
144 More Apts. Planned For Westville

by | Feb 7, 2022 2:39 pm | Comments (14)

446A Blake LLC image

Thomas Breen file photo

Attorney Jim Segaloff: Westville has potential to become "a significantly vital and vibrant community."

Another 144 new apartments are planned for Westville Village, according to a rezoning application recently submitted to the Board of Alders by the owners of an existing three-story office building on Blake Street.

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The General Store Gets An Update

by | Jan 20, 2022 10:08 am | Comments (4)

The general store, circa 2022: Strange Ways' successor.

Pedestrians and people driving along Whalley Avenue may have noticed the storefront that used to house Strange Ways has changed. That’s because the beloved lifestyle store moved from Westville Village to downtown. In its place, owner Alex Dakoulas — who also still operates Strange Ways in its new location — has opened Westville General, selling meats, cheeses, condiments, candy, home goods, and gifts (just for starters).

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Artists Make A Moment To Reflect

by | Jan 10, 2022 9:07 am | Comments (0)

Ana Henriques’s Forest I partakes of recognizable natural shapes — spreading tree branches, a mirrored sun, the ripples of water and hills — without being beholden to them. There’s a push toward the abstract that sets the shapes and colors free from the viewer giving it the easy designation of a forest scene. She makes us see those shapes and colors again, as if we’re seeing them for the first time. Just as important in the context of Reflections,” the new group show running now at Kehler Liddell Gallery in Westville through Feb. 6, if viewers look closely in the glass that frames the work, they can see the works of Mark St. Mary and Liz Antle O’Donnell — the other two artists in the show — reflected in the glass. 

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Thou Shalt Go With The Flow

by | Dec 17, 2021 1:15 pm | Comments (2)

A new 50-year retrospective exhibit displays works by artist Bruce Oren (below), including the above sculpture of Moses.

Artist Bruce Oren renders the face of Moses in fine detail in marble, from the wrinkles worn into his face to the weight of his eyelids. He conveys the heaviness of the tablets on his shoulders by the angle of his elbow, the definition of the muscles. But as we move away from Moses’s face, the details begin to grow coarser, until we see the edge of the block that Moses came from.

The figure emerges from the marble, but Oren leaves room for the stone to have its say, too. We get to see not just the finished figure, but the path Oren took to get there.

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Kehler Liddell Gallery Decks The Walls

by | Dec 10, 2021 10:45 am | Comments (0)

The crisp, heightened color and the vertical symmetry immediately draw the eye to Penrhyn Cook’s photos, Mexican Tub and VW at Sunrise, side by side on the wall at Kehler Liddell Gallery in Westville. They’re just normal manmade objects, and in the world there are many like them, but Cook’s treatment of them imbues them with substance, meaning — even dignity. 

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“Cool Science” Pulls Up To Mauro-Sheridan

by | Nov 24, 2021 8:15 am | Comments (1)

Sophie Sonnenfeld Photo

Les Sinnock leads students through the mobile lab, aimed at introducing them to high-tech manufacturing.

Huddled around a high-intensity microscope, Mauro-Sheridan eighth-grader Lauren Sellers and 12 of her classmates gasped as the tiny Abraham Lincoln statue etched into the penny came into full view.

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At Kehler Liddell Gallery, Artists Unsettle For A Purpose

by | Nov 19, 2021 9:00 am | Comments (1)

R.F. Wilton

Baby Tubelegs With Shoes.

The baby in the middle of the image might just be a doll, but in the photograph it seems as though it’s been brought strangely to life. Is it a ruler, looking out over its broken domain? A performer playing for a mute audience? A judge passing down a verdict to the condemned? It’s an image that overflows with a sense that we’re looking into another world, adjacent to ours but darker and stranger, made up of the things we thought we threw out. Something’s coming from that world into ours, and maybe we’re both frightened and fascinated to find out what it is.

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Montessori Clinic Vaccinates 150 5-11 Year-Olds

by | Nov 8, 2021 9:02 am | Comments (5)

Lillian Price Photos

Sixth-grader Samantha Braren getting her Covid-19 vaccine.

This story was submitted by Elm City Montessori seventh-graders Lillian Price & Winter Szarabajka.

Elm City Montessori School (ECMS) Friday hosted one of the first Covid-19 vaccine clinics for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Many families with young children showed up from around New Haven, particularly Westville, hoping to receive their first dose of the vaccine.

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2 Millenials, 2 Paths In Ward Race

by | Oct 29, 2021 4:02 pm | Comments (18)

Paul Bass Photos

Upper Westville candidates Van Hoesen and Brackeen this week at WNHH FM: Both are vaxxed.

One candidate handed out assignments to dozens of neighbors: Here’s your street. Here are the doors to knock on. Here are flyers to hand out. Let us know who’s voting.

At another end of the ward, the other candidate set out to meet voters as well. Alone.

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What Is Wrong With This Picture?

by | Oct 25, 2021 11:26 am | Comments (66)

Paul Bass Photos

Board of Ed candidates James O’Connell and Edward Joyner appear in the same spot in the above photo — but only because of computerized cropping. This election season, Joyner refuses to engage with his opponent in person.

Same holds for Ward 26 alder candidates Darryl Brackeen and Joshua Van Hoesen, above. For the second straight campaign, Brackeen refuses to show up along with his opponent to debate the issues.

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