Regular salsa event on the now-closed-to-traffic "Central Patio" linking Whalley and Fountain and bordering the undeveloped former Cape Codder/Delaney's lot.
Westville Village’s empty gateway lot is back up for sale — offering a chance to rethink its future.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 21, 2023 10:55 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Sixth grader Mahki in Platt's art class.
A “House of Video Games” took shape line by line beneath sixth-grader Mahki’s pen — as Edgewood School students brought Detroit’s fabled Heidelberg Project into their New Haven classroom.
In the process, the students discovered how public art can transform blighted homes into objects bursting with color, life, and beauty, and they continued their monthlong celebration of contemporary Black artists and changemakers.
Brian Slattery |
Feb 10, 2023 9:12 am
Erich Davis
Erich Davis’s Illumination floats in the air at Kehler Liddell Gallery on Whalley Ave. as if it were suspended in water, creating an atmosphere somewhere between cloud and kelp forest. It has a way of pulling in the works around it, making them feel a little more weightless as well, even more than they already are. This is entirely in keeping with the theme of the show — “Light” — running now at Kehler Liddell Gallery through Mar. 12, with an opening reception this Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m.
Lisa Reisman |
Feb 7, 2023 9:25 am
Lisa Reisman photos
Manjares chef Wilson Coronel preparing seafood pasta marinara.
Clams. Shrimp. Escargot. Calamari.
All elements are crucial to Wilson Coronel’s seafood pasta marinara. But the secret to its exquisite flavor is in the sauce.
“You have to reduce it, so it’s not too much and the taste comes through,” Coronel said on a recent late afternoon in the pocket-sized kitchen of the Westville institution that is Manjares Cafe.
Drew Ramsey and Javon Hailey clear Kimberly Park's invasive vines.
Paul Bass Photo
Dayton Death Row.
Five towering trees were sentenced to death on a crowded west side street. Meanwhile, across town, stewards whacked at vines in a reclaimed park to enable other trees to survive and thrive.
Allan Appel |
Jan 30, 2023 12:34 pm
Allan Appel photo
Mark Oppenheimer with his high school teacher and dean Alice Baxter on Sunday.
How about a written application — as opposed to an old boys’ nod from the rowing coach — and in-person interviews to detect your excessively Lower East Side manners?
How about a questionnaire requiring you to indicate, for example, what business your family is in? And written recommendations and aptitude tests?
Nora Grace-Flood |
Jan 24, 2023 2:28 pm
Three new apartment buildings, now OK'd for 446A Blake.
Make way for 144 new apartments on Blake Street, now that a Brooklyn builder has won the final needed city approval to convert a former factory-turned-office complex in Westville into new housing.
Maya McFadden |
Jan 18, 2023 8:52 am
Maya McFadden photos
State Comptroller Scanlon (right) taking a baklava break with legislative liaison Kevin Kurian at Pistachio Cafe ...
... and talking retirement plans with Westville salsa entrepreneur Alisa Bowens-Mercado, Tuesday.
Angela Naranjo now puts aside 3 percent of her Westville massage-therapy paycheck towards her retirement — thanks to a new state program that encourages workers across Connecticut who do not have employer-backed retirement plans to start saving early, even if they have decades to go before leaving the workforce for good.
Naranjo, a 34-year-old Westville native, shared her story about getting ready for retirement — many years down the line — during a neighborhood walking tour promoting that program as hosted by newly elected state Comptroller Sean Scanlon.
Allan Appel |
Jan 12, 2023 1:48 pm
Allan Appel photo
Neighbors Marjorie Weiner and Meg Friedman checking out Beecher Park photos before Wednesday's meeting.
Lizzy Donius was driving near Valley Street on Dec. 19 with a car full of 16-year-olds, including her own son, when a volley of police vehicles, sirens blaring, raced past.
City Engineer Giovanni Zinn at Tuesday’s Zoom meeting.
A dance venue. A community garden. A set of lights for the skate park. A … West Rock-bound gondola?
Those were a few of the ideas that made it onto a community-built wish list for $800,000 worth of improvements for Edgewood Park, as put together by roughly 100 parkgoers.
