Hopkins Plan Riles Neighbors
| Sep 4, 2009 10:25 am |Karen Jacobs has collected dozens of balls launched into her yard from the Hopkins School batting cage next door. Now she and her neighbors feel they’ve struck out altogether with the school.
Karen Jacobs has collected dozens of balls launched into her yard from the Hopkins School batting cage next door. Now she and her neighbors feel they’ve struck out altogether with the school.
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| Sep 2, 2009 4:46 pm |Neither rain nor sleet — nor a pending U.S. Postal Service budget-cutting decision — ended up stopping the mail in the Hill and Westville.
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| Sep 2, 2009 2:17 pm |The Washington Post has released the latest list of post offices slated for closure, and the Westville Post Office and Kilby Station are not on it.
Over 200 sites were cut from the July list.
New Haven State Rep. Pat Dillon represents the 92nd General Assembly District.
Although there has been no formal announcement, this is good news for those concerned about the possible closures.
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| Aug 27, 2009 11:03 am |Every Thursday, a man in a red Oldsmobile drives around New Haven, keeping one eye on the road and the other on a barely visible set of overhead wires and dowels attached to poles. He’s looking for a break — and hoping he doesn’t find one.
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| Aug 26, 2009 10:42 am |Westville resident David Sepulveda sent in this photo and write-up about one of his favorite local events.
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| Aug 24, 2009 2:19 pm |Electricians were due to begin repairing Chen’s Kitchen on Monday, after the ceiling and roof of the restaurant were damaged in a weekend fire.
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| Aug 14, 2009 8:00 am |You can’t turn left from West Elm Street onto Forest Road without taking your life in your hands, neighbors and government officials agree. They can’t agree on what to do about it.
A deli failed in the same location. Ana De Los Angeles hopes that with the support of the community her new pastry shop will succeed.
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| Aug 4, 2009 3:09 pm |Operators and participants of two alleged Westville brothels had their court cases continued, as their attorney reported that they haven’t decided yet whether to plead guilty.
The former child actress was gone. The felines too. The house had been aired out and de-scented with $200 worth of “Dumb Cat.” So where, Wallace Weisser wondered, were the bidders?
A city detective and a confidential informant went undercover to buy sex in Westville — and helped close down two massage parlors that cops believe may be part of an out-of-state Korean sex ring.
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| Jul 20, 2009 3:09 pm |After a three-month investigation, city vice cops busted and shut down two Westville establishments that neighbors have long suspected of prostitution.
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| Jul 14, 2009 4:08 pm |A 76 year-old man lost control of his late-model Jeep Cherokee Tuesday afternoon on upper Whalley Avenue and hit four people from Chapel Haven, a nearby residential facility for adults with mental disabilities.
Continue reading ‘Elderly Driver Jumps Curb, Hits 4 Walkers’
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| Jul 13, 2009 10:48 am |When thieves set up a Westville art gallery Saturday night, customers kept filing through the door, happy to shell out $7 apiece.
“Please don’t let them close this post office!” Lottie Poindexter pleaded.
“People come flying through this intersection,” Marty Feldman was saying. Just then a dozen cars zoomed through the intersection, oblivious to the flashing yellow light.
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| Jun 26, 2009 3:07 pm |The college dorm in Westville that’s not officially a college dorm got rowdy, and bloody, early Friday.
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| Jun 26, 2009 9:07 am |After coming across a rash of thefts in his new district, Lt. Martin Tchakirides is putting out a message to New Haven car owners: Don’t leave those laptops or purses in view.
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| Jun 17, 2009 2:48 pm |Just think what this waterside walkway could do for Westville.
Continue reading ‘Path to Nowhere Or Fly-Fishing Boardwalk?’
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| Jun 12, 2009 10:25 am |A Westville reader sent in this photo of cracks in the sidealk outside renovated Mitchell Library.
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| Jun 11, 2009 2:33 pm |Four districts across town are receiving new top cops.
New Haven schools? They’re good. Community policing? Needs work.
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| Jun 8, 2009 7:39 am |Old-school hip-hop artist Kangol Kid came to town not to headline a concert, but to pop in on some elementary school kids.
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| Jun 4, 2009 4:14 pm |Two top neighborhood cops are turning in their “district manager” cruisers.
A year after a driver mowed down an 11 year-old girl on Whalley Avenue, the state prepared to start widening the congested road — endangering other pedestrians’ lives, in the view of neighborhood critics.