
Silverman: “Don’t Panic…”

by | Dec 6, 2006 8:03 am | Comments (6)

But do think about harsh reality,” about hard choices facing the city this coming year. That’s the message from Westville Alderwoman Ina Silverman to homeowners who are freaking out over the leap in their tax assessments. Silverman e‑mailed constituents a detailed look at the numbers and the process for coming up with new tax bills. Read her message and see what people shouldn’t (and perhaps should) worry about when it comes to taxes, and what they can do about it. Not just in Westville, but all over town.

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Westville, Meet Whalley

by | Nov 22, 2006 8:35 am | Comments (0)

If this looks like a team photo, it is, sort of. But why were Sgt. Bernie Somers and A.P. Mastrogiovanni (on the left in the photo) and Angelo DeLeo, the president and secretary respectively of the Westville-West Hills Neighborhood Management Team, far from home and hanging out at the Whalley/Edgewood/Beaver Hill (WEB) Management Team meeting on Tuesday night at the substation across from Edge of the Woods?

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Shula’s “Treadmill”

by | Nov 1, 2006 1:09 pm | Comments (0)

Shulamit Chernoff of Westville, associate professor of education emeritus at Southern Connecticut State University, has discovered a new career long past the time many other people have retired. She has become an award-winning poet. Click on the play arrow below to watch a video of Chernoff reading aloud a poem — from her new published collection, The Stones Bear Witness (Hanover Press) — about turning 80.

Art Bikers Discover Mysterious Pink Twinkies

by | Oct 23, 2006 8:56 am | Comments (0)

A secret forest road, bygone frozen custard, and Marxist-tinged spectrum lozenges”: A weekend City-Wide Open Studios bike tour encountered all these, and more. Click here for Melissa Bailey’s report.

Giraffes Boost Communtiy Policing

by | Oct 12, 2006 2:10 pm | Comments (0)

Were Assistant Police Chief Herman Badger and Ward 25 Alderwoman Ina Silverman merely showing their soft and vulnerable sides by displaying an armful of cute stuffed animals? The answer to that question was provided during the course of a get-to-know-you open house at the West Hills/Westville neighborhood substation, an answer that sheds light on community policing.

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“Louis, Please Come To School!”

by | Sep 20, 2006 4:07 pm | Comments (8)

High-school junior Louis Brenner (at left), claiming a violation of his rights, is staying home this week to protest a new citywide policy of random metal-detector searches of all students. Principal Alan Frishman (above) Wednesday urged Brenner to return — and promised to work with him on a social-studies research project on the constitution.

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Rabbi on a Roof

by | Aug 3, 2006 2:29 pm | Comments (1)

In the Jewish tradition, come and listen to a question: On the hottest day of the century thus far, when the northeast electrical grid was, hour by hour, in danger of collapse, what was Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen (back left in photo) doing on the roof of his synagogue Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI) at Whalley Avenue and Harrison?

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Now He’s A Neighbor

by | Jun 16, 2006 12:05 pm | Comments (2)

Whether it was his straightforward nature or the colorful spread of gourmet food he provided, Tim Mulcahey, owner and developer of the new Wintergreen-Westville Apartments being built on Blake Street, won the support of an anxious crowd of Westville residents Thursday night at the Kehler Liddell Gallery. With the vice-president of Capstone Building Corp and his project manager for construction along to answer questions, Mulcahey presented a the timeline for the completion of the 293-unit apartment complex and addressed concerns of Westvillagers.

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The Valley Whispers

by | Jun 13, 2006 2:21 pm | Comments (0)

Years ago, these woods held bustling mills and childhood skinny-dippers. Today, the Westville valley is a little-known trove of peaceful riverside trails. As part of the Festival of Arts & Ideas’ New Haven Preservation Trust walking series, this guy led a tour of the lush green space he seeks to preserve.

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