
“Parent Power” Hits The Park

by | Jul 16, 2007 10:22 am | Comments (10)

moonwalk%20girls.JPGThis little girl could hardly wait for her turn in the Moonwalk, as she and 200 parents and kids turned out for a summer celebration at Edgewood Park sponsored by the grassroots parents’ activist group, Teach Our Children. Amid the play was talk about why city public school children can’t bring textbooks home from school or have recess — and what parents can do about it.

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Westville Crowd Eyes Potholes and Budget Holes

by | May 4, 2007 9:28 am | Comments (3)

ina%20001.JPGWestville Alderwoman Ina Silverman began her annual neighborhood meeting by passing out pink slips that seemed to match her jacket. Only they weren’t that kind of pink slip. These slips had written on them a question she had already put to some 800 of her constituents over the years: What kind of stores would you like to see in future downtown development?

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“Deja Brew,” Theater Conversion Approved; Amistad Eyes Move

by | Apr 14, 2007 3:23 pm | Comments (2)

IMG_7763.JPGNew Haven’s former prized downtown cinema will soon turn into a T‑shirt shop, according to a zoning decision this week. Authorities also gave a final OK to a Dunkin’ Donuts in the Hill and a new cozy coffee shop in Westville, while a towing company pitched a move to Wooster Square, and the pictured mom and principal pitched a charter school’s move to the Boulevard.

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Tree Down

by | Mar 6, 2007 3:49 pm | Comments (0)

tree%20cutter%202.jpgWhat would bring a city parks and rec crew out into the cold — and Anthony Figueroa (pictured) in a cherry-picker — in Tuesday’s freezing cold? An old tree and a smashed windshield on Central Avenue.

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