East Rock Record’s Isabel Faustino grills Pendragon.
Mayoral candidate Urn Pendragon has personal experience getting bullied: as a nerdy student, as a transgender woman, as someone who has struggled through homelessness and unemployment.
Pendragon told two middle school reporters she considers that experience not a liability, but an asset in her bid to represent the city’s “underrepresented.”
Markeshia Ricks |
Mar 27, 2019 12:42 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Mayoral candidate Justin Elicker listens to Westville neighbors during a fundraiser …
… organized by Betsy Schulman and Amy Marx.
Justin Elicker lost by 1,800 votes the last time he faced Toni Harp in an election. And back then, she wasn’t even the incumbent. Now, she’s a three-term mayor with access to a powerful GOTV apparatus and deeper campaign pockets.
Christopher Peak & Paul Bass |
Mar 20, 2019 2:31 pm
Bass, Ricks Photos
Elicker (left): People deserve to know. Harp campaign chair Bartlett: Elicker’s talking “nonsense” and “hot air.”
City contractors, longtime political allies, and charter-school machers are hosting a $250-$1,000-a-ticket fundraiser for Mayor Toni Harp’s reelection quest in Avon Thursday evening, a day after a state agency voted to launch an investigation into her campaign’s paperwork lapses.
Markeshia Ricks |
Mar 7, 2019 6:48 pm
Markeshia Ricks Photo
Mayor Harp answers student reporters’ questions Thursday.
When a reporter for the East Rock Record asked Mayor Toni Harp her thoughts on the anti-vaxxer movement, he got more than a policy answer — he learned about her own childhood, when she battled polio.
Harp last week delivering the annual State of the City address.
New Haven Mayor Toni Harp filed papers Thursday at the city clerk’s office to run for a fourth two-year term, and issued Valentine’s Day message to fellow Democrats with a nod to the Rev. Al Green..
Elicker (with daughter Molly) as he files papers for mayoral run.
Justin Elicker was ready to talk about changing the way New Haven government runs. He asked for “more time” to provide fully formed positions to some of the most controversial specific choices he might face.
Elicker files for primary run, surrounded by campaign supporter Walter Livingston Morton IV, Treasurer Laura Snow Robinson, daughters April and Molly, and wife Natalie Elicker. At right: Assistant City Clerk May Gardner-Reed.
Surrounded by his wife and two young daughters, Justin Elicker filed papers Wednesday to challenge incumbent Toni Harp for mayor — and opened with a focus on cleaning up lead paint in children’s homes and money fueling election campaigns.
Two 40-something New Haveners —a former alder who runs the Land Trust and an ex-federal prosecutor who targeted government corruption — are “seriously considering” challenging incumbent Toni Harp for mayor in 2019.
The two, Justin Elicker and Liam Brennan, have been meeting with community leaders and activists to build support for Democratic mayoral primary challenges.