David Brensilver
Aug 11, 2011 10:10 am
Next Thursday, the Poetry Institute will welcome poet Walter E. Butts to the Institute Library as part of a monthly reading series. In 2009, Butts was named poet laureate of New Hampshire, an honorific he’ll hold until 2014.
David Brensilver
Aug 3, 2011 11:37 am
Left to right: Hamid Micheal Mutawadd’i, Croilot Carlos Adames, and Tareshi Schuler
Verbal Slap, a New Haven-based five-person poetry team, will compete next week at the National Poetry Slam in Boston. The team is hoping to raise $2,000 to help defray the cost of the trip — specifically the cost of lodging.
David Brensilver
Jul 29, 2011 2:21 pm
Local filmmakers who can create a movie from a few totally unrelated storyline elements will have an opportunity next weekend to grab the brass ring: a screening of their work at the Cannes International Film Festival. Before entering the New Haven 48 Hour Film Project, though, they’d be wise to get some serious sleep.
David Brensilver
Jul 28, 2011 1:44 pm
While 24-hour cable-news talking heads are calling the debt-ceiling-debate play-by-play at full volume, arts organizations are trying to get a word in about funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.
David Brensilver
Jul 19, 2011 3:40 pm
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy.
While state employee unions work on a new concessions package, local arts organizations are likely seeing red over Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s budget-balancing plan. Malloy’s proposal would reduce state funding for numerous arts and cultural organizations including the Shubert theater and International Festival of Arts & Ideas.
David Brensilver
Jul 6, 2011 11:25 am
Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Koba
Next week, local educators and those from around Connecticut and the United States will work to “deepen their understanding of the HOT approach to teaching and learning” during a week-long professional-development program.
David Brensilver
Jul 4, 2011 8:29 am
Joseph Mallord William Turner’s Dort or Dordrecht: The Dort Packet-Boat from Rotterdam Becalmed is on view at YCBA
The Yale Center for British Art and Yale University Art Gallery are among a dozen museums Departures magazine recommends visiting. In the publication’s August 2011 issue, Center for Curatorial Leadership Director Elizabeth Easton singled out 12 places that offer an “intimate look at some of the world’s great pieces” of art.
David Brensilver
Jul 1, 2011 12:52 pm
NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman
Michael Eastman Photo
In a research report issued this week, the National Endowment for the Arts suggests that the number of career opportunities for artists will grow, over the next seven years, at essentially the same rate as the American workforce. The NEA bases its findings on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook: 2010-11 Edition.
David Brensilver
Jun 22, 2011 2:28 pm
Karl Bissinger Photo
Donald Windham, second from left, with Tanaquil Le Clercq, Buffie Johnson, Tennessee Williams, and Gore Vidal.
Thanks to a bequest from the late American literary figure Donald Windham, Yale University will, on an annual basis, award more than half a dozen writers enough money to take a year off to pursue their craft.
David Brensilver
Jun 15, 2011 11:23 am
Next month, three familiar media personalities will join The Second City Touring Company onstage at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Geoff Fox, Chris Velardi, and Vinnie Penn will each walk — if only for a night — in the footsteps of such comic giants as Dan Ayckroyd, John Belushi, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, and Gilda Radner.
David Brensilver
Jun 13, 2011 11:58 am
Photo Courtesy of Hugo Kauder Society
David Pershall
The New Haven-based Hugo Kauder Society—whose mission, according to the organization’s website, is “to foster awareness and appreciation of the composer Hugo Kauder and to provide opportunities to emerging musicians to perform or even premiere his works” — held its Seventh Annual Hugo Kauder International Music Competition for Voice at Neighborhood Music School on Friday. Baritone David Pershall, soprano Claire DiVizio, and soprano Jamilyn Manning-White took first, second, and third prize, respectively.
David Brensilver
Jun 2, 2011 12:45 pm
YRM Photo
Youth Rights Media participants view film footage
As New Haven residents and public officials grapple with a rash of gun violence that saw seven shootings take place in a 48-hour period, several of the city’s youth are set to premiere a documentary film on the subject.
“Zebra,” a painting in oil on canvas by artist George Stubbs
dated 1763, is one of the many images that will be accessible to the public through the Yale Center for British Art’s new online catalog.
Beginning May 20, the Yale Center for British Art, which houses the largest and most comprehensive collection of British art outside of the United Kingdom, is sharing its extraordinary holdings with the world through a new online catalog.
David Brensilver
May 24, 2011 8:29 am
Elaine Carroll
Monday, the New Haven Symphony Orchestra announced that Elaine Carroll will serve as the organization’s interim executive director, beginning June 1. Carroll will take over for Natalie Forbes — who served as the orchestra’s executive director for six years before announcing her departure in February — until the organization hires a permanent replacement.
David Brensilver
May 23, 2011 2:42 pm
Photo courtesy of NEFA
NEFA board member Sandra Burton, NEFA Executive Director Rebecca Blunk, Margaret Bodell, Barbara Lamb, and National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Rocco Landesman
Project Storefronts, an initiative conceived and managed by the City of New Haven’s Department of Cultural Affairs and supported by the Economic Development Corporation of New Haven, was one of two organizations to receive a Creative Economy Award on Friday from the New England Foundation for the Arts. The Vermont-based Rockingham Arts & Museum Project, which is directed by Robert McBride, also received an award. Each organization received $3,500 during an event at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art.
Bill T. Jones’s “Serenade,” coming to the Festival of Arts and Ideas this summer with support from the National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts has just released information about the latest round of grants for not-for-profit arts organizations nationwide, with Connecticut receiving $1,279,000 in dedicated funding. Within Connecticut, 7 of the 16 arts grants awarded will serve to support New Haven organizations in the categories of Learning in the Arts and Artistic Excellence. Grants are being made to Artspace, Elm Shakespeare Company, Neighborhood Music School, New Haven International Festival of Arts & Ideas, New Haven Symphony Orchestra, Yale University Art Gallery and Yale-New Haven Hospital.