Maya McFadden and Nathaniel Rosenberg | Nov 5, 2024 8:04 am
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21 Wooster Pl: Recipient of 8.5% of ESSER building-repair funds.
A former school building in Wooster Square has yet to reopen as an administrative office building — even after two years and $1.2 million worth of renovations.
Teachers union Prez Blatteau: Running uncontested for 3 more years.
The polls are now open for the New Haven teachers union elections — and first-term incumbent President Leslie Blatteau is running unopposed at the top of the ticket.
Mari Rojas (right), with daughter Camila: "I just want her to learn her culture."
Skeleton floats get ready for the parade.
Sadie Rose doesn’t usually celebrate Día de los Muertos — but when Jack, her boyfriend of two years, died suddenly in June, she knew she had to find some way to honor him.
So, with a candle and a framed picture in hand, Rose came out to Bregamos Community Theater with dozens of others to help mark the Day of the Dead.
“Hello, is Rigoberto available? I’m Miriam, a volunteer with the Harris-Walz campaign working to support Democrats up and down the ticket in Nevada.”
Friday night, with her two rescue dogs Rufus and Daisy occasionally frolicking at her feet, Miriam Gohara repeated that introductory conversational gambit into her computer about 24 more times — as part of a local effort to urge swing-state Latinos to vote blue, just days before the election.
Thomas Breen | Nov 1, 2024 3:53 pm
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Thomas Breen photos
The electric crane, at New Haven's electrifying port.
DeLauro: These types of investments are "the gift that keeps on giving."
None of the three federal legislators standing on a pier in New Haven Harbor Friday afternoon mentioned the presidential and congressional elections that are days away.
But, in their remarks celebrating $34 million newly set to wash ashore on the city’s industrial port, they all made an argument that is central to the political legacies of Biden-era Democrats.
CT VIP Director of Operations Linda Baylor: “I want to change the mood when you walk in here."
When an 11-year-old made headlines for stealing a car, a team of violence preventers knocked on his door to ask him what he needed. They found only a mattress and a milk crate in his bedroom.
That child was on Len Jahad’s mind when a group of politicians arrived at Connecticut Violence Intervention & Prevention (CTVIP)’s headquarters to celebrate $275,000 in federal funds allocated for capital improvements to the building.
At Church St. between Crown and Center Friday morning.
(Updated) One person has been arrested and one remains in critical condition following an early Friday morning downtown shooting that injured two men and two women between the ages of 19 and 22.
Activist Sean Gargamelli-McCreight at Monday's encampment arrests.
Jabez Choi photo
U-ACT's Suki Godek and Joel Nieves join Thursday's protest.
“When the city evicts our unhoused neighbors from the train station and the Green, they call it a cleanup,” arrested homelessness activist Adam Nussbaum said during a protest on the front steps of the downtown courthouse. “And we ask, clean for who? We all know to them, ‘clean’ means dead.”
Thomas Breen | Oct 31, 2024 1:39 pm
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Yash Roy file photo
At the scene of the April 22 Yale encampment arrests.
More than two dozen pro-Palestine Yale arrestees pleaded guilty to infractions and agreed to pay $90 fines in order to have criminal trespassing cases dropped — as 13 more decided instead to keep fighting for those “illegitimate” charges to be dismissed.
Hearing Officer Cormie: Trying to give both sides a “fair shake.”
Nine volunteer “judges” now work out of City Hall — presiding over quasi-judicial proceedings that can result in hefty fines for landlords who are cited by the city for unsafe or unsightly properties.
U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy and GOP challenger Matt Corey field reporters' questions after their Wednesday night debate at WTNH.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris did not travel to New Haven for a head-to-head campaign debate.
I think.
But it sounded like it when two other politicians held a campaign debate televised live at WTNH’s Elm Street headquarters: two-term incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy and Republican challenger Matt Corey.
Laura Glesby | Oct 30, 2024 5:10 pm
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Laura Glesby Photo
Union Prez Cotto and Chief Jacobson: “This is a game changer.”
A proposed new six-year police union contract would boost not only salaries but also officers’ morale and mental health, thanks in part to an overhauled time-off system in the agreement.
Police Chief Karl Jacobson made that pitch on Tuesday evening to the Board of Alders Finance Committee, which unanimously voted to recommend the tentative labor deal’s approval.
Thomas Breen | Oct 30, 2024 11:14 am
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@NewHavenFire X photos
The early Wednesday fire at 36 River.
More than 100 firefighters from New Haven and surrounding towns rushed out to River Street early Wednesday morning to put down a four-alarm fire — with no reported injuries, so far — as exploding vehicle gas tanks contributed to a high-intensity blaze.