Brian Slattery |
Jan 10, 2023 8:29 am
The centerpiece of Lisa Toto’s part of the latest show at Kehler Liddell Gallery — running now through Feb. 5, and also featuring works by Hank Paper and Chris Ferguson — is two prints of the same image, of a young girl in a dress running by a relief. She exudes joy, but there’s something wrong.
Maya McFadden |
Dec 19, 2022 2:23 pm
Maya McFadden photos
First grader K'Jalee makes tasty treat for birds during Wellness Wednesday, an outdoors and inclusive successor to a talented and gifted program.
Students looking for color inspiration for their art class mandalas.
An Edgewood School first grader spooned sun butter and Cheerios onto a pinecone to feed a hungry bird.
Nearby, one of her fourth grade schoolmates found inspiration for a classroom art project in a pale-yellow house with green shutters.
And in an outdoor classroom area near Yale Avenue, an eighth grader weaved coral-colored yarn around two sticks to make a dream catcher to beautify her school, all as a part of a unique effort to address both social emotional challenges in the classroom and concerns about exclusivity in enrichment programs.
Brian Slattery |
Dec 16, 2022 9:12 am
Julie Fraenkel
Party Girls.
The subjects of Julie Fraenkel’s Party Girls are as the subject says. One after the other, they’re portraits of fun, leisure, unwinding. One of them dances with a lampshade on her head. Another arrives with a large piece of cake and an expression on her face that suggests that she knows the recipient of that slice is going to first politely refuse such a large slice, then acquiesce and eat the whole thing. A third is being borne aloft by balloons. The general public will never know what one party girl was doing, however, because that piece has already been sold.
Maya McFadden |
Dec 12, 2022 9:16 am
Maya McFadden photos
Semilla's Tortillería Collective co-founders: Ariana Shapiro, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Anabel Hernandez, Martina Perez, and Javier Gonzalez-Villatoro.
Freshly made tortillas, hot off the comal.
Standing over a hot comal filled with half-cooked handmade tortillas, Elizabeth Gonzalez pinched her thumb with her index and middle fingers to grip the corner of a puffy tortilla and flipped it over — showing in a single swift motion how she and a small group of worker-owner chefs hope to bring a Central American and Mexican staple to the streets of New Haven.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Nov 22, 2022 12:20 pm
Nora Grace-Flood photo
Bloom owner Alisha Crutchfield with a gift box she designed for the holidays.
Alisha Crutchfield gathered a blank journal, pens promising that “You Got This,” a homemade candle bathed in “blessings,” a chain necklace with the reminder that “Black Femmes Aren’t Your Playground” — and then labeled the overflowing arrangement the perfect present for “the person who loves self care and spending time alone after a long day of work.”
She did so to show how she busily assembles her top-selling products in personalized baskets for those seeking professional help upping their gift giving game — and as part of a broader effort to urge New Haveners to shop local this holiday season.
Maya McFadden |
Nov 17, 2022 12:32 pm
Maya McFadden photo
Gateway's William Brown talks reading, kindness at Mauro-Sheridan.
With a book in hand, Gateway Community College CEO William T. Brown showed Mauro-Sheridan Interdistrict Magnet School second graders the superpower of kindness — and the benefits of good deeds and college educations.
Brian Slattery |
Nov 15, 2022 8:59 am
Trekking with the New Haven Bioregional Group through Edgewood Park.
Sunday marked the first cold morning of the year, with rain, and at the Edgewood Farmer’s Market, people hurried from stall to stall. But another group of people gathered at the gazebo and soon headed farther into the park, unharried by the weather. The occasion was a walk of the New Haven Bioregional Group, into a part of the city where trees and moving water had something to do with preparing the Elm City, and the region, for the future.
One of the city’s largest investor-landlords has snapped up a Fitch Street apartment building that once housed previously homeless families, after a middleman flipped the property at a $875,000 markup.
Brian Slattery |
Oct 27, 2022 8:49 am
Brian Slattery photos
On one side of Kehler Liddell Gallery is a panoply of children’s faces, caught in a thousand different expressions, a snapshot of both the feelings of dozens of different people at any given moment and the range of emotions that all of us are capable of across time. On the other side of the gallery are more abstract pieces, forms with faces that appear to be mid-transformation, the expression of something more interior.