Paul Bass
Jun 4, 2009 3:57 pm
A year after a driver mowed down an 11 year-old girl on Whalley Avenue, the state prepared to start widening the congested road — endangering other pedestrians’ lives, in the view of neighborhood critics.
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‘Gabrielle Remembered; Whalley Widening’
Paul Bass
Jun 1, 2009 11:58 am
A school community on the move bid farewell Sunday to a 91 year-old brick home — and looked ahead to a future of new memories.
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‘So Long, Old Davis’
Allan Appel
May 25, 2009 4:09 pm
Maybe it takes a grandmother from Moldova in the former Soviet Union to appreciate America’s Memorial Day.
And to help explain why the Elm City has eight separate Civil War memorials, a large number for a city of our size.
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‘The Dead Named’
Paul Bass
May 25, 2009 7:55 am
Vaughn Weston and Ciarra Collins sang “God Bless America” with families from 33 different nations — then demonstrated how one school is learning about all of them.
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‘Pot Melts’
Thomas MacMillan
May 11, 2009 7:43 am
It also pirouetted, curtsied, limboed, writhed, turned, and swooped.
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‘10,000 Converge As Art Struts In Westville’
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 30, 2009 7:44 am
The 30 people gathered after hours in Aquila Motors weren’t looking for late-night oil changes. They wanted to hear verse.
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‘Westville Crawls With Poets’
Paul Bass
Apr 29, 2009 12:33 pm
Two days after he was mugged at knifepoint, Don returned to the street of the crime — and saw two boys who resembled his attackers.
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‘Should He Have Followed? Screeched?’
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 24, 2009 7:46 am
As a legally owned urban chicken, Sussex is able to strut around with her head held high. With the passage of an upcoming ordinance amendment that would permit backyard hens, other city chickens may soon be able to stand tall.
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‘Hen Legalization Gets 2nd Chance’
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 20, 2009 7:30 am
Ward 1 Democrats made an early choice for alderman, as two other fresh faces launched challenges to west side incumbents.
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‘New Blood Enters Political Stream’
Paul Bass
Apr 3, 2009 2:56 pm
The following two email messages were distributed in Westville to alert people to a continuing problem: a stalker following kids in a white van.
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‘Alert Issued On Van Driver’
Allan Appel
Apr 2, 2009 8:29 am
When Mayor DeStefano brought his toughest budget in years to tax-weary neighbors, even the watchdogs agreed the numbers largely added up.
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‘Westville Gives Budget a Pass’
Mar 26, 2009 2:29 pm
The following alert went to West Rock Avenue block watchers in Westville:
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‘Suspicious Van Follows Kids’
Melinda Tuhus
Mar 19, 2009 3:38 pm
A Westville neighbor came to the Board of Park Commissioners with a complaint, not about noise or trash or crime in the parks — but about the prospect of a community garden.
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‘String Beans, Or Open Space?’
Thomas MacMillan
Mar 19, 2009 8:13 am
In a split vote, the City Plan Commission declined to recommend parking relief for two controversial therapeutic practices in Westville, although the request will live to see another day.
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‘City Plan Passes On Clinics’
Allan Appel
Feb 10, 2009 11:33 am
Local sculptor Joseph Saccio offers a plastic grass and tar paper vision of the once and maybe future Nine Squares of old New Haven. His “Our Town” is one of 13 fabrications, by turns scary and funny, on view in a new exhibition that feels like a stroll with Chiquita Banana through the Petrified Forest.
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‘Now On Display: Apocalypse With a Smile’
Thomas MacMillan
Feb 6, 2009 11:48 am
When the college students started to get out of control at Wintergreen Apartments in Westville, some tenants took matters into their own hands.
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‘Alvis Is In the Building’
Thomas MacMillan
Jan 30, 2009 4:35 pm
Decrying “profiling” and an “abuse of power,” protestors descended on the Whalley Avenue police substation Friday.
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‘Protestors: Tear Down That Wall’
zeligleib Honeyman
Jan 28, 2009 3:31 pm
Steve Mustakos was back clearing Fountain Terrace in a snowstorm — until he ran into an angry neighbor with a snowblower.
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‘A Battle of Wills—& Slush’
Mark Oppenheimer
Jan 15, 2009 12:17 pm
When the movie business changed, Arnold Gorlick adapted — and lived to spin the reel.
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‘He Produced The Sequel’
Dec 26, 2008 11:18 am
In spite of the weather, a sizable crowd joined to celebrate the 1st Chanukah light late on Sunday afternoon. The outdoor Menorah lighting ceremony on the corner of Whalley and Blake, was kept brief.
Indoors, everyone enjoyed hot apple cider, Latkes and donuts, while being entertained by Don Wunderlee and his zany Chanukah puppet show with Judy and Punch.
The event was sponsored by Chabad of Westville, in cooperation with WVRA.
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‘Lights Survive The Storm’
Paul Bass
Dec 17, 2008 12:40 pm
Westville’s Sherri Killins’ daily commute will turn northward now that she has become Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s new commissioner of early education and care.
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‘Killins Is Mass.‘s New Early Ed Chief’
Thomas MacMillan
Dec 15, 2008 8:11 am
Hindu prayers of peace echoed in Westville as an Indian community gathered in solemn recognition of last month’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai.
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‘Prayers Of Peace for Mumbai’
Thomas MacMillan
Dec 11, 2008 2:16 pm
The developers promised the neighborhood that their new apartment complex would be upscale adult housing, not a rowdy ersatz student dorm. Surprise! Neighbors already know the Wintergreen apartments as “Animal House.”
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‘Wintergreen’s Like A Dorm, After All’
zeligleib Honeyman
Dec 11, 2008 11:12 am
Alderman Sergio Rodriguez walked into the gym at the Davis Street School bearing two large boxes filled with coffee and dozens of doughnut holes.
Nearly two hours later, he walked back out into the damp, dark night — carrying two large boxes filled with coffee and dozens of doughnut holes, and wearing a slightly puzzled expression.
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‘Sergio Meets The Public’
Thomas MacMillan
Dec 10, 2008 7:47 am
When Carlos Pena heard the requirements that the Board of Zoning Appeals was putting on his new restaurant, he put his head in his hands.
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‘Fitch Street Bar Will Open—As A “Restaurant”’