
Cemba, Cena Need Homes

by | Nov 13, 2008 2:38 pm | Comments (2)

Cemba.jpgCena%203.jpgAn Independent reader responded last week to a plea for a home for an abandoned cat in Westville named Bojangles. now two more abandoned cats are looking for homes: Cemba and Cena. Email here if you’re interested.

Castaway #8: West Rock Avenue, UNCENSORED

by | Nov 13, 2008 2:16 pm | Comments (1)

On October 5, 2008, The New York Times Magazine sent photographer Matthias Clamer to West Rock Avenue, in New Haven’s Westville section, to shoot a photograph of its residents; the photograph (part of which is reproduced here) WestRock.jpegaccompanied my article about what it likes to live on the street. During the photo shoot, Lee Faulkner, the producer of the Castaway podcast, interviewed people who lived on the street, then edited the interviews into a podcast for the Times. But the Times insisted that he cut the 15-minute podcast down to three minutes, leaving many of our most fascinating New Haven interviews on the digital editing-room floor.

Continue reading ‘Castaway #8: West Rock Avenue, UNCENSORED’

Hold the Phone!

by | Sep 10, 2008 8:44 am | Comments (2)

nhifitch%20010.JPGAlice Steinhardt wanted to tell the zoning board about late-night phone calls to the cops. Instead, she and other neighbors ended up with a better connection to the owner of potential new night spot in a previously troubled address on Fitch Street.

Continue reading ‘Hold the Phone!’