New Haven has basically said that about the need for a long-overdue change in zoning rules — so that neighborhood commercial districts can come alive again and regain their former bustle.
Nearly two dozen critics of gentrification, market-rate housing, Yale expansion, and city-led planning initiatives stalled a rezoning project designed to rekindle commercial development along portions of Dixwell Avenue, Whalley Avenue, and Grand Avenue.
A 28-year-old New Haven man was shot in the leg on Valley Street late Friday morning.
And, in a separate incident, police arrested a 21-year-old Hamden man for an alleged hit-and-run on Whalley Avenue that took place just after midnight.
City officials promised to examine the potential impact that a rezoning project might have on low-income black and brown communities as they move forward with longstanding retail revitalization plans for Dixwell, Whalley, and Grand Avenues.
Allan Appel |
Jul 17, 2019 12:47 pm
Mayoral hopeful Seth Poole got his start in politics chairing the WEB (Whalley, Edgewood, Beaver Hill) community management team. He and his neighbors fought successfully to relocate the police firing range from Sherman Parkway — close to his beloved grandmother’s house — to its new location, well out of residential earshot.
Maya McFadden |
Jul 10, 2019 7:48 am
After spending more than a year out of work to relocate their Jamaican style food restaurant, owner, Norma Parks and family celebrated the grand reopening of Whalley Avenue’s Caribbean Connection on Tuesday.
Thomas Breen |
Jun 28, 2019 1:12 pm
A Windsor-based development company sold the Family Dollar site on Upper Whalley Avenue to a group of California investors for $1.8 million, in one of the city’s latest property transactions.
The city’s planned zoning overhaul for Whalley, Grand, and Dixwell Avenues hit a gentrification speed bump from activists concerned about protections for low-income residents.
Sophie Sonnenfeld |
Jun 20, 2019 4:20 pm
Marty Wright had company when he made his thrice-weekly stop Thursday at Island Spice Caribbean on Winthrop Avenue off Whaley: the mayor and an entourage showed up to officially celebrate the restaurant’s city-aided expansion
The City Plan department has drafted a zoning overhaul for Whalley, Grand, and Dixwell Avenues with the hopes of creating denser, more pedestrian-friendly “commercial gateway districts” between downtown and the city’s neighborhoods.
Allan Appel |
Apr 15, 2019 4:42 pm
In one hand he had his cell phone, with mom on the line for shopping advice. In the other hand was a handout with a Westville rabbi’s admonition against crossing a picket line to buy food for the Feast of Freedom. His basket was empty.
There David stood amid walls of macaroons, white fish, and grape juice in Aisle 13 of the Amity Stop & Shop, pondering the fifth question added to this year’s traditional Passover four questions: To buy? Or not to buy?
Christopher Peak & Sam Gurwitt |
Apr 12, 2019 4:25 pm
Top elected officials headed to Stop & Shop Friday — not to buy groceries, but to support workers who succeeded in closing supermarket business in the second day of a strike.
Markeshia Ricks |
Apr 9, 2019 5:38 am
Bike- and pedestrian-friendly commercial corridors. Reimagined alleys and public space. And maybe even more density. But none of that at the expense of affordability.
City planners heard that vision from 40 people at a two-hour session on how to bring zoning into the modern era on Whalley, Grand, and Dixwell avenues.
Markeshia Ricks |
Apr 1, 2019 7:42 am
Mayor Toni Harp joined a group of more than 30 students from all over the city for a “chew and chill” to check in with constituents who she said will one day run New Haven.
A new restaurant has opened on Whalley Avenue. No officials cut a ribbon. No jubilant developer hired a p.r. firm to celebrate a multimillion-dollar private investment, the creation of dozens of jobs, and the boost to the tax rolls.
Thomas Breen |
Feb 4, 2019 8:37 am
A Fairfield County developer sold a 60-unit Whalley Avenue apartment complex for $2.2 million more than he paid for it before fixing it up, in one of the latest land transactions in town.
Markeshia Ricks |
Nov 2, 2018 1:36 pm
U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy had two goals during a trip to New Haven on the Friday before Election Day: meet business owners and encourage people to get out and vote.