
It Took A Village

by | Nov 4, 2009 6:57 pm | Comments (11)

110409_house-1.jpgby David Sepulveda

At the far end of Austin Street, one can glimpse a slice of West Rock’s fractured basalt columns and ledges, part of a magnificent and extended geological ridge that rises to 700 feet — a natural backdrop for New Haven’s Westville Village. At Austin Street’s other end is Blake Street and the recently built Wintergreen of Westville, a rambling and controversial luxury” apartment complex that blocks views of West Rock and that some say is a monument to poor planning and ill-conceived expectations.

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Ahoy, Hallow’s Eve Mateys!

by | Oct 28, 2009 8:52 am | Comments (2)

nhipirates2%20001.JPGHe only looks like Ian Alderman, an ordinary harmless Westvillian. And that U‑shaped space dark and dank down by the West River? It only appears to be the tunnel under Edgewood Avenue.

Shiver me timbers, don’t be fooled. Come Halloween, Alderman will have become Captain Thunderbolt, a late 18th century local pirate who terrorized the neighborhood. The tunnel will have been transformed into a spectacular skull-and-bones festooned vessel.

Continue reading ‘Ahoy, Hallow’s Eve Mateys!’