Rubber Laid On Edgewood
| Jan 18, 2010 6:09 pm |
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Tire tracks from a morning car accident stretched from 851 to 829 Edgewood Ave., according to a neighbor.
Contributed Photo
Tire tracks from a morning car accident stretched from 851 to 829 Edgewood Ave., according to a neighbor.
Six days before a man was shot dead at the front door, the city ordered the owner of a Fitch Street bar to clean up his act.
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| Dec 31, 2009 9:00 am |Water is bubbling up where it doesn’t belong in upper Westville, into basements and garages. Neighbors like Richard Carr want to know why.
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| Dec 16, 2009 12:37 pm |Sydney Simpkins was on the way to have dinner with her sister at Delaney’s restaurant in Westville Tuesday evening when a collision stopped her in her tracks.
by David Sepulveda
It’s not every day you run into people on the streets of New Haven that can say they have just finished filming a movie with Meryl Streep, or George Clooney — but Bruce Altman can.
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| Dec 10, 2009 2:55 pm |When firemen woke her up Thursday morning, Roxi Cunningham quickly searched for her most important possessions. She grabbed her purse, but she couldn’t find her cat Sox.
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| Dec 7, 2009 12:00 pm |The Skamatix were playing. Some of them live right up the street. People were dancing. They live up the street too — and in at least one case were related to the musicians.
Continue reading ‘Ex-Cop Brings Music & Family Feel To Westville’
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| Dec 7, 2009 10:36 am |Jack Paulishen sent in these photos of Westville’s Friday night tree lighting festivities.
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| Nov 24, 2009 1:11 pm |Efforts to make a deadly intersection safer may have turned a corner, as Westville neighbors gathering at the spot agreed to a plan to ban left turns from West Elm Street onto Forest Road.
Continue reading ‘City Offers Solution For Killer Intersection’
This time, no one died.
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| Nov 9, 2009 8:57 am |Nicholas Colombo reassured mom he’ll visit her after he’s done traveling to Mars. The kindergartner is taking his first steps on that journey at the city’s science and technology-themed school, whose new $47.5 million home was dedicated Sunday.
by David Sepulveda
At the far end of Austin Street, one can glimpse a slice of West Rock’s fractured basalt columns and ledges, part of a magnificent and extended geological ridge that rises to 700 feet — a natural backdrop for New Haven’s Westville Village. At Austin Street’s other end is Blake Street and the recently built Wintergreen of Westville, a rambling and controversial “luxury” apartment complex that blocks views of West Rock and that some say is a monument to poor planning and ill-conceived expectations.
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| Nov 4, 2009 11:22 am |The city’s Ward 26 is a tough neighborhood if you are a Republican.
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| Nov 3, 2009 12:09 pm |There was plenty of time for people to line up for a possible foreclosure bargain in the Westville hills. No one ended up taking it.
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| Nov 2, 2009 5:04 pm |The cops have finished taking stock of all the marijuana they removed from a secret drug factory, and the figure hit the millions.
(Updated 4:29 p.m.) “It’s amazing. It’s amazing,” exclaimed Ray Pearson, upon learning that a massive “illegal grow operation” was running next door to the home-daycare center he runs on a quiet Westville block. Police Friday afternoon were removing hundreds of plants and placing the house’s owners under arrest.
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| Oct 28, 2009 8:52 am |He only looks like Ian Alderman, an ordinary harmless Westvillian. And that U‑shaped space dark and dank down by the West River? It only appears to be the tunnel under Edgewood Avenue.
Shiver me timbers, don’t be fooled. Come Halloween, Alderman will have become Captain Thunderbolt, a late 18th century local pirate who terrorized the neighborhood. The tunnel will have been transformed into a spectacular skull-and-bones festooned vessel.
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| Oct 27, 2009 11:45 am |The premise of a “reverse mortgage” sounds hard to beat: Sell your home and live there, too. Leave the home, however, as Raymond Rosen did when he entered a nursing home, and you might not be able to come back.
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| Oct 26, 2009 12:00 pm |For $24, one can buy a decent dinner, see a movie with a friend or, if you are Westville’s Jim O’Connell, run for alderman.
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| Oct 22, 2009 11:25 am |Birds of a feather really do flock together. So you don’t need more than a glorified doghouse to raise the half-dozen hens New Haven residents are now allowed to own, a UConn poultry specialist said Wednesday night.
City officials heard that message as they took their school reform road show to Westville.
The guns were legal, Scott Barone claims. And police had no right to rummage through his Cleveland Road house looking for them.
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| Sep 15, 2009 9:57 pm |Voters in Westville’s 26th Ward chose experience over a promised new “collaboration” Tuesday as they returned Sergio Rodriguez to the Board of Aldermen for the fourth time, by a convincing margin.
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| Sep 11, 2009 10:10 am |The prestigious Hopkins School has decided that a driveway plan was going in the wrong direction and has withdrawn it, at least for the “foreseeable future.”
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| Sep 9, 2009 1:41 pm |Jim Barber lives on Westville’s leafy Vista Terrace, a five-minute walk from the prestigious Hopkins School and a 10-minute stroll from the woods surrounding the Yale Golf Course. Jose Avila’s well-kept house is on Judson Avenue, a two-minute walk from the busy Ella Grasso Boulevard in the West River neighborhood.