YNHH leaders and city officials break out their shovels.
Yale New Haven Hospital ceremoniously started construction Wednesday on a long-awaited, $838 million neurosciences center in the Dwight neighborhood, celebrating the forthcoming addition as “transformative” for patients with brain-related illnesses.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Aug 30, 2022 3:38 pm
Laura Glesby Photo
U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, at Tuesday's announcement on the New Haven Green.
Ten thousand Connecticut families and businesses currently unable to connect to the internet should be browsing at high speeds by 2023 — if a $40 million investment in expanding broadband across the state pans out as politicians are promising.
Brian Slattery |
Aug 29, 2022 9:27 am
Brian Slattery Photos
The music poured onto Temple Street all the way from the plaza in the middle of the block, directing and enticing a steady stream of pedestrians and shoppers to the long rows of canopies set up for the Black Wall Street Festival, an afternoon-long event designed to showcase a wide range of Black entrepreneurs.
Thanks to the robust turnout, a live band, and a pervasive sense of cheer, the festival was true to its name, turning Temple Street Plaza into something like bazaar meets block party.
Brian Slattery |
Aug 25, 2022 8:55 am
There’s a reason for the vibrant colors in Sarahi Zacatelco’s self-portrait. “That’s how I feel now,” Zacatelco said. “I’m a survivor,” she said, and those colors mean “freedom” — freedom from a bad situation she left behind, and freedom to accept the support of others she has found in New Haven. It’s also a celebration of the freedom “to work on myself and to work on my art. I left everything behind. All the depression. All the hard feelings. Everything.” It’s the same impulse that led her to make a painting of a pair of wings. “Now I’m flying,” she said. “Now I’m free.”
Nearly 11 months after the Board of Alders signed off on a new 43-year lease between the city and Tweed’s airport authority, the Morris Cove airport’s board is set to vote on a parallel agreement that would pave the way for a long-sought major expansion.
Kebra Smith-Bolden: Enough "control" over joint venture?
A leading local weed-preneur has sued the state for denying her company’s bid for a cannabis cultivator license under a program aimed at helping people from communities disproportionately harmed by the War on Drugs.
Ronak Gandhi |
Aug 12, 2022 9:27 am
Ronak Gandhi file photo
NOA on Crown (above), newest venture of Winyu Seetamyae (below).
Winyu “Win” Seetamyae, the chef and owner behind Upper State Street’s September in Bangkok, has opened his second restaurant at 200 Crown St. after managing to stay afloat, and profitable, during the pandemic.
Construction workers Raul Roldom (above) and Yisrael Mantar (below) ready retail space for fitness center inside new Audubon complex.
Paul Bass Photos
Builder Fowler cuts ribbon on already-leased Phase 2 of The Audubon.
A day after breaking ground in a Dixwell parking lot on new apartments for low-income renters, officials gathered on an Audubon Street lot Wednesday afternoon to break ground on 66 luxury apartments — while cutting the ribbon on 135 fast-filling-up new ones.
In the officials’ telling, those two events are linked: part of a continued construction boom that’s growing a livable city while helping more people to afford to live here.
Rose-Wilen and Piscitelli on Tuesday: "Long Wharf is the city's neighborhood."
The city's vision for a denser, mixed-use, redeveloped Long Wharf.
A proposed one-year building moratorium on Long Wharf is now one vote away from adoption — after alders and city planners made clear that certain projects, like Fusco’s planned new 500 waterfront apartments, would not be affected by the land-use pause.
Thomas Breen |
Aug 2, 2022 8:50 am
Thomas Breen photo
Dixwell Alder Jeanette Morrison at Monday's meeting.
City of New Haven map
Cannabis zoning map proposal from April; legal sales districts shaded in purple. Thanks to Monday's vote, the port district in the Annex is no longer of that purple, legal cannabis zone, and parts of Long Wharf are.
Cannabis dispensaries can now legally set up up shop in certain business and industrial districts in town — including on Long Wharf — thanks to a new set of zoning regulations approved by the Board of Alders.
Another bond rating agency has expressed optimism for Hamden’s financial future — and provided some tips on how to stay on that upward path moving forward.
Ava Boris, Mary Sarah Olson, Sofia Trotta, Adrianna Perugini, and State Sen. Christine Cohen
Adrianna Perugini came to Biohaven Pharmaceuticals as an intern to see if she was interested in pursuing biotech. Now she is a full-time employee working in downtown New Haven.
Nora Grace-Flood and Yash Roy |
Jul 28, 2022 10:00 am
Yash Roy Photo
Audrey Tyson, Alder Sarah Miller, and Gov. Lamont talk education at Brazi's during one of the governor's New Haven stops Wednesday.
Paul Bass Photo
Lamont in radio studio with hosts Jose Candelario and Norma Rodriguez-Reyes, and campaign Deputy Political Diretor Gabriela Koc.
Nora Grace-Flood photo
Lamont with Erik Clemons at ConnCORP: Talk to Looney.
Erik Clemons took advantage of a 20-minute audience with Gov. Ned Lamont to make a multimillion-dollar pitch — for bond money to help revive the commercial heart of New Haven’s Black community.
Maya McFadden and Nora Grace-Flood |
Jul 27, 2022 4:00 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
LeaMOND Suggs on Chapel Street: making New Haven smell good again.
Two decades into running one of downtown’s longer-running commercial enterprises, LeaMOND Suggs was hooking up an old friend with a new olfactory sensation.
New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker, Sonia Cruz, and Mike Piscitelli at Monday's event.
As nations dither and the planet bakes, New Haven is getting ahead of the curve on preparing contractors in green construction and environmentally responsive design.
Daniels at work inside his new storefront business.
Custom Batman sneakers .
First, Dandre Daniels takes the laces out. He soaks them in a solution and then gets to work on the sneakers: brushing excess dirt off, spraying and scrubbing, picking all debris and rocks out from the crevices, and then, the magic moment: re-icing.
A decades-old eyesore may be reborn as the new eastern gateway to Westville, according to promoters of a a planned 245-apartment complex and public West River walkway that won City Plan Commission approval Wednesday night.
Ex-middle school, site of planned "art district"-community center.
Bookshelves, diapers, Covid-19 tests, ellipticals, chicken dinners, alternative education classrooms and paint palettes could all be available to all Hamden residents at a one-stop, no-charge shop — if a plan to build a brand new, Dixwell Q House-style community center in Southern Hamden moves forward.
Olivia Gross |
Jul 17, 2022 10:41 am
Olivia Gross File Photo
Leli and Darcus Henry with daughter Leila at their new restaurant.
Olivia Gross Photo.
Plaintain cups with pork: a La Isla specialty.
Leli and Darcus Henry spent their Covid-19 quarantine wishing for a Hamden-based restaurant that served authentic, home-cooked Puerto Rican food. When they didn’t find one, they opened their own.