
The Dead Named

by | May 25, 2009 4:09 pm | Comments (0)

IMG_6968.JPGMaybe it takes a grandmother from Moldova in the former Soviet Union to appreciate America’s Memorial Day.

And to help explain why the Elm City has eight separate Civil War memorials, a large number for a city of our size.

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Lights Survive The Storm

by | Dec 26, 2008 11:18 am | Comments (0)

5769_Chanukah1.jpgIn spite of the weather, a sizable crowd joined to celebrate the 1st Chanukah light late on Sunday afternoon. The outdoor Menorah lighting ceremony on the corner of Whalley and Blake, was kept brief.
Indoors, everyone enjoyed hot apple cider, Latkes and donuts, while being entertained by Don Wunderlee and his zany Chanukah puppet show with Judy and Punch.

The event was sponsored by Chabad of Westville, in cooperation with WVRA.

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Sergio Meets The Public

by | Dec 11, 2008 11:12 am | Comments (13)

newsergidav.JPGAlderman Sergio Rodriguez walked into the gym at the Davis Street School bearing two large boxes filled with coffee and dozens of doughnut holes.

Nearly two hours later, he walked back out into the damp, dark night — carrying two large boxes filled with coffee and dozens of doughnut holes, and wearing a slightly puzzled expression.

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