments (14)

Melinda Tuhus Photo

Painters — professional and otherwise — took turns with a vibrant palette of colors, filling in the outlines of a mural of Westville Village drawn by artist and art teacher David Sepulveda. It was one of the main points of interest at this year’s Westville ArtWalk, which drew thousands to the neighborhood on Friday and Saturday.

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Elm Shakespeare Brings “Art” to Westville

by | Apr 30, 2010 10:20 am | Comments (2)

David Sepulveda Photo

Art” by Yasmina Reza first appeared in Paris in 1995. Shortly afterwards it was translated into English for the British stage and turned up at the Royale Theatre (now the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre) on Broadway on March 1, 1998. The cast was stellar for this three-person play, performed without intermission. The six-month Broadway run included Alan Alda, Victor Garber, and Alfred Molina, all well known film and theatre performers.

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Whalley Redo, Part II

by | Apr 9, 2010 10:49 am | Comments (3)

Leonard Honeyman Photo

The villagers said they want traffic to flow more smoothly.

Those at the east end, by downtown, sought crosswalks, sidewalks and parking.

Those in the middle saw the speedway” as the biggest problem.

They all were talking about Whalley Avenue on Thursday night — and how to make it better.

Continue reading ‘Whalley Redo, Part II’

Discovered: A “ClipNator”

by | Feb 25, 2010 12:45 pm | Comments (0)

Allan Appel Photo

Welcome, folks, to the great ClipNator,” a recent invention of 5th grader Derrick Sims. Yessiree, guaranteed so your child will never misplace his or her pencil ever again.

Sure, it makes shaking hands a little dangerous. And it’s not great for circulation of the blood.

Never you mind. Step right up and you will see the spirit of invention and creativity is alive and well at an after-school program called Invention Convention.

Continue reading ‘Discovered: A “ClipNator”’