Scenes From A Wreath-Making
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| Dec 8, 2008 10:25 am |Jack Paulishen took these photos of a busy event Sunday at Edgewood Park.
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| Dec 8, 2008 10:25 am |Jack Paulishen took these photos of a busy event Sunday at Edgewood Park.
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| Nov 25, 2008 11:48 am |The announcement of a delay in the construction of the new Davis Street Interdistrict Magnet School was the latest in a string of recession-caused delays and consolidations in the City’s $1.5 billion school construction.
A new Grand Avenue social club on Grand Avenue wants to have alcohol at its dominoes tournaments. Neighbors (pictured) fear the mix will exacerbate drug and prostitution problems already in their midst.
Continue reading ‘Grand Fights Dominoes; Westville Fights Bar’
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| Nov 13, 2008 2:38 pm |An Independent reader responded last week to a plea for a home for an abandoned cat in Westville named Bojangles. now two more abandoned cats are looking for homes: Cemba and Cena. Email here if you’re interested.
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| Nov 13, 2008 2:16 pm |On October 5, 2008, The New York Times Magazine sent photographer Matthias Clamer to West Rock Avenue, in New Haven’s Westville section, to shoot a photograph of its residents; the photograph (part of which is reproduced here) accompanied my article about what it likes to live on the street. During the photo shoot, Lee Faulkner, the producer of the Castaway podcast, interviewed people who lived on the street, then edited the interviews into a podcast for the Times. But the Times insisted that he cut the 15-minute podcast down to three minutes, leaving many of our most fascinating New Haven interviews on the digital editing-room floor.
Continue reading ‘Castaway #8: West Rock Avenue, UNCENSORED’
Rahul Gandhi saw two teens with masks outside his store — and called the cops.
When the muggers rushed out from behind a bush, I thought it was a prank.
Shawn Perkins (left) took the “Smart Driver” pledge and Alexander McDonough was fitted for his first bike helmet, as officials inaugurated a traffic-calming campaign that grew out of a citywide grassroots movement.
“My neighbors are putting bars on their windows!” cried one woman, as locals urged the police chief to take crime in Westville seriously.
Continue reading ‘Westville to Police Chief: Pay Attention to Us’
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| Oct 8, 2008 11:25 am |Worried about students’ binge drinking, academic brass from Southern Connecticut State University questioned the wisdom of a new bar opening on Fitch Street.
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| Sep 22, 2008 12:05 pm |A bank bought the house over Sergio DeStefanis’ left shoulder for $262,500 in a foreclosure sale. DeStefanis bought his own house, next door, in a foreclosure sale, too — in 1955. The price then: $3,000.
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| Sep 15, 2008 10:19 am |(Updated) Conrado Rodriguez said he was riding in a Chevy van with his wife and two grandchildren when — wham! — a Toyota came out of nowhere, running the light and smashing his vehicle.
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| Sep 10, 2008 8:44 am |Alice Steinhardt wanted to tell the zoning board about late-night phone calls to the cops. Instead, she and other neighbors ended up with a better connection to the owner of potential new night spot in a previously troubled address on Fitch Street.
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| Sep 9, 2008 5:02 pm |Westville has its own “downtown“ — and, as of Tuesday, an official “Main Street” title.
For Trina Machesney [pictured], it was watching ATVs blast past her 5 year-old son. For others, it was encountering drug deals or open-air sex, or getting mugged and whacked on the head in daylight.
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| Sep 5, 2008 8:51 am |Urban renewal extinguished a star in the Hill neighborhood. It has reappeared, for good, in a new home in Westville.
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| Sep 2, 2008 5:02 pm |A 33 year-old woman walking in Edgewood Park was punched twice and then robbed Sunday afternoon.
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| Aug 21, 2008 8:07 am |Muriel Curry has been writing letters to City Hall for eight years, trying to get her sidewalk fixed. Wednesday night, she got the chance to meet her pen pal in person.
Continue reading ‘At Long Last, Letter Writers Meet Face To Face’
“First, of all, please,” Nancy Ahern said. “This is not a race issue. I have grandchildren the color of Barack Obama.”
Continue reading ‘Lone Voice Blasts Final Scattered-Site Sale’
One side sees a four-lane state highway with cars driving 40 miles per hour. The other envisions a calm three-lane road with cars driving 25 and more cyclists and walkers.
The downtown liquor wars are over, and Sanjay Patil — booted from one site, fought in court at another — has found a new home. Two homes, actually.
The project manager in charge of widening Whalley Avenue doesn’t see traffic circles, bike lanes or a narrower road in the picture.
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| Jul 25, 2008 8:54 am |Could rotaries come to the Whalley speedway?
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| Jul 24, 2008 2:54 pm |Tim Holahan was at home on Central Avenue, working at his computer programming business, when he heard a whack! out on the street.
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| Jul 14, 2008 9:43 am |A last-minute offer wasn’t enough to stave off a foreclosure on Seneca Road. At least not as of Saturday.
Continue reading ‘After Foreclosure, W’ville Owner Still Hopes To Sell